We never post opportunities that require a submission fee. LEARN MORE.

Wednesday, July 31, 2024

Discount Tickets: WATCH ME

What would you do if you had no control? 

Max, Claire, and Tony have been under constant surveillance for as long as they remember. They do everything they're asked (explicitly or not), and they prepare to fight in a war they know nothing about. Enter Sarah: an outsider who questions not only the rules, but the whole system of living the 3 patrons have always known.

Running August 8th through the 25th at the Players Theatre.

Use the code WATCHTHEATRE or this link for a special discount: https://web.ovationtix.com/trs/pr/1181907/prm/WATCHTHEATRE

Tuesday, July 30, 2024

Agbowó seeks one-act plays for the December 2024 issue

Deadline: August 30, 2024

We will consider one-act plays for publication with running times between 10 and 30 minutes.
Submissions can explore any theme and can be genre-bending as well.

We are open to new ideas so the plays can be experimental. 

The submission should have a maximum cast of 7 characters. There can be room for three minor characters with limited dialogues.

Submissions should include a cover letter with a summary of the play, the name and location of the playwright, the running time, performance history (if it has been performed before), and awards (if it has won any awards).

Submissions should be in Microsoft Word documents.

Only finished scripts of one-act plays are acceptable. Do not submit drafts of works in process. 

Previously produced plays are welcomed.

The play must be a complete one-act play, not a part of a larger work. 

Please remember to indicate in your subject the issue to which you are submitting.

Although we can only accept about 1% of the works submitted to Agbowo, we are always looking to spotlight the best of Africa’s new writing. Our contributors have been shortlisted or have won the Brunel Prize, the Commonwealth Prize, the Caine Prize, and more.

To submit your work, please visit agbowo.org/submissions to read the submission guidelines and compensation. Submissions are now received via the submission form for each genre. Please remember to provide all the details requested. This call is open to all Africans wherever they may live.

Decisions: October 15th

Publication: December 1, 2024

Monday, July 29, 2024

“Experiments in Playwriting” Fellowship


Deadline: August 15, 2024

La MaMa Experimental Theatre Club is thrilled to announce a new playwriting fellowship. This “Experiments in Playwriting” Fellowship will offer two early career playwrights in the NYC area an artistic home at the legendary La MaMa for the course of one year. The fellowship seeks to encourage playwrights from underproduced communities with an emphasis on members of the LGBTQ+ community, people of color, and people with disabilities. Throughout the course of the fellowship, playwrights will work with playwright and fellowship mentor, Justin Elizabeth Sayre. Fellows will meet with Sayre on a monthly basis to discuss their work and the works of previous La MaMa playwrights such as Maria Irene Fornes, Jackie Curtis, Sam Shepard, Robert Patrick, Adrienne Kennedy, and many more.

La MaMa houses one of the greatest archives of Off- and Off-Off-Broadway theatre in the world, and the fellows will have access to this amazing archive as both inspiration and insight to foster experimentation in their own work. Besides connecting with La MaMa’s past, playwrights will be able to receive complimentary tickets to La MaMa’s current season, allowing them to learn from current La MaMa artists and the work created there. At the end of the fellowship, fellows will present an open reading through the La MaMa Experiments Play Reading Series. Playwrights will be awarded a $1,250 stipend for their time. This fellowship is made possible by the Jerome Foundation.

Eligibility Requirements: 
  • Must be of the five boroughs of New York City
  • Must NOT be enrolled as a student in a degree-granting program
  • Must be a generative artist creating and maintaining control over new original work
  • Must be an artist early in their career who has been generating and creating this new work as a professional/vocational artist for at least 2 years but less than 10 years
To apply, please send the following to playwrightfellowship@lamama.org by August 15, 2024. 

 Letter of Intent (1,500-word maximum)
What draws you to La MaMa? 
What would access to the archive provide your work? 
What are touchstones in your work that connect with La MaMa?
Ten pages of a scriptAdd a brief description of the work, and if not pulling from the first scene, give a proper description of the scene or scenes prior so that the submission can be understood in the context of the larger work. (200-word max)
Artist resume essayA short essay on what you have done, where you come from and what you hope to do. (500-word max)

Sunday, July 28, 2024

L'Esprit Literary Review open for submissions


Deadline: August 5, 2024 3:00 AM

Publication Date: Mid-October, 2024

L’Esprit Literary Review publishes writing that is fearless, risk-adept, and revolutionary. We accept short fiction, creative non-fiction, novel extracts, drama, literary criticism, autotheory, and book reviews. Pieces incorporating research, footnotes, and/or a works cited page are especially welcome.

We invite simultaneous submissions and work in translation. Please do let us know if a piece is under