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The Artist Commissioning Program (ACP) awards choreographers, playwrights, and composers $10,000 each towards the creation of a new, original work. This program democratizes the traditional commissioning process, which has historically been reserved for a privileged few. The ACP supports projects that add to the canon of American art by telling an untold story of underrepresented person(s) relevant to Queens communities.
This year, the ACP is focusing on the neighborhoods of Maspeth/Ridgewood and Flushing. Proposed projects should demonstrate a connection to one of these two communities.
ACP's priority is to support artists who present a fresh perspective by creating work that defies the cultural mainstream, privileges underrepresented identities, and/or speaks to the cultural diversity of Queens by telling an untold story of underrepresented person(s).
By commissioning artists to materialize such works, the ACP aims to fill gaps in American culture by actively adding to the art historical canon. In doing so, the ACP aims to create a more democratic cultural sector that is more inclusive of the diverse narratives, cultural backgrounds, and values associated with our borough and nation.
Artists’ proposed projects should:
- Demonstrate their new work’s connection to the communities of either Maspeth/Ridgewood or Flushing.
- Highlight the stories of individual protagonists (e.g. heroine(s), hero(s), characters) in their proposed works to give underrepresented people a vision of themselves as leading characters.
- Be replicable, capable of being interpreted and produced for dance, music, or theatre by other artist(s) or third parties throughout the borough, city, and country (e.g. if a high school or off-broadway theatre wanted to produce your work, they could do so - think Summer Stock or Swan Lake).
A cohort of seven community members, or "Art Commissioners”, will evaluate and select the artists’ projects. Deeply connected to the target neighborhoods, these art lovers demonstrate a stake in the community’s cultural life. Following your project’s selection, they will be actively involved in your project's development from inception to completion.
Flushing & Maspeth/Ridgewood
The 2019-20 ACP Neighborhoods of Focus
Every year, ACP focuses on two Queens neighborhoods to enable local art lovers to commission art for their own communities.
This year, the neighborhoods are Maspeth/Ridgewood and Flushing. For this reason, programming will be largely concentrated in these two areas.
Four (4) artists will be chosen by a panel of ACP Art Commissioners who include Maspeth/Ridgewood and Flushing community members, arts lovers and supporters.
Each artist will receive a commission of $10,000 towards the creation of a new work, as well as support towards its premiere production.
The following eligibility criteria apply for artist applicants:
- ARTISTIC DISCIPLINE: Composers, playwrights, and choreographers are eligible to apply.
- LOCATION: All greater NYC artists within a commuting distance to Astoria, Maspeth/Ridgewood and Flushing can apply
- GEOGRAPHIC PREFERENCE: Preference will be given to current Queens residents
- TIME COMMITMENT: Artists must be able to commit to program dates, with up to two allotted absences (see calendar below)
- AGE: Must be 21 years or older as of January 1, 2020
- STUDENTS INELIGIBLE: Students are not eligible to apply
Local community members, or art commissioners, will be responsible for reviewing your work in a panel process. Successful artists will be evaluated based on the following criteria:
UNTOLD STORIES: Demonstrated capacity to create new art that tells an untold story by highlighting underrepresented person(s) in the cultural mainstream
CONNECTION TO TARGET NEIGHBORHOODS: The project proposals will be evaluated based on project and/or artist’s demonstrated connection to the two 2019-20 ACP neighborhoods of focus, Maspeth/Ridgewood and Flushing
ARTISTIC MERIT: Artistic merit of submitted work samples
PROJECT PROPOSAL: Quality and clarity of the project proposal
REPLICABILITY & FEASIBILITY: The ideal ACP project is replicable, capable of being interpreted by other artist(s) and interested parties throughout the borough, city, and country. The Art Commissioners will also consider the project’s overall feasibility.
LOCATION PREFERENCE: Preference will be given to current Queens residents
ARTIST STIPEND: to compensate the artists for their time & creative labor
PERFORMERS’ FEES: to compensate the artists' performers, such as actors, dancers, and musicians, for their time & creative labor
REHEARSAL FEES: to book rehearsal space to create/develop the work
DOCUMENTATION FOR COMMISSION: expenses related to documenting the work and/or creating the commission’s deliverables (for choreographers, this may include video of the choreography for the commission’s deliverables; see below for details)
OTHER CREATION EXPENSES: related to the creation of the work (e.g. equipment purchase)
World Premiere production of SHED by 2017-18 Awardee in Choreography Chuan Xie at Queens Botanical Garden; photo by Nathaniel Marsh.
