We never post opportunities that require a submission fee. LEARN MORE.

Friday, February 7, 2025

RESISTING FASCISM ~ A Felon and a Fascist – What’s Not to Like? by Les Abromowitz

Les Abromovitz
is a member of the Dramatists Guild. Ten of his one-act and 10-minute comedies were selected for production or readings in 2024. Les has been the author, co-author, technical editor, and ghostwriter of numerous business books. And last but certainly least, he is an attorney.

My father-in-law escaped Nazi Germany in 1940. Prior to his death in 2018, he warned us that America was reminding him of Germany in the 1930s, and this was before the January 6 insurrection and other attacks on democracy. My play also incorporates the real-life experiences of other family members and friends that are comingled in one scene. My script combines actual conversations along with the comments we wish we were quick enough to say at the time.

     ~ Excerpt published by permission, all rights held by the playwright.

If you enjoy a piece published in the RESISTING FASCISM project, we encourage you to reach out to the playwright to tell them so. If the playwright has not included an email address or website, let us know at info@nycplaywrights.org and we'll pass along your message.

Boy, you have a lot of pent-up anger, Ellen.
You expect us to roll over and smile as we watch the most despicable behavior of any president ever. Joe and Mika did it. I don’t have to. Trump accused Scarborough of killing a campaign worker in his office and insulted his wife, Mika, but they both crawled up his butt within a few weeks of the election. How could they prostrate themselves in front of Trump? 
I think you mean “prostate,” Ellen. And I’m pretty sure Mika doesn’t have one – unless she’s transgender which is entirely possible.
Your ignorance overwhelms me, Ginny. 
You’re being rude, Ellen.
(Incredulous) Really? I’m being rude. You say the most hateful things, and I’m being rude. Your husband parades around the neighborhood in his MAGA hat and Trump shirt. Did the Trump store run out of Nazi armbands? With a year, he’ll probably put his face on a $20 bill and Mt. Rushmore.
You need to work out this anger on the tennis court. We play the gals from Naples Grande Country Club on Tuesday.


No, Susan. I’m done. Even though we don’t share the same political party, I thought we shared the same values. Apparently not, because character and values don’t matter to you at all. It’s clear that decency, honesty, civility, respect and kindness are no longer American values. I used to say that the people in Naples have midwestern values. What was I thinking? Overthrowing democracy isn’t a midwestern value, and voting for a fascist isn’t a deal-breaker for you. Vance called him America’s Hitler and then backed him 100 percent. Nominate Vance for a JFK Profiles in Courage Award along with Mitch McConnell, John Roberts, and Nikki Haley.
Go have a drink, Ellen. You should get on Truth Social. Watch Fox News, and you’ll see how wrong you are about Trump.
No, thank you. Maybe I can watch Russian propaganda on Pravda and cut out the middleman.  
PRADA? Do they have stores in Russia? 
(Frustrated) Why do I bother?
I don’t get you, Ellen, but you’re a great tennis player. Same time tomorrow?
I love playing tennis but I’d rather hit a ball against a wall than play with you. Now, go off to the club and enjoy the dinner a hard-working immigrant helped make for you.

LATEST FASCISM ATROCITY as Trump targets the First Amendment: Trump Amplifies Conspiracy Theory Over Payments to Politico

Strides Collective Commission


Deadline: February 23, 2025 at 11:59 PM


The Strides Collective is currently accepting applications from queer playwrights in the Mid-Atlantic Region for our inaugural Strides Collective Commission (SCC). One selected playwright will receive a stipend of $500 and work closely with the Collective over the course of a year to develop their original idea for a full length, modern queer play, culminating in a produced staged reading of the new play in 2026. 

In order to qualify for the SCC, the following criteria must be met:

Playwright self-identifies as a member of the LGBTQIA+ community

Playwright resides in the Mid-Atlantic Region (Pennsylvania, New Jersey, New York, Delaware, Washington D.C., Maryland, Virginia, or West Virginia)

Playwright has never had a play professionally produced (i.e. with AEA contracts). Readings, workshops, community, collegiate, and semi-professional productions are OK.

Playwright is not currently a student in an undergraduate program. Note: current undergraduate students who are seniors and plan to graduate in Spring 2025 may still apply.

