Boy, you have a lot of pent-up anger, Ellen.
You expect us to roll over and smile as we watch the most despicable behavior of any president ever. Joe and Mika did it. I don’t have to. Trump accused Scarborough of killing a campaign worker in his office and insulted his wife, Mika, but they both crawled up his butt within a few weeks of the election. How could they prostrate themselves in front of Trump?
GINNYI think you mean “prostate,” Ellen. And I’m pretty sure Mika doesn’t have one – unless she’s transgender which is entirely possible.
Your ignorance overwhelms me, Ginny.
SUSANYou’re being rude, Ellen.ELLEN(Incredulous) Really? I’m being rude. You say the most hateful things, and I’m being rude. Your husband parades around the neighborhood in his MAGA hat and Trump shirt. Did the Trump store run out of Nazi armbands? With a year, he’ll probably put his face on a $20 bill and Mt. Rushmore.SUSANYou need to work out this anger on the tennis court. We play the gals from Naples Grande Country Club on Tuesday.
ELLENNo, Susan. I’m done. Even though we don’t share the same political party, I thought we shared the same values. Apparently not, because character and values don’t matter to you at all. It’s clear that decency, honesty, civility, respect and kindness are no longer American values. I used to say that the people in Naples have midwestern values. What was I thinking? Overthrowing democracy isn’t a midwestern value, and voting for a fascist isn’t a deal-breaker for you. Vance called him America’s Hitler and then backed him 100 percent. Nominate Vance for a JFK Profiles in Courage Award along with Mitch McConnell, John Roberts, and Nikki Haley.
SUSANGo have a drink, Ellen. You should get on Truth Social. Watch Fox News, and you’ll see how wrong you are about Trump.ELLENNo, thank you. Maybe I can watch Russian propaganda on Pravda and cut out the middleman.
GINNYPRADA? Do they have stores in Russia?
ELLEN(Frustrated) Why do I bother?SUSANI don’t get you, Ellen, but you’re a great tennis player. Same time tomorrow?ELLENI love playing tennis but I’d rather hit a ball against a wall than play with you. Now, go off to the club and enjoy the dinner a hard-working immigrant helped make for you.
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