We never post opportunities that require a submission fee. LEARN MORE.

Saturday, August 31, 2024

Forward Theater Co. 8th Monologue Festival: Guilty Pleasures


Deadline: September 1, 2024

Submit scripts via e-mail to monologues@forwardtheater.com

Fess up! For our eighth Monologue Festival, Guilty Pleasures, Forward Theater would like to challenge playwrights to send us new, original scripts about the secret indulgences we dare not admit. Indulge in the joys, embarrassments, and sweet reliefs that come from embracing our most private delights.

Monologues may take the form of comedy, spoken word, drama, farce, autobiography, or pure fiction. Our goal is to craft a delicious, diverse slate of pieces for the Monologue Festival. Call variety our own guilty pleasure. We look forward to hearing from you!

Playwrights of any age or residence may submit their work for consideration.

1. Monologues must be written for a single actor to perform.

2. We do not accept musical submissions, adaptations, or children’s plays.

3. Monologues must be standalone pieces. Please do not submit a monologue extracted from a larger play or piece of work.

4. Monologues should require very simple production values. Set pieces, props, or any other effects needing set-up, strike, or special technical support may disadvantage an otherwise excellent submission.

5. We are soliciting new work for premiere production. If the piece has previously received or been part of a fully realized production, do NOT submit.


1. Submissions will be accepted starting JULY 1, 2024.

2. Monologues must be inspired by the Festival theme: Guilty Pleasures. We allow a lot of room for interpretation, but monologues that have clearly not been written with this festival in mind and/or do not fit the theme will not be considered. Please respect the time of our panel of judges and only submit monologues specific to this call for submission.

3. Monologues must be between two and ten minutes in length. A general rule of thumb for length of scripts is a maximum of five pages, double-spaced, using a standard format (twelve-point font). All lengths of up to ten minutes will be considered.

4. Each playwright may submit up to two scripts with no fee
For each additional script, there is a $5 reading fee, payable by check to Forward Theater Company. Checks may be sent to Forward Theater Company, PO Box 14574, Madison, WI 53708.

5. Submit scripts in PDF format. Include a title page with name, address, phone number and e-mail address. Please do NOT list your name anywhere on or within the monologue copy itself to allow for confidential panel review.

6. Submit scripts via e-mail to monologues@forwardtheater.com. Please use the subject line “Monologue Festival Submission.”

7. Entries will be acknowledged by e-mail once they have been received.

8. Playwrights will be credited in marketing and playbill materials and will receive a $150 total royalty for the Festival performances. Playwrights are also entitled to two complimentary tickets to the opening performance.

Deadlines and Notifications

1. Submissions will be accepted until midnight on September 1, 2024. Submissions received after September 1 will not be considered for the Festival.

2. Winning scripts will be announced on our website in February 2025. Winning playwrights will be notified via email or phone on or before this time.
Evaluation Process

Screening: Each application will be screened for eligibility (title page and script in requested format).

Evaluation: Each script is read and evaluated by at least two first-round readers. Based on evaluations, up to 30 monologues will be considered by a second panel of 12-15 readers.

Selection: Based on evaluations and reader discussions, twelve monologues will be selected for performance in the Festival.

Feedback: Due to the volume of scripts submitted, we are unable to offer feedback for this project.
Additional Information

For questions about submissions, contact monologues@forwardtheater.com.

Visit the Guilty Pleasures Monologue Festival page for more information.

You can also follow us on social media for future updates.

Third Annual Distillery New Works Festival


Deadline: September 15, 2024


The festival this season will take place at Seattle Public Theater June 12-15th, 2025. The submission period will be open from August 1st - September 15th, 2024. 

Before you submit, please review the following information, then fill out the form to submit your play. Plays MUST be submitted through the form, not via email. If you have any questions, please contact literary@seattlepublictheater.org for assistance. Thank you!

What is Distillery?

The Distillery New Works Festival is a celebration of emerging theater and an opportunity for playwrights to gain valuable feedback on new work. Each play in the festival receives a live reading by a cast of professional actors, allowing it to live and breathe off the page. The readings conclude with a discussion of the play with the playwright, giving writers the chance to receive feedback from Seattle audiences and providing a platform for audiences to help shape new works in process.

Play criteria

Before submitting, please make sure your play meets the following criteria:

Full-length plays. We are currently only accepting submissions for full-length scripts of any genre. Shorts and one-acts will not be considered.

One play per playwright. We will only consider one script per playwright for this year's Distillery Festival.

New works, development mindset. The Distillery Festival is intended to promote new works and help playwrights who want to actively update and improve their scripts. Selected playwrights are expected to approach the festival with a development mindset, and to attend/participate in the festival to the best of their ability. If you are completely finished with your script, the Distillery process is not for you.

Festival attendance. Festival attendance is expected for those in the Seattle area. If you are from out of the area, every effort will be made to provide you with a travel stipend and accommodations so you may join in person as well. If in-person attendance is not possible, Zoom attendance is expected for all playwrights.

Feminism - your play passes the Macha Test. This year Distillery is being produced by Seattle Public Theater in association with Macha Theatre Works, and we are excited to use the festival to help lift up feminist works. Please review the Macha Test and make sure your play passes before submitting. We will not consider plays that do not pass the Macha Test.

Selection Process

We will review all scripts submitted to us during the open submission period, then select a group to move on to the next round of review. This first review can take some time, so we thank you in advance for your patience. As we narrow down our play selection, we will announce which plays have made it to the next round both via email and publicly on our social media. Here is the timeline we followed last year. While we may diverge this year, it will hopefully give you a framework for setting expectations about this process for 2024-2025:

August 1st: Submissions Open

September 15th: Submissions Close

September-December: Submission Review/Reading Period

December: Release of the LONG LIST (last year, 31 plays)

End of December: Release of the SHORT LIST (last year, 22 plays)

January: Playwright Interviews: Short-listed playwrights are expected to participate in a virtual interview with members of the Seattle Public Distillery team. After interviews, release of the FINALISTS LIST (last year, 11 plays)

February: Final review/director matching process. Release of the OFFICIAL SELECTIONS.

In the end, we expect to select 5 or 6 plays from the selection process to participate in Distillery, along with one play from a Seattle Public Theater resident playwright. Last year we received ~350 Distillery submissions and included 7 plays in the final festival. We will be looking for an eclectic group of feminist plays to round out this exciting new works festival. We will prioritize playwrights local to the Pacific Northwest and those from traditionally underrepresented backgrounds in theater.