For this opportunity, we are looking for wholly original ideas that have not yet been worked on or written, as the intent is to nurture the development of the script from the very beginning.

In preparing your submission, please keep in mind the following guidelines that Strides uses in determining which type of plays to develop and produce. We are currently looking for ideas for plays that:
  • Speak on the current queer experience
  • Contain dynamic, well-rounded queer characters
  • Are set in the present, the near past, or the near future
  • Are modern in language, perspective, and theme
  • Are grounded in realism or magical realism

In addition, we are NOT looking for ideas for plays that:
  • Are historical, period pieces, and/or biographical in nature
  • Primarily feature high-school aged characters
  • Solely focus on explicit queer trauma or stereotypes
  • Are adaptations of Shakespeare, myths, classic stories, or any other pre-existing material of any kind

Finally, this opportunity is supporting the development of a full length play by one playwright. Therefore, we are not currently accepting ideas for musicals, one-act plays, solo shows, or pieces written by multiple collaborators.


Facebook page

Deadline: February 12, 2025

EMAIL: All scripts should be sent to theatre@valenciacollege.edu with the subject: 2025 One Act Festival. 

Please put your name in the file name, along with the title of the work being submitted. (For Example: EdgarAPoe.DreamWithinaDream) If submitting multiple works, please send in the same email, but as different files. Send only PDF or Microsoft Word files (No links to Dropboxes/Sharepoint, Cloud or similar.)

Valencia College in Orlando, Florida is looking for local/regional/national playwrights to work with the Valencia College Theatre Department (VC) on our annual student directed project titled “MEDIA” as part of their “Student Directed One Act Festival / Florida Playwright Competition” 2025.
The VC directing students will be creating a festival of 3 to 5 minute plays to be performed in Orlando in April 2025 in our Black Box Theatre. This is part of Valencia’s ongoing commitment to original theatre and the “Florida Playwright’s Competition” which has run each year since 1992.
(NOTE: Submissions accepted from all across the globe, does not have to be a Florida Based playwright)

Playwrights may submit up to (2) works each, either newly written or a previous work that fits the theme of “MEDIA” (see below)

THEME: “MEDIA” and specifically ‘SOCIAL MEDIA” can be interpreted in any way that you choose. Comedy, Drama, Farce, or any combination. The interpretation can be literal or figurative, whimsical or dark, social commentary and satire. (No musical works accepted at this time). This allows for a great deal of commentary on how both Media and Social Media play into our daily lives on a personal, regional, national and global level.

LENGTH: Time limit minimum of 3 minutes, maximum of 5 minutes each one act. (If a work is chosen that runs over, the directors will be encouraged to work with the playwright to edit into time span)

CAST: limited to 2 actors. Both characters must have an equal balance in the script. (One person plays are not included in the festival). NOTE: You can have an offstage voice as well if needed as long as it is minimally used.

TECH: The One Acts are staged in our 100 seat Black Box theatre, with minimal tech: The student directors will have access to 4 theatrical cubes, 4 chairs, one small table. Sound cues will be utilized, and minimum lighting and projections will be provided. Props/costumes as needed provided by the individual directors.

CASTING: The casting will come from Valencia College’s Acting Two classes, and open to all genders and gender identities, ages, ethnicities, etc. Open and inclusive casting for the scripts is necessary. Ages skew to the college age range.

STIPEND: If chosen, all playwrights will receive a stipend for the performance rights for their work. All playwrights will retain the rights for their work, but grant Valencia College Theatre the rights for performance and posting (online component if utilized) with full credit given. Contracts will be sent if a work is chosen. (Standard stipend is $75 per playwright for performance rights to the 5-minute one act. The works are performed twice and possibly filmed for online as well) Note: There is no ticket charge either in person or online.

DEADLINE: Scripts shall be submitted by 5pm on Wednesday, February 12th, 2025 – Notification to playwrights by February 21st, 2025

QUESTIONS: Please contact us at the above email.

Thursday, February 6, 2025

Blindspot Collective: Young Artist Collective


Deadline:  February 8, 2025 at 6PM

Blindspot Collective, a theatre company in San Diego dedicated to radically inclusive new work and diverse emerging artists, seeks original, new musicals to be produced in Summer 2025 in conjunction with UCSD Art Power and our Young Artist Collective. 