World Premiere production of SHED by 2017-18 Awardee in Choreography Chuan Xie at Queens Botanical Garden; photo by Nathaniel Marsh.
In addition to the $10,000 commissioning fee, Queens Council on the Arts also supports the fees associated with:
EVENTS: As their projects are being developed, artists and Art Commissioners participate and/or host Monthly Convenings to touch base on the artists’ process, such as open rehearsals, art salons, and professional development events on commissioning art. QCA will cover the expenses associated with these events. Artists are expected to attend all program dates barring up to two conflicts. See Program Timeline below for specifics.
VENUE RENTAL: QCA will cover the cost of a venue rental for the artists’ World Premiere, if applicable. While artists are encouraged to have an idea of where they would like their work’s World Premiere to take place (ideally within Maspeth/Ridgewood or Flushing), if selected, the artists will work with the Art Commissioners & QCA staff to select a venue that suits their work and artistic vision for the new work's World Premiere.
OTHER PRODUCTION EXPENSES: related to the production of the World Premiere, including:
Print Marketing: World Premiere showcards and programs (graphic design and printing)
Event photography: Event photography of the artists’ World Premiere
Reception: A light reception during the project’s the World Premiere
DOCUMENT THEIR COMMISSION: ACP Awardees will create and deliver a completed dance, music score or theater script created by to Queens Council on the Arts by September 30, 2020. Because the purpose of ACP is to commission new culture that can be replicated and added to the American Canon, this documentation should provide enough information so that a production of this new work could be interpreted and produced throughout the borough, city, and world.
PRODUCE A WORLD PREMIERE IN QUEENS: Orchestrate a World Premiere of their Artist Commissioning Program project by September 30, 2020. This event will be produced in conjunction with, and engage the support of, the 2019-20 cohort of Art Commissioners and Queens Council on the Arts. If at all possible, World Premieres should take place in the neighborhoods of Flushing or Maspeth/Ridgewood, Queens.
The artists retain all copyright and intellectual property rights associated with their work and any future productions of that work.
The documentation of commission obtained by QCA described above will be used for record-keeping and for the purpose of fulfilling the expectations of this award only.
QCA retains the exclusive right to:
Present the premiere performance of the work in Queens. This should be the first time the work has ever been presented to the public.
Be credited as the commissioner of the work in published editions, recordings, and programs of all future performances.
August 13, 2019: Application opens
November 14, 2019: Artist Application deadline
Late December 2019: Artist Notification
The Artist Commissioning Program runs from November 2019 - October 2020. Artists are expected to be present and engaged for a variety of program dates, including a kickoff party, and monthly convenings with the cohort(s) of arts commissioners dedicated to supporting their project. Because the success of this program hinges on participant engagement, we ask that artists do not miss more than two program events. Artists are not expected or required to attend the other group's monthly check-ins.
The program calendar is as follows:
Friday, January 3 from 6 - 8pm
MONTHLY CONVENINGS (January – July 2020): Artists and art commissioners participate in and host monthly Art Salons, Studio Visits, Artist Talks, & Professional Development Events
Thursday, January 16th from 6 - 8pm
Thursday, February 20th from 6 - 8pm [all ACP]
Thursday, March 19th from 6 - 8pm
Thursday, April 16th from 6 - 8pm [all ACP]
Thursday, May 14th from 6 - 8pm
Thursday, June 18th from 6 - 8pm [all ACP]
Thursday, August 13th from 6 - 8pm
Thursday, January 23rd from 6 - 8pm
Thursday, February 20th from 6 - 8pm [all ACP]
Thursday, March 26th from 6 - 8pm
Thursday, April 16th from 6 - 8pm [all ACP]
Thursday, May 21 from 6 - 8pm
Thursday, June 18th from 6 - 8pm [all ACP]
Thursday, August 20th from 6 - 8pm
August - September 2020 (exact dates TBD)