Distillery Goals

Traditionally, the distillery process involves heating a liquid, then allowing it to condense into a new product. Here at the New Works Distillery, we do the same thing with stories, allowing them to rise, change, and settle into something new. This is part of how we cultivate new plays that feature strong feminist themes. Whether playwrights are interested in testing out bold new ideas or putting the final touches on a nearly-finished script, the Distillery is here to help.

Other ways to get involved

After our script selection process, we enjoy connecting with talented directors and actors to help bring these new scripts to life. If you're interested in getting involved, feel free to contact us at literary@seattlepublictheater.org to learn what openings are available this year.

Friday, August 30, 2024

Richard Rodgers Awards for Musical Theater 2026


Deadline: November 1, 2024

The Richard Rodgers Awards were created and endowed in 1978 by composer and member Richard Rodgers (1902–1979) for the development of new works of musical theater. These awards support readings and productions of musicals by emerging composers and writers at nonprofit theaters in New York City. The winners are selected by a jury of the American Academy of Arts and Letters. Previous recipients include Jonathan Larson, for Rent; Jeanine Tesori and Brian Crawley, for Violet; Kirsten Childs, for The Bubbly Black Girl Sheds Her Chameleon Skin; Anaïs Mitchell for Hadestown; and Jason Kim, Helen Park, Max Vernon, and Woodshed Collective, for KPOP.

Application requirements and procedures are explained in the form below. Please download, read, and sign the form before beginning the online application.

Click here to download the form (required).

Click here to begin the 2025 Richard Rodgers application

5th Annual SOOP to NUTS Short Play Festival


Deadline: September 13, 2024

Welcome to the 5th Annual SOOP to NUTS Short Play Festival original short-play competition at our 530 Studios in Pelham, NY (28 minutes from Grand Central Station!)

FESTIVAL DATES: November 8th – 23rd, 2024 at The 530 Studios, 530 Fifth Ave, Pelham, NY.

PRIZES: 1st place: $500, 2nd place: $250, 3rd place $100.

NUMBER OF PLAYS: There will be 24 plays chosen as semi-finalists each receiving two performances (one evening / one matinee); 6 plays will be chosen for the final evening of competition.

LENGTH: one-act plays between ten and thirty minutes (no more or less!).

PARTICIPANTS: submissions may be made by any *playwright, age 18 or older. (*SOOP does not discriminate based on gender identity, race, religion, sexual orientation)

FEES: there is no fee to submit, but if chosen, there is a $85 registration fee to participate.

FORMAT: plays should be submitted in English, in standard stage-play script format, saved as PDF file and submitted through our STN submission form at the bottom of this page.

SUBMISSION LIMITS: Playwrights may submit only ONE play (please send us your best work!)
Original works ONLY! Plays may have maximum of 4 cast members, with minimal sets, costumes and props. No children’s/young adult plays. No musicals.

CASTING / REHEARSAL PROCESS: If chosen, you will be responsible for all staffing (casting, director, etc) and rehearsing of your piece. SOOP can recommend actors/directors, if need be, but we make no guarantees that we can staff your piece! You are responsible for all rehearsals – SOOP will provide each play selected one free rehearsal slot in our studio space (schedule TBD), in addition to the required tech in the final week.

SOOP can provide small set pieces (chairs, tables, small loveseat, etc) as well as some more detailed props. A list will be made available to all participants. That said, we do ask that you keep ALL these requirements to a MINIMUM. Lighting will be a simple wash (lights up-lights down), sound cues can be used if provided – once again, MINIMAL and SIMPLE!

REVIEW / JUDGING PROCESS:All plays will be reviewed by SOOP administrative staff and the 24 semi-finalists will be chosen. These will be chosen on a rolling admissions basis between July 15th and September 13th, with registration due once accepted! Once all spots are filled and confirmed, we will no longer accept new submissions. DEADLINE (space permitting) is 9/13/24.
Each of those selections will receive two performances during the first weekend (Nov 8 – 10) OR the second weekend (Nov 15 – 17).

Each evening’s audience will vote anonymously and the cumulative vote from both performances of each piece will determine our *6 finalists. (*Highest amount of votes from each set of six will determine the first four finalists, then one each from the next highest vote from each weekend will determine the fifth and sixth finalist).

The six finalists will perform on the final night of the festival (Nov 23rd) and will be judged by a panel of theatre professionals comprised of playwrights, actors, directors (TBA). Past Judges have included TONY winner Cady Huffman, Sirius Broadway Radio personality Christine Pedi, Broadway actors John Treacy Egan and Kate Shindle, Broadway Producer Tracey McFarland

Thursday, August 29, 2024

Stride Collective submissions wanted


Deadline: September 1, 2024

The Strides Collective, a nonprofit queer theatre company based in Philadelphia, is currently accepting full-length script submissions from emerging queer playwrights for consideration for a fully staged production in the 2025 Season.

Founded in 2020, The Strides Collective produces and develops theatrical work by emerging playwrights that embraces the queer experience through authentic, modern, and innovative storytelling. Our work prioritizes the goal of normalizing the conversation about queer identity, creating a safe haven in which emerging artists can tell their stories without fear of judgment.

Each season, we fully produce a world premiere queer play at a venue in Philadelphia, PA. Previous venues have included Arden Theatre Company’s Studio Theatre and The Christ Church Neighborhood House. In addition to our productions, we produce a new play development program each year. Our playwrights and directors have gone on to work with such places as the National Theater Institute at The Eugene O’Neill Theater Center, Powerhouse Theater at Vassar College, The Dramatist Guild Foundation, and Primary Stages.

For more information, please visit our website at stridescollective.com.

We are looking for playwrights and plays that fit the following criteria:

-Playwright self-identifies as a member of the LGBTQIA+ community.

-Playwright is 18 years or older and resides in the Greater Philadelphia Area*

*We will also consider submissions from playwrights who do not live in the Greater Philadelphia Area but are willing and able to travel to Philadelphia to attend some in-person rehearsals and the production itself. All travel and accommodation costs would be the sole responsibility of the playwright. 

-Playwright is emerging

-Play has NOT been published/produced previously (workshops & readings are OK)

-Play requires no more than 5 actors

-Play is full length (at least 60 minutes) and is completed. Note that this does not need to be a final draft, but it should be a completed one you feel is ready for a potential production next year after general edits, etc.

-Play is modern in language, perspective, and theme.

Some of the things we are NOT looking for at this time:

-Period pieces and/or works of historical fiction

-One Act plays

-Plays for Young Audiences


If you believe you have a play that fits the above criteria, we would love to hear from you! Please fill out this short Google Form to upload your play.