One musical will be selected to be presented by the Young Artist Collective, an ensemble of young performers ages 15-25 that provides hands-on professional experience to emerging artists. In 2024, Blindspot piloted this program produced Chasing Fear with music by composer Truth Future Bachman at UCSD’s Epstein Amphitheatre.


Complete applications must be submitted by 6pm on Sunday, February 8, 2025. 

Select applicants will be asked to submit additional materials including sheet music and a draft of the script or libretto by February 21st. ​

Interviews with all finalists will be scheduled in March so that a final selection may be announced by April 2025. 

Because each show and writing team will have specific skills and challenges, additional developmental support will be determined based on the needs of the selected project. Additional readings, script development, and orchestration support may be available based on the unique collaboration that emerges.

This project aims to expand the musical theatre canon by supporting the development of musicals that uplift historically excluded or marginalized voices and communities. Specifically, this program wishes to support the production of musicals that meet the needs of contemporary high school and collegiate programs by exploring meaningful themes, flexible casting, age-appropriate characters, and strong ensemble involvement. 

​Because Blindspot Collective is committed to inclusivity and authentic representation, members of historically excluded or marginalized communities are strongly encouraged to apply. These communities include but are not limited to: people of color, women, individuals with disabilities, immigrants, and members of the LGBTQ+ community.

Gloria Bond Clunie Playwright’s Festival 2025

Facebook page

Deadline: February 10, 2025

Submission form

Fleetwood-Jourdain Theatre in Evanston, IL is proud to announce the return of the Gloria Bond Clunie Playwright’s Festival. The new play development initiative honors the incredible career and legacy of Gloria Bond Clunie, one of the founding members of Fleetwood-Jourdain. She is also a founding member of the Playwriting Ensemble at Victory Gardens Theater where she premiered her plays North Star, Shoes, and Living Green. Her work as a theater and educator has been recognized by the NAACP, the Joseph Jefferson Awards, Chicago Black Theatre Alliance Awards, and Evanston Mayor’s Award for the Arts, among many others.

This festival will take place over two weekends (June 20th-22nd and June 27th-29th) at FJT’s home, the Noyes Cultural Center in Evanston. The first weekend will be for the playwrights to connect with each other and spend uninterrupted time developing their play. The second weekend will offer rehearsal time with a director and actors, culminating in a public staged reading. Playwrights will have the opportunity to participate in talkback sessions with the audience.

Important Dates:

Late February - Playwrights will be informed of their submission status

June 20th (evening) through June 22nd (early evening) - In-Person in Evanston, IL - introductory dinner, guest speaker, writing time, and script workshopping with actors and a director

June 27th (evening) through June 29th (early evening) - In-Person in Evanston, IL - rehearsal with actors and a director, a public staged reading, and a talkback with the audience


Playwrights should be able to attend both weekend sessions in-person at Noyes Cultural Center (927 Noyes Ave, Evanston, IL). Travel stipend and housing are not available.

Playwrights that are accepted into the festival will receive a $50 stipend.

Fleetwood-Jourdain Theatre is able to offer writing space, wifi, and printing services. FJT is not able to provide laptops or devices to work on. Directors and assistant directors will be hired by the theater. It will be the director’s responsibility to cast the reading, and directors will collaborate with the playwright on casting.

The Plays:

There will be three plays selected: one full-length and two one acts. One acts should be between 15-45 minutes with the full length between 60-100 minutes

Plays can be in any stage of the development process.

Plays must require 4 or fewer actors for a reading. Staged directions will be read aloud.

The mission of Fleetwood Jourdain Theatre is to present work that center the African-American experience and explore stories of the African Diaspora. The inclusion and interpretation of this mission is up to the playwright. Playwrights of all races, ethnicities, sizes, religions, sexualities, abilities, and genders will be considered.

Reach out to FJTheatre@cityofevanston.org with any questions.

Wednesday, February 5, 2025

RESISTING FASCISM ~ Just Politics by Sophie Goldstein

Sophie Goldstein is a Jewish/Chicana writer from Los Angeles whose short plays have been seen in Los Angeles, Carpinteria, Illinois, and Michigan. She has received honorable mentions and placed in contests sponsored by WOW! Women Writing and Reedsy, was a 2022 writer finalist for the Ya Tu Sabes monologue competition sponsored by Nosotros, and her story "Garden in the City" was published in Anchor Magazine in 2017.

Whatever thoughts I or anyone else might have about the politics of Hillary Clinton or Kamala Harris, the fact remains that, whether they want to acknowledge it or not, many men simply refused to vote for a woman. In a world that has seen the heights of the MeToo movement, the growing sense of Wokeness (basic human decency?), people of color demanding their rights and power, and an increasing number of women in leadership positions, it begs the question: are men, (the majority of Trump voters being White men), so terrified of losing their dominance, of being 'left behind,' that they would vote for a tyrant?
It would appear so. 

     ~ Excerpt published by permission, all rights held by the playwright.

If you enjoy a piece published in the RESISTING FASCISM project, we encourage you to reach out to the playwright to tell them so. If the playwright has not included an email address or website, let us know at info@nycplaywrights.org and we'll pass along your message.

SEAN: But, to be fair, you teach older students. 
SONYA: I don’t know how- 
SEAN: Trust me, it makes a difference. 
SONYA: Do you always interrupt this much? 
SEAN: What? 
SONYA: I can barely get a word in. 
SEAN: Sorry, professor, go ahead. 
SONYA:...when was the last time you went on a date? 
SEAN: That’s very personal. 
SONYA: Don’t answer if you don’t want to. 
SEAN: ...About two weeks ago. 
SONYA: And how’d it go? 
SEAN: If it had gone well, I wouldn’t be here. 
SONYA: So, you’re looking for a relationship? 
SEAN: Maybe. Aren’t you? 
SONYA: What does it say on my profile? 
SONYA: You didn’t even read it, did you? 
SEAN: I didn’t think I needed to. I saw your face and that was enough for me. You’re even better
in person. 
SONYA:...I need to use the restroom. 
SONYA exits. SEAN watches her leave. He sips his beer. He takes out his phone and looks at her profile. He shakes his head at something. He fidgets, clearly upset about what he saw. She re-enters and sits. 
SONYA: So, I’m thinking I’m going to go. I don’t- 
SEAN: What’s your deal?

SONYA: What? 
SEAN: ‘No Trump supporters?’ 
SONYA: So, you did read it. 
SEAN: Just now. 
SONYA: If you’d read it before, you could have saved us both a lot of trouble. 
SEAN: It’s kinda fucked up, don’t you think? Not dating someone just because of their politics. 
SONYA: It’s not just politics. 
SEAN: What if you meet your perfect match, but they voted for Trump? 
SONYA: Then they wouldn’t be my perfect match. 
SEAN: Women are crazy. 
SONYA: We’re the ones who are crazy? Us? Has a woman in power ever said to grab a man by his balls? 

SEAN: Oh, please- 
SONYA: Who was the last woman in power to be accused by multiple people of sexual assault?

SEAN: You- 
SONYA: You voted for a man who has said horrific things about Latinos, Black people, gay people, women- 
SEAN: He doesn’t mean that. 
SONYA: He doesn’t mean it? 
SEAN: The man has no filter. 
SONYA: So, you’re voting for a man who has no self-control.


Fascism update: Trump’s Gaza plan would violate international law, experts say 

Call for Submissions: Brave Voices Short-Play Festival


Deadline: March 31, 2025 @11:59PM

Are you a playwright with a passion for telling stories that center around LGBTQIA+, POC, and other marginalized voices? We want to hear from you! Brave Voices, a short-play festival celebrating underrepresented perspectives, is now accepting submissions of original 10-minute plays.

Theme: Stories must center around LGBTQIA+, POC, or marginalized characters. All genres (including horror) are welcome.

Length: 10-minute plays (approximately 8–10 pages).

Originality: All plays must be unpublished (though prior productions are permitted) and should be suitable for a low-budget black box theater.

Submission Format: Scripts should be submitted as a PDF or Word document, with a cover page that includes the title of the play, your name, and contact information.

Playwrights of selected works will receive a $50 honorarium and their work will be part of the Brave Voices Short-Play Festival in August 2025 at Boxland in Columbus, Ohio.

Selected playwrights will be notified via email by April 20, 2025.
How to Submit:

Please send your script to boxlandsubmissions@gmail.com with the subject line: "Brave Voices – [Your Play Title]."