Wednesday, August 28, 2024

Winters Theatre seeks 10-minute plays


New deadline- August 31, 2024
September 30, 2024

Rules and Requirements:
  1. Any play submission must come directly from the original playwright/author of the play.
  2. Every play must be fully performed in 10-minutes or less. 
  3. Script should not rely on more than minimalist props.
  4. You must be 18 years of age or older to submit an application for the 10-minute play festival.
  5. There is a limit of 2 play submissions per author for the 10-minute play festival.
  6. If the selected play runs over 10 minutes, the director and producers reserve the right to edit the script to meet the 10-minute requirement. Author will be contacted in advance.
General Information:

1. There is NO THEME.

2. There is NO FEE for the director/author to participate in the 10-minute play festival. There is NO COMPENSATION for director/author/cast member(s).

3. The festival will consist of 8 play selections (all 10-minutes or less) in 2 acts. 

4. The festival performance dates are February 28 - March 1 & March 7-8, 2025.

5. We will announce the plays selected for the festival by 11/01/2024. We will email or call every applicant to notify them whether they have been selected or not.

6. Winters Theatre Company will select directors for each selected play.

7. Winters Theatre Company will advertise for the 10-minute play festival via their website, social media, printed media, and press releases. The website will include a short synopsis of each play, author bio and link to author website and/or social media.

8. Plays will be selected, in part, based on their portability, overall length, transition time, and the ability of the script to tell the story without excessive reliance on props or costumes.

Please submit a PDF of the full script with the completed application to: amkormos@gmail.com and jimhewlett@yahoo.com

Sundog Theatre in NYC is seeking one-act plays for “Scenes from the Staten Island Ferry II Autumn 2024”


Deadline: September 6, 2024

This is Sundog Theatre’s 23nd presentation of new and original, one-act plays about our favorite boats.

This year’s theme: SECRETS EXPOSED.

Plays can be comedies or dramas. However, humor is always appreciated.

Writing Guidelines:

-Original plays not previously produced or published, with a signed note affirming that.

-10-25 minutes in length and set on the Staten Island Ferry.

-Set in a contemporary time period. Strong priority will be given to plays with 2 characters, however, 3-character plays will be considered. No special set pieces other than benches or railings found on the Ferry, as well as limited and easily accessible props/costumes, and no unusual sound or lighting effects.

-Avoid overt and unnecessary sexual/violence situations and language since we cater to a broad audience.

-No musicals, long monologues, poetry, rants or verse

Submission Guidelines:

Please send two hard copies, bound or stapled, blind submission (removable cover page with title, author and all contact information) with page numbers and the name of the play on each page to:

Sundog Theatre, “Scenes 2024”, PO Box 10183, Staten Island, NY 10301.

-Submissions should include a brief play synopsis (2-3 sentences at most), a 70-word bio, and a full resume of the writer.

-We are not accepting plays electronically. Reasons: hard copies are easier to pass around/make notes on; protects your work; can’t get lost in email chains; and…easier on reading eyes. We will let you know by email that we have received it.


-Questions: info@sundogtheatre.org/Susan Fenley, Producer.

6 plays are chosen by a reading team; writers each receive $200 and plays are produced in five October/November 2024 performances in Staten Island, NY. Plays are cast in NYC, rehearsed, and performed on stage.

Playwrights of selected plays will be contacted in September and their names/play titles listed on Sundog’s website in Autumn 2024.

Tuesday, August 27, 2024

Paragon 7th Annual Science Fiction & Fantasy Play Festival


Deadline: September 3, 2024

We only guarantee the first 300 plays will be read.

Your play should be submitted in a PDF format to submissions@otherworldtheatre.org with the subject: “Paragon Play Submission”. Please include the play title and playwright’s name: 1.) on the script and 2.) in the file-name of the .pdf.

Your play should be submitted in a PDF format to submissions@otherworldtheatre.org with the subject: “Paragon Play Submission”. Please include the play title and playwright’s name: 1.) on the script and 2.) in the file-name of the .pdf.

Short sci-fi and/or fantasy plays are being considered for production as part of our annual PARAGON short play festival.

PARAGON has presented nearly 200 one-act sci-fi and/or fantasy plays since its founding in 2014 and is a highlight of our annual season. PARAGON is also our favorite way to engage new talent! Dramas, comedies, and dramedies are all welcome.

  • Fresh Perspectives - Our audience mirrors the multicultural and diverse communities that make Chicago exceptional. We aim for our cohort of playwrights and the stories presented on our stage to reflect this diversity.
  • Sub-genres - steampunk, time-travel, romantasy, historical fantasy have been big hits at Otherworld! We’re very open to plays in these or similar sub-genres.
  • Imaginative Retellings - Fresh takes on Tolkein, Star Wars, Greek Mythology, Anime, etc. excite us and are encouraged.
  • New world-building: We are very excited by all imaginative landscapes including those that may be less familiar or unknown to our audience.
You will retain full rights to the play and the text will not be altered in any way without your explicit permission.

There is no submission fee.

Due to the number of submissions, we will only be able to contact you if your play has been selected. We only guarantee the first 300 plays will be read.

Vidalia Theatre Company of Atlanta, is seeking 10-minute plays for its Winter Yield


Facebook page

Deadline: September 8, 2024

Vidalia Theatre Company of Atlanta, is accepting submissions for its Winter Yield collection of 10-minute plays to be produced in January 2025.

The setting for this show is an elevator. We are only seeking plays that fit this specific setting at this time.
Submissions should contain a maximum of 4 characters, minimal prop requirements, and provide opportunity for diverse casting. Characters can enter/exit the elevator during the play, but all of the action must take place inside the elevator.

Adult language and content are permitted, but it should be relevant to the story and not gratuitous.
Submissions cannot have been previously produced in the Atlanta Metro Area.

Limit 2 submissions per playwright. 

PAY: A $25 stipend is paid to the playwrights whose plays are selected. 


Please send each submission in a separate email.

Email submissions to: vidaliatheatre@gmail.com

In the subject line type: Your Name - Name of Play – WY25

Be sure to include your contact information (email and telephone) in the body of the email.
All scripts must be attached as a PDF. No other file types will be accepted.