Boxland Inc., is a 501c3 non-profit supporting Central Ohio multimedia artists. We provide a platform for artists, actors, and other creatives to showcase their work.

Our mission is to facilitate the production of quality creative multimedia and provide a safe, fair, stable, and supportive launchpad for the artists who produce it.

New Jersey Theater Alliance: Healing Voices 2025

Deadline: February 14, 2025

Limit of 10 pages per submission for plays.  Excerpts from longer pieces will be accepted.  The theatres reserve the right to further excerpt the pieces to create the final showcase. 

Caregivers are invited to submit all forms of creative writing, including prose, poetry, and theatrical pieces that reflect the theme of caregiving or the personal healing experience. Selected pieces are woven together by professional theatre artists into an evening of readings celebrating, exploring, and bearing witness to the caregiving experience. 

This program is open to both professional caregivers and family caregivers. Short works of prose, poetry, and theatre are welcomed. All entries must be original works and must not have previously been published. All pieces should reflect the theme of caregiving, in whatever way resonates with the writer. Pieces that explore the personal healing experience are also considered.

The 2025 Healing Voices Performances will take place in the Spring on the following dates:

April 13, 3pm – Premiere Stages, Union, NJ

May 4, 1-2:30pm – McCarter Theatre Center, Princeton, NJ

Tuesday, February 4, 2025




Deadline: February 7, 2025

Please email us at wwalker@parisjc.edu for a submission form. When you email your form, please write PYRO PLAYFEST SUBMISSION in the subject line. 

The Paris Junior College Department of Drama is excited to announce the return of it New Play Festival – Pyro PlayFest in 2025. 

This year we are looking for new works to consider for the upcoming 10th ANNUAL NEW PLAY FESTIVAL that relate to this year’s theme: “Where There is a Will, There is a Way”. This year we are inspired by the Bard himself, William Shakespeare, so we are looking for unpublished 15-20 minute plays that can be performed by two to eight actors, with minimal set, incorporating the “Where There is a Will, There is a Way” theme in any way you see fit.

Meaning, you can interpret the theme however you’d like. Plays may have been produced or workshopped before, but unpublished. Playwrights of all experience levels are encouraged to submit. The 10th Annual Pyro PlayFest is to take place April 24-27, 2025.

Black Men Talk Play Festival 2025 seeks 10-minute plays


Deadline: March 15, 2025 at 11PM CT


The 10-minute play festival will be a celebration of the voices, stories, and perspectives of Black male playwrights and showcase the works of new and emerging Black male playwrights telling authentic stories of the Black experience.

The Black Men Talk Play Festival, the first of its kind, aims to honor the contributions of Black male playwrights - initiated by a Chicago-based Black playwright. The event will host three performances in Chicago in August 2025. 

A panel of readers in the industry will carefully select the plays to be part of the festival. All submissions will receive a confirmation email. 

Notifications will be made on or before April 15th. The official list of selected plays and playwrights will be posted on: https://blackmentalkplayfestival.com on April 30, 2025.

  • Submissions are due by March 15th at 11:59 pm CT.
  • Script submitted must be the final version in proper play format.
  • Playwrights must submit plays that run from 8-10 minutes or 8-10 pages. Your cover page should have: title of play, your name, email address, and phone number.
  • Plays should feature up to two to four actors.
  • Scripts should be written with minimal set and costume requirements.
  • One entry per person.
  • Plays must be unpublished and must not have had a professional production.
  • Plays must be submitted electronically in PDF format.
  • No musicals, screenplays, or monologues will be selected for this festival.
  • Your submission should be your own work. 
  • All submissions must be submitted online.

Monday, February 3, 2025

The Weekly Workshop - the kick you need to see your script through

The Weekly Workshop

Start the New Year off right! 

Join our nationwide community of playwrights on Zoom. 

It’s a great way to stay connected and motivated.


Participating in a weekly workshop can give you the kick you need to see your script through from beginning to end.  You can bring in anything you’re working on — a full length script, a musical, a TV pilot, whatever. And when your script is ready — we’ll present it in a Public Reading. We also bring in Guest Speakers, like Pulitzer Prize winner Margaret Edson (Wit). 



Sit in on a session and see for yourself!

Tuesdays or Thursdays 7 - 9:30pm EST


Check out our website for more details and rates. 