(with special consideration for playwrights who are Georgia residents)

Monday, August 26, 2024

8th Annual New Play Lab at the annual William Inge Theatre Festival


Deadline: October 20, 2024 by midnight CST
 Only the first 150 applications will be reviewed - THEY HAVE MET THEIR LIMIT DO NOT SEND

The New Play Lab at the annual William Inge Theatre Festival is a partnership between the Kansas Arts Commission of the Kansas Department of Commerce and the William Inge Center for the Arts at Independence Community College, Kansas

The 8th Annual New Play Lab seeks to connect national established and emerging playwrights to participate at the 42nd William Inge Theatre Festival, April 17-19, 2025. Each year, 12 to 14 Playwrights are connected with professional playwrights, directors, dramaturgs and actors. For a peek at our last Festival’s New Play Lab Recipients and Guest Artists please visit www.ingecenter.org

Selected New Play Lab playwrights receive:
  • A professional staged reading of their play before an audience on the main stage of the William Inge Theatre
  • Feedback on their play facilitated by national theatre professionals.
  • Additional playwriting classes and seminars exclusive to New Play Lab participants, including a masterclass with William Inge Theater Festival guest playwrights.
  • Networking opportunities to meet with theater professionals from across the country.
  • Entry to all festival events, including two meal events.
  • Meal vouchers to enjoy local restaurants in William Inge’s Hometown of Independence, Kansas.

Applications Period

August 20, 2024 – October 20, 2024. Applications are due no later than midnight CST on October 20, 2024, with notification by Jan. 16, 2025. Note: the receipt of applications will be limited to the first 150 to apply. Only the first 150 applications will be reviewed. Therefore, applicants are urged to submit early, as the number of applicants may reach its limit before the final due date.

The submitted plays will be blind reviewed (the playwright’s name will not be revealed) by a panel of national theatre professionals.

  • Playwrights may submit either a 10-minute play or one-act play, no more than 30 minutes read-time – (less than 30 page count.) Plays that are longer than 30 minutes will be disqualified.
  • Plays should require no more than 6 actors. The play may be designed to have actors play multiple roles. If that is the case, doubling must be indicated in the character list.
  • Character list must include character breakdown (age, race and gender identity for the purpose of casting).
  • Plays may not include the author’s name or contact information anywhere on the script.
  • Playwrights may only submit one play per cycle.
Playwrights are required to attend the Festival. If you cannot attend, you are ineligible to apply.

Each playwright is required to attend the New Play Lab Masterclass and Workshops taught by professional playwrights during the Inge Festival.

Each playwright is required to attend the reading of their play during the Play Lab. More details will be sent out to those accepted.

Travel, transportation, and lodgingFor pre-planning purposes, selected playwrights should at least plan to attend Thursday morning April 17, 2025, through Saturday evening April 19, 2025.

Each playwright is responsible for their own travel, transportation, and lodging needs.

Local lodging information will be shared with those accepted. (Complementary transportation to and from the Tulsa Airport is available upon prior arrangement.)

Conference Fees

There are no fees for the application process. Selected Playwrights will be responsible for their travel and lodging.


  • Professional Public Reading: Playwrights will receive a professional public reading of their play, as well as feedback from national theatre artists.
  • Opportunities to Network: Each year the New Play Lab creates a new cohort of playwrights, in addition to opportunities to network with our professional Guest Artists
  • Exclusive Seminars and Masterclass: The New Play Lab Playwrights receive at least two masterclasses exclusive to New Play Lab playwrights.
  • Festival Celebration: New Play Lab Playwrights will have full access to three days of all public and private Festival events, including the other play lab readings, productions, social events, workshops, panels, meals and much more.

Application GuidelinesAll applications must be submitted via this online Google Form
All scripts must be submitted in PDF format.

This is a Blind Review. Your title page may not have any identifying information — no author name or address — or it will be disqualified.

Give your script file the name 2025 + Title (for instance, 2025 Bus Stop).

Limit script length to a 30 minute read-time – not page count. (Submissions longer than 30 minutes will be disqualified).

Character list must include character description as well including age, race and gender identity relevant for casting.

Applicants must enter a short synopsis of their play as it might appear in the Play Lab program. (Maximum 75 words.)

If you have any questions, feel free to email program coordinators directly: submissions@ingecenter.org

The 2nd Annual Crashbox! Festival An International Festival for Short Live Radio Plays


Deadline: August 31, 2024

A festival of short plays presented in the style of Old Time Radio. We are opening submissions for short genre scripts written to be heard but not seen, which our creative teams will then turn into a night of reader’s theatre, augmented with spectacular live sound effects and music, guaranteed to thrill your ears and ignite your imagination. This annual festival will spotlight a different genre of radio play every year.

This Years Crashbox!'s genre is Fantasy.​

Six finalists will have their play produced in our festival to be presented at The Edge Off Broadway, 1133 W Catalpa Ave, Chicago, IL 60640 December 6th through December 15th. 

All featured plays will receive at minimum a $50 Award. 

A $250 Award will be presented for best production as adjudicated by a panel of Chicago Theater professionals and genre experts. 

A $250 Audience Award will also be presented to the festival favorite as determined by our audiences.

Submission Requirements:

Deadline for submissions is August 31, 2024.

Scripts should be written for radio theatre, meaning only character dialogue, music, and sound effects should be scripted. No stage directions! All elements will be performed live. 

For proper radio play formatting, please follow the link: https://downloads.bbc.co.uk/writersroom/scripts/radious.pdf

Crashbox! reads all submissions anonymously. Please provide playwright name and contact information on only the cover page of your submitted script.

Scripts cannot contain copyrighted music unless the playwright owns the music’s copyright, or has written permission from the music’s copyright owner.

Script length not to exceed 20 minutes.

Scripts should be written for a maximum of 5 actors, but infinite characters. Please list all double/triple casting in your play’s character descriptions.

Playwrights cannot submit more than 2 scripts per year for Crashbox! If more than 2 scripts are submitted by the same playwright, we’ll pick 2 at random. Only one play per playwright may be featured per Crashbox! Festival per season.

Scripts must be previously unproduced, BUT may include pre-existing characters created by playwright for previously produced pieces.

Submit scripts as pdfs to crashboxefct@gmail.com 

Important note: We at Crashbox! wish to impress upon our playwrights that this year's festival is intended to celebrate the aesthetic of Fantasy without being beholden to the era or outdated attitudes associated with the genre. 

Plays with plot or character elements that perpetuate racism, sexism, xenophobia or anti-LGBTQ sentiments will not be considered. ​​

Sunday, August 25, 2024

The Larking House Playwrights Intensive


Deadline: September 1, 2024 11:59am


This year we are looking for 6 BRAND NEW SCRIPTS! 4 scripts from anywhere in the world to be digitally workshopped & 2 of which will be offered in-person intensive experiences* (for SoCal based playwrights) with our team in Anaheim, CA.


We will pair you up with an extraordinary emerging director and actors who will help you bring the words on your pages to life.

Over the course of this week-long intensive program, two playwrights will have the opportunity to work digitally with a specially curated team of artists, make edits, add pages, etc. before your final reading at the end of the week.


After workshopping your piece throughout the week, our Zoom-based playwrights will have the time to present a final reading over Zoom to the company and a panel of industry professionals.

Share your story!


At the end of your reading, there will be time for you to receive feedback on the play from the company and professionals who tune in.

Be confident in your artistic voice and the stories you want to share with the world. We can't wait for you to come showcase your talent and grow with us!


In order to deepen our connection with our local community, we are giving two Southern California-based playwrights the opportunity to join our team for a fully in-person intensive experience here in Anaheim, CA.

A live staged reading of the piece will be held at the end of the process accompanied by a structured feedback session with hand selected industry professionals.

Saturday, August 24, 2024

Capital Repertory Theatre’s Fourteenth Annual NEXT ACT! NEW PLAY SUMMIT


Deadline: August 31, 2024 - end of day

The submission process for Capital Repertory Theatre’s Fourteenth Annual NEXT ACT! NEW PLAY SUMMIT is now open!

NEXT ACT!, now in its fourteenth year, is an expansion of Capital Repertory Theatre’s (theREP) commitment to the development of new work. The multi-day summit is also designed to complement the Upper Hudson Valley’s rich diverse populations. NEXT ACT! New Play Summit 14 will take place in April 2025 (exact dates coming soon) and will swirl around the theatre’s 2025 World Premiere Production of “Rosie Is Red And Everybody Is Blue” by John Spellos, the winning script from the 2023 Summit.

The annual summit will feature readings of several never-before produced plays, with additional events throughout.

theREP is looking for scripts that use theatre to address injustices, inequities, and cultural collisions, providing a voice for the unheard on stage, in the workplace, the Capital Region and beyond. Specifically seeking scripts with racial, ethnic, generational, religious and gender diversity. Scripts that engage art and social justice.

Accepting full length plays only.
(No Musicals.)
Pieces written by and featuring POC stories and characters encouraged.
Maximum of 5 actors (doubling is allowed if it works to illuminate the story).
Comedy and Drama welcome!


Eligible plays cannot have been previously produced, though previous readings are allowed. Plays can have no more than a cast of five (5) actors (doubling is allowed if it works to illuminate the story).

Plays previously submitted to NEXT ACT will not be considered!

Agent and non-agent submissions accepted – both must adhere to the guidelines.


Submissions should be one (and only one) document, either a Microsoft word document OR a PDF file, via email attachment; containing all the materials detailed below.

Said document must include: a short one-paragraph synopsis – illuminating the play’s entire plot including its ending; the character descriptions for the full cast and the first ten (10) pages (and only the first ten pages) of the play.

Submission documents must be void of playwright’s name and contact information.

Electronic submissions only.

Email your submission to nextact@capitalrep.org with 2025 SUBMISSION in the subject line.

Submissions that do not conform to the guidelines stipulated will not be accepted, no exceptions!

Steppenwolf Submission Window is open


Deadline: August 25, 2024


We now accept unsolicited submissions from unrepresented talent everywhere, which has greatly increased our pool. In recognition of our commitment to fostering unrepresented voices, we invite unrepresented writers to submit a sample of their work to the Steppenwolf Literary team using the submission form. The submissions window for 2024 is August 12-25.

Please note that scripts received via this portal will be considered for Steppenwolf membership series and any potential future workshop or commissioning opportunities.

To be considered, please include the following via the portal: 
  • Brief biography
  • One paragraph play synopsis
  • Ten pages of sample dialogue
  • Brief statement (no more than 200 words) detailing why you see Steppenwolf as the right home for your project

Submission parameters:
  • Because we are an ensemble theater, we do not consider one-person plays.
  • Plays that require a cast of more than 12 performers cannot be considered, and plays with casts of six or fewer will have a greater chance of fitting into an upcoming season.
  • We do not accept submissions of musical projects.
  • Work written explicitly for the virtual platform will not be considered.
  • Due to our limited staff and in an effort to consider as many new projects as possible, please do not resubmit work that has already been reviewed.
  • We only accept unsolicited submissions via the portal on this site; no hard copy submissions, please.
  • Please submit only one project per year. 
Due to the number of submissions we receive and our limited capacity, we cannot personally respond to every submission. Please know that every submission is read by trusted and paid literary personnel within 4 - 6 months, and if we are interested in requesting the full script, you will hear from us in that time. If you do not hear from us by then, please know that your work has been given careful consideration and that we won’t be requesting the full script.

We look forward to reading your work! 

Friday, August 23, 2024

FALL 2024 Online Class in Writing the Ten-Minute Play

Fall online classes in Writing the Ten-Minute Play are now open for enrollment.

Award-winning playwright and musical theatre writer Arianna Rose is offering two online sessions on Thursdays. Additional days/sessions can be opened up as demand warrants.

Arianna has taught this course for the Dramatists Guild Institute, Delray Beach Playhouse, and other playwriting and creative writing courses both online an in-person in NY and FL.


"Writing for the Stage: The Ten-Minute Play"

Eight Sessions: choose one section

1. Thursdays, 1 – 4 pm EST, 9/5 – 11/7 (no class 10/3 or 10/31); or

2. Thursdays, 6:30 - 9:30 pm EST, 9/5 – 11/7 (no class 10/3 or 10/31)

Fee: $ 320

Discount: $10 discount for members of The Dramatists Guild, Playwright Binge, or South Florida Theatre League

Minimum of 4 participants per section; maximum of 8.

Course Description: 

Ten-minute play festivals continue to grow in popularity around the world, with readings, productions, and publications at every level of theatre. While short-form plays share some similarities with full-length storytelling, the dramatists who excel in this form have learned how to write into the differences. I can help you join their ranks and give you the tools to write to the highest level of craft.

This eight-session course is a combination of lecture, reading, discussion, and most importantly, in-class sharing of your work for feedback. Whether you’re a new or seasoned dramatist, Writing The Ten-Minute Play will assist you in your craft. Topics include the elements of a successful 10-minute play, generating ideas, character development, giving and receiving constructive feedback, effective rewrites, formatting your play, submissions, and log-keeping. 

Please contact Arianna Rose at rockawayrose@gmail.com, or via her website:


Bio: Arianna Rose is the Dramatists Guild Ambassador for South Florida, a Dramatists Guild Institute Instructor and Pip Mentor, professional dramaturg, Theatre Professor, and an award-winning playwright and musical theatre writer. She is a recipient of the MAC Song of the Year Award, the York Theatre NEO, and numerous best short play awards. Her work has been produced in 35 states and ten countries. Published: Smith & Kraus, Applause Books, Theatre Odyssey Publications & Gemco Publications Australia. 2019-2021 Miami-Dade County Playwright Development Program, moderated by Kia Corthron. She created and moderates the weekly Plays on Purpose/Miami New Musicals stage writers group, beginning its sixth year. M.F.A., NYU Tisch Graduate Musical Theatre Writing; B.A. Theatre, Bucknell University; BMI-Lehman Engel Musical Theatre Writing Workshop. Memberships: ASCAP, LMDA, MAESTRA, Musicians Union, New Play Exchange, South Florida Theatre League, Dramatists Guild of America http://www.ariannarose.net


Interested but not available?

If you are interested but don't have availability for that day and times, please email me at rockawayrose@gmail.com and I'll compile a list for another section or future course.

One-on-One Private Dramaturgy

If you prefer one-on-one coaching, I have been a member of the Dramaturg and Literary Managers Association of the Americas (LMDA) for the past three years and have helped many writers with their work of all lengths. More information here:


The Dramatic Question Theatre seeks BIPoC and Women playwrights for programs


Deadline: September 2, 2024(Same deadline for all three programs.)


(DQT) specializes in developing and presenting new plays by BIPoC and / or Female-identifying playwrights. 

 We’ve three exciting programs:

CLASSICS IN COLOR – This program facilitates the development of new plays by BIPoC that blend their lived experience with texts from the Global Canon. Up to 12 playwrights are selected based on their application materials. Led by OBIE Award winning playwright, Caridad Svich.

PLAYTIME - This program facilitates the development of new plays by BIPoC and/or Female-identifying playwrights. Up to 12 playwrights are selected based on their application materials. Led by OBIE Award winning playwright, Carmen Rivera.

AMERICAN WOMAN - This program facilitates the development of new solo shows by Female-identifying writers living in the U.S. Up to 12 playwrights are selected based on their application materials. Led by Latinidad Playwriting Award winner, Raquel Almazan.

Each of these programs are free of charge and will convene over Zoom, on a weekly basis, for 8-consecutive weeks, between October and December.

ABOUT US: DQT was founded in 2009 and is dedicated to developing and presenting plays by BIPoC and / or Female-identifying playwrights; all the while, cultivating and maintaining a multicultural audience to support them. 

Thursday, August 22, 2024

Surfside Playhouse Readers' Theater: From Script to the Stand seeks short plays


Deadline: August 31, 2024

It’s the second season of Readers’ Theater: From the Script to the Stand, at Surfside Playhouse.
This season, shows will continue to happen on the second Saturday of a run during a mainstage show however, we are moving to Saturday nights @ 7pm instead of a 2pm matinee.
I am so excited to see where this season takes us.
With that, submissions will be open for our September 14th readings between August 5th and August 31st.

The parameters are as follows:
-writers must live in the USA.
-one entry per person
-Scripts must be between 10-30 minutes in length which equate to approximately one minute per page
-Topics and genre are writers choice, inclusive of musicals or musical numbers.

Please send all submissions to @ nancymaticanbock@gmail.com with the subject line:
September Readers’ Theater

Woodward/Newman Award 2025


Deadline: September 1, 2024


The Woodward/Newman Award is an exclusive honor offered by Constellation Stage & Screen, started through the support of Joanne Woodward, Newman’s Own Foundation, and the Newman family, celebrating Paul Newman & Joanne Woodward’s tremendous history of work on stage and screen. It presents the best unpublished play of the year with a cash prize of $3,000 and a full production as part of Constellation’s Mainstage season.

Please note that there are significant changes to our submission and selection process from previous years. In order to make the Woodward/Newman Award accessible to all, we have eliminated submission fees as well as the contest format. The Woodward/Newman Award will continue to be awarded to an unpublished new play once per year and come with a $3,000 cash prize and a full production. 

Submissions will be accepted and reviewed by our literary team on an ongoing basis, and will be considered for the award as well as for all 8 production slots in our season. So a play that is not selected for the Woodward/Newman slot in our season, may still be considered and selected for production. This will allow us to now accept open submissions for all types of plays (including TYA shows). Plays submitted prior to September 1 will be considered for the 2025-26 season, while plays submitted beyond that date will be considered for the 2026-27 Season. All submissions will be kept on file for 2 years after submission.

If you have questions regarding submissions to the Constellation Stage & Screen, please contact the Literary Manager at literary@seeconstellation.org.


We are currently accepting submissions for the 2025-26 Woodward/Newman Award. 

The award recipient will be announced by May 15, 2025. The winner will be awarded $3,000 and a full production.“Full-length” plays should have a complete running time of between 1 hour 15 minutes (75 minutes) to 2 hours 15 minutes (135 minutes). TYA shows should have a complete running time of over 40 minutes.

Plays submitted must be unpublished at the time of submission (independently published is acceptable).
Each play should be individually submitted at the following link: CONSTELLATION STAGE & SCREEN PLAY SUBMISSION.

You will be asked to submit your play as an attachment and all other information (bio, history, synopsis, character breakdown) will be entered into a form. Musical submissions may upload demos as an attachment or include a link to a shared folder.

Limit of 2 play submissions per year.
$3,000 cash prize is in lieu of royalties for the full production. Housing & transportation will also be provided.

Any unpublished play submitted to Constellation regardless of method (e.g. online form, agent submission, direct contact) may be considered for the Woodward/Newman Award.
Please note that we are moving away from a “finalists” model in lieu of keeping all plays under consideration for extended periods (2yrs). In 2025-26 we will no longer announce finalists and only announce a winner.

If you have any questions, please email literary@seeconstellation.org.

Tuesday, August 20, 2024

Rainy Day Artistic Collective seeks monologues

Facebook page

Deadline: none listed


The Mythology Monologue Showcase will livestream on Saturday, Sept. 21, 2024. This will be a free-to-attend and entirely volunteer-run virtual event; any donations will go towards funding Rainy Day's 2025 Season.
  • Submissions can only feature one speaker.
  • Each monologue must be approximately 1-5 minutes in length.
  • The piece(s) must be inspired by mythology in some way.
  • No more than two submissions per playwright, please! (NOTE: if you are submitting a second piece, please fill out the form a second time and submit that one separately.
  • Please list any content warnings and an MPAA rating

Our mission at Rainy Day Artistic Collective is to "make the theatre you wish to see." We are an inclusive; LGBTQIA+, minority, and disabled-run; hybrid company based out of Seattle, Washington. We ally against racist, sexist, classist, xenophobic, homophobic, transphobic, ableist, and otherwise bigoted practices. As such, we will not consider submissions that contradict our values. 

The Ten-Minute Musicals Project 2024


Deadline: August 31, 2024

Annual Competition Guidelines

Since the inception of The Ten-Minute Musicals Project, over sixteen hundred submissions have been received, from librettists, lyricists and composers in seventeen nations: Australia, New Zealand, Canada, the United States, Uruguay, Ireland, England, Scotland, France, Denmark, Germany, Italy, South Africa, Egypt, Israel, Saudi Arabia, and Ukraine.

Stories 1.0 is the full-length musical comprised of works selected in the first several rounds. Several works in Stories 1.0 were workshopped in San Francisco, New York City, Miami, and Nashville over the years. Individual segments have been independently workshopped in Dallas, Chicago, London, and Boston.

SEEKING: Complete original stage musicals which play between seven and twenty minutes. Works which have been previously produced are acceptable, as are excerpts from full-length shows, if they can stand up on their own.

MUSICAL STYLE AND THEATRICAL FORMAT: Any musical style: pop, rock, C&W, show, opera, etc; or theatrical format: comedy, mystery, drama, etc.

CAST SIZE: Maximum of ten performers—five women and five men.


1. A printed script. (Note: printed on paper; not sent as a computer file on disk.) And please make sure your POSTAL ADDRESS appears on it.

2. A CD or DVD of either the entire piece or just the musical material. (Please don’t send a USB flash drive.)

3. A stamped self-addressed large envelope if you want the work returned.


DEADLINE: Simply postmarked by August 31st. (Do not waste money on overnight express, registered, or certified mail. All that's requested is that the package be postmarked by August 31.) Response will be by November 30th.

FINANCIAL REMUNERATION: $250/US royalty advance for each piece selected, with an equal share of licensing royalties when produced.


The Ten-Minute Musicals Project
Michael Koppy, Producer
P.O. Box 461194
West Hollywood, CA 90046 USA

Monday, August 19, 2024

Sixth Annual International Human Rights Art Festival


Deadline: August 29, 2024

December 9th - 15th, 2024
The Tank
312 W 36th St., New York, NY 10018

Results announced by September 8, 2024

The submission window is now open for performance work in any form - every discipline!
Work may not have been produced within the last year in NYC, or be scheduled in the next six months of December 15th, 2024.

Please note:

the performances must be fully produced by you; IHRAF is a presenting platform.
Considering performances 10-20 minutes long!
We accept just one proposal for each application.

Submit all work to costanza@humanrightsartmovement.org

We are jurying work with the following interests, for performance blocks:
  • Climate Change Action
  • Immigration
  • Celebration of Women/Women in Power
  • Celebration of Black Men/Undiscovered Women
  • Shalom/Salaam
  • With Love from Africa

Any other social justice concerns you might have!

Plus: Two Ten Minute Play Festivals

All accepted performers will receive:
  • Performance stipends
  • PR and marketing support
  • 30-minute tech rehearsal
  • Festival TD and SM
  • Free photographic documentation of their performance
  • Free video documentation of their performance

…and bragging rights as participants in this vital and growing NYC creative-activist institution!

Please email our Festival Assistant Producer Costanza Bugiani at costanza@humanrightsartmovement.org with the following:

A brief description of your piece, including approximate running time - we’re accepting 10-20 mins works.

A cover letter, including details regarding the piece’s discipline, issue of concern treated and a brief summary of your artistic goals

Your bios or resumes and the names of any collaborators already on board

A sample of work (scripts, pics, videos, songs, any other links or file that could help us to know more about your project)

As email subject, please type IHRAFestival 2024, then add Association-Company-your name (i.e. IHRAFestival 2024, Joan Doe)

Please note:

Work may not have been produced within the last year in NYC, or be scheduled in the next six months of December 15, 2024.

The performances must be fully produced by you; IHRAF is a presenting platform.

We accept one proposal for each application.

Also, let us know if you already had part of our previous festivals as a performer or in the audience!

We are encouraging New York and Tri-state area based artists. Unfortunately we cannot cover any travel/lodging expenses.

And, remember, there are NO fees for submission!

We are seeking artists who use their creativity as their weapon of justice, and operate under our signature values of
  • Beauty as a fundamental artistic principle; 
  • Sincerity and Vulnerability of presentation; 
  • Celebration of Diversity, and opening doorways of engagement with all members of society.

We believe that creative engagement with all members of the society is the surest path toward social justice and positive change.

The International Human Rights Art Festival, New York City’s pre-eminent arts and human rights performance event, is looking for performers in all media to present work during the week of events and workshops in one of the most welcoming venues for emerging artists in New York City: The Tank!

Connect with Us


Sunday, August 18, 2024

Sauk Shorts seeking plays


Deadline: August 23, 2024 at 5PM EDT

The Sauk is seeking scripts to consider for production as part of 2025 SAUK SHORTS.
Scripts may be original works or published works that you would like us to consider. Scripts should have a performance time no longer than 15 minutes.

We will begin accepting scripts on Friday, August 2 and will continue to accept scripts until 5 p.m. (EST) on Friday, August 23.

Scripts should be e-mailed to saukshorts@gmail.com.

We are looking for comedies and dramas. Plays with roles for teens and young people are encouraged.
SAUK SHORTS is an annual collection of 10-minute plays. Each year, we produce a combination of popular published works and original un-produced pieces. We try to balance a combination of local and national playwrights. There is no fee for submitting scripts. Please limit your submissions to three plays per playwright.

Selected scripts will be announced in early October. If you do not receive an e-mail by October 1 at 5 p.m., your play has not been selected. A royalty is paid to all selected scripts. Scripts that are not selected for production in 2025 may be kept on file for consideration in future years.

Radcliffe Institute Fellowship 2024


Deadline: September 12, 2024 (11:59 PM Eastern Time)

Based in Radcliffe Yard—a sanctuary in the heart of Harvard University—fellows join a uniquely interdisciplinary and creative community. A fellowship at Radcliffe is an opportunity to step away from usual routines and dive deeply into a project. With access to Harvard’s unparalleled resources, Radcliffe fellows develop new tools and methods, challenge artistic and scholarly conventions, and illuminate our past and our present.

The applications office staff will be available to answer your emails and phone calls until 5:00 PM Eastern Time on those days. We can be reached at HarvardRadcliffeFellowship@radcliffe.harvard.edu.

Playwriting: Applicants in this discipline must have a significant body of independent work in the form. This will include, most typically, plays produced or under option.

Saturday, August 17, 2024

RiffRaff NYC and the Rogue Theater Short Play Festival

 Call for Scripts: Immigrants in America

RiffRaff NYC and the Rogue Theater Festival are thrilled to announce their upcoming short play festival focused on the theme: Immigrants In America. We are seeking 10 original scripts, each 15 minutes in length, to be showcased in this exciting event.

Festival Details:

  • Dates: First week of December, Dec 5-8 (Thursday-Sunday)

  • Jury/Audience Vote: A vote will determine the best show.