Script Consultations


If you don’t have time for the workshop but have a script you’d like some feedback on — just send a PDF of your script and you’ll get a critique via email and/or video conference. See website for rates.


Richard Caliban has worked with  individuals on their scripts from all over the world — Indonesia, China, Greece, Australia, Serbia, as well as right here in New York. A script consultation will provide you with feedback on the structural soundness of your story, the dramatic arc of your protagonist, thematic unity and much more.


Online One-on-One Courses


If you’re looking for more, check out our One on One Online Playwriting Courses:


       The Art of Playwriting

       Write a Play in 10 Weeks

       3 Hour Short Course


All are with instructor Richard Caliban, and since it’s One on One, the courses can be adjusted to fit your level of experience. 


Please visit our website for further Info and Rates: 




Contact us at 


RESISTING FASCISM ~ Shadow People by Debbie L. Tan

Debbie L. Tan is a playwright/creative writer from QC, Philippines. She's a freelance writer and editor. Debbie's play Jade Turtle Beauty is selected as Semi-Finalist in the SES International Playwriting Prize of 2016. Nationally, she has won two Carlos Palanca Memorial Awards for Literature for her one-act plays in 2007 and in 2008. Her play Fate's Line is published under a grant of the National Commission for Culture and the Arts (NCCA). Several of her plays have been produced in CCP and in some schools for a few years. Debbie was a member of the International Centre for Women Playwrights and had been its Board Member for two years.

The play Shadow People is about a dire fictional future when current real tensions in the West Philippine Seas results in a Philippine occupation by two powerful authoritarian-run countries. The intellectual who is jailed and guarded by her former student hopes to reach her/his individuality and humanity.

     ~ Excerpt published by permission, all rights held by the playwright.

If you enjoy a piece published in the RESISTING FASCISM project, we encourage you to reach out to the playwright to tell them so. If the playwright has not included an email address or website, let us know at info@nycplaywrights.org and we'll pass along your message.

What is your name? The name in your heart. Don't let them take your heart away.

                SHADOW 1
You must remember.


I told you. I'm Guard now. If you can't be persuaded to work then, stay here. Don't expect me to care if you suffer.

E98E0 and SHADOW 1 crouch down low. GUARD leaves and enters with G64E5. 
            (exaggerates loudly)

Go. Go. Go inside, Number G64E5. Hard-headed, annoying people should stay in the same cell. I'm sure you'll kill each other in no time.

GUARD laughs loudly as they throw a baton, a taser and a key on the floor. GUARD exits. E98E0 and G64E5 grab the things from the floor. G64E5 remains on the floor.

(stands with what she grabbed, in low tones)

Quiet. We will wait for the right time.

I don't trust you.

Trust is the first thing that they killed in us. The next is to fight each other.

Are you a spy? Trying to catch me in my most vulnerable moment?

SHADOW 1 keeps pulling something off the ground. SHADOW 2 crawls on the ground. SHADOW 1 reaches out her hand. 
I am not a spy. I am a prisoner, most likely, to be killed if I don't change the whole history of the Philippines and eventually, the world.

SHADOW 2 reaches out her hand. SHADOW 1 clutches it and slowly pulls SHADOW 2 up. 
           (stands clutching what they grabbed)

I was an advertising director. Award-winning, I might add. They want me to make propaganda videos highlighting the US King approving of the military parade of fighter
jets, tanks, armory...f@#$^*% sh@#! 
(in forceful whisper)

I hate it! Never.

SHADOW 1 and SHADOW 2 shaking hands and very friendly gestures. 
I feel the same way.
           (looks at items in hand)

I thought this is the end for me. But maybe there is some hope.

Why did that guard...

They knew me as their former teacher. They knew the way I taught — with passion and heart. I encouraged their individuality.

But maybe they really want us to kill each other. 
No. I do not believe that. There is this key.

                SHADOW 1
Plus, I couldn't kill anyone.

Then, maybe there's hope.

                SHADOW 2
We have to be wise. Plan.

We'll die trying, won't we?

I was prepared to die before you came. Now, I'm prepared to live and fight.

Let's talk strategy. We might've to stay here for awhile until we know our moves.


Sounds of footsteps. Sounds of protesting voices.


The latest in the Trump fascism horror show - thanks to Trump neo-Nazi Elon Musk now has access to your SSN

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