  • Award: One piece will be invited to expand their 15 minute play into a full-length, and given a slot to perform (free of charge) with the Rogue Theatre Festival, Summer 2025, at the Flea Theater. 

Submission Guidelines:

  • Length: 15 minutes

  • Characters: Maximum of four

  • Inclusion: If selected, at least one of the actors you cast must identify as an immigrant in America.

  • Language: English must be the main language, but other languages can be incorporated

  • Set Design: Keep it simple

Responsibilities: If selected, playwrights are responsible for casting, finding a director, bringing props, and any additional production elements.

Marketing: While we handle overall marketing efforts, selected playwrights/groups are encouraged to actively promote their pieces alongside us.

Financial Contribution: A $200 fee is required upon selection to secure your spot in the showcase.

Submission Process:

Please submit your short plays by September 30, 2024, including a brief synopsis and a character breakdown. Submissions should be sent to riffraff.nyc@gmail.com.

Selection Process:

We will review submissions and select ten plays for the showcase. We are particularly interested in engaging, thought-provoking works that bring unique perspectives to the theme.

If you have a compelling story to share, we want to hear from you! Join us in celebrating the diverse and rich experiences of immigrants in America through the power of storytelling.

Bite-Sized Theatrical Spooktacular 2024


Deadline: September 15, 2024


We are looking for original short plays (or other theatrical pieces) that are 10 minutes or less.

This production is on Halloween, and we encourage any submissions that may resonate thematically, whether they directly relate to Halloween or not.

While we will consider anything and everything, we especially want to see submissions that are comedic or spooky, as this fits best with the tone of the evening!

Have something that isn’t quite a play, but you think fits? Send us a video link!

Because we are small and have limited tech, easy-to-produce pieces are more likely to be selected. We also recommend submitting plays with a smaller cast size.

You may submit up to three plays, but please note we will only accept one play from each playwright for the event, and we may only be able read one script in your submission.

Scripts that have been rejected in previous years will only be reconsidered if they have undergone revisions. Please note this in your submission!

About the event:

The event will take place the evening of October 31st, in New York City. Exact time and location TBA.

Playwrights are encouraged to submit from anywhere, and local playwrights may be as involved in the process as they would like!

We work to match plays that need them with directors and actors, and help to coordinate rehearsal space.

This is an unpaid event, as we are not profiting from it.

To submit, please send your script and/or any supporting materials by September 15th via the form on the submission page!

Simons Center for Geometry and Physics Science Playwriting Competition 2024 ~ 10-minute plays


Deadline: September 15, 2024

The Science Playwriting Competition brings science and theatre together for the dissemination of scientific knowledge through an intriguing lens — providing inspiration for plays that lead to exciting ways of learning about science. Rooted in artistic expression, the best science plays can be exceptional works of art that aesthetically convey scientific concepts, potentially resulting in further explorations in both disciplines. In this way, science and theatre may learn from each other, through their common goals of investigating and gaining an understanding of the significance of science and how the world works.

The competition commenced in 2012 with the assistance of an NSF grant awarded for scientific outreach projects initiated by Professor of Physics Christopher Herzog with additional support from the Simons Center for Geometry and Physics, and the C.N. Yang Institute for Theoretical Physics. The competition draws playwrights from all over the world who submit 10-minute plays with compelling stories and innovative expression of science and theatricality.

The preferred topics in hard sciences and technology include, but are not limited to: Physics, Mathematics, Biology, Computer Science, Space Exploration, Chemistry, Neuroscience, Anthropology and Archaeology.

-A public staged reading of the winning entries will be performed during the Spring 2025 semester at the Simons Center for Geometry and Physics.


– Plays should be approximately 10 minutes in length (usually around 10 pages).
– Winning playwrights will receive a directed, live-staged reading of their work in the spring 2025 semester.
– Plays must include a title page that includes the playwright’s name, address, phone number, and email address.
– Plays must be original unpublished work and must not be created with the assistance of any form of AI.

*Note: please submit electronic entries as a pdf file. Submitting your play implies permission to have your play performed in a staged reading in the fall semester; all submissions remain the property of the playwright.

QUESTIONS? CONTACT US AT scienceplays@scgp.stonybrook.edu

This competition is made possible by the generous support of the Simons Center of Geometry and Physics and the C. N. Yang Institute for Theoretical Physics at Stony Brook University.

Thursday, August 15, 2024

Award-Winning playwright and screenwriter Sarah Congress is offering writing coaching and script mentoring

Award-Winning playwright and screenwriter Sarah Congress is offering writing coaching and script mentoring. 

Whether you need help writing your very first play, help writing (or rewriting) a proposal, are a seasoned writer struggling to finish a TV pilot, or need edits on a commercial script, Sarah can help.
"Writing a play was always a dream but as a fiction writer and journalist, I couldn’t figure out how to make it work. In just a few sessions, I’ve experienced several “a-ha” moments with Sarah. I always leave my time with her excited by my project and its potential. The skills I've learned have made me a better writer all around. I don’t think I would have ever written a play without her input."
--- Leah Eichler, award-winning short story writer and publisher of Esoterica magazine

Prefer a group setting? Sarah will also be teaching group classes with The Hudson Valley Writers Center and Project Write Now this fall. Contact her for more information. 

Visit Sarah's website here: https://sarahcongress.com/
Or shoot her an email at sarah.congress@gmail.com to learn more








Producing your play or musical is the best way to review and develop your work.
















When you stage your work, you discover ways to enhance and improve your presentation and story.

This is a unique opportunity to invite people from the industry to see your production! People are more likely to go see a show than to read an unsolicited script - some industry people receive on average thousands of submissions per month. They understand that the journey for a show to be successful often goes through several productions and this is your chance to show that you can start that process! 

Our dedicated team is here to help you get your work out. We are with you from the moment you begin tech rehearsals, all the way through to your closing performance.

You will never be left alone during the process. We will help you choose from the 85 set/furniture pieces we offer to dress your stage for your run, and we will give you a complete crash course on how to use the audio/light/video system in just 3 minutes, which are intentionally designed to be very user friendly. 


After we show you how to use the tools we provide and how to best utilize the space, The Festival’s team will provide prime responses to every inquiry, as well as a telephone # you can call anytime during relevant hours throughout the run of your show


In 12 years and 22 seasons we have successfully hosted 1,400 plays and 300 musicals, as well as rewarding over 300 participating artists cash prizes.


Yours could be the next production onstage!




To submit to the Festival, go to:


Send your submissions now – we only accept submissions from playwrights who lives within 30 miles of Manhattan.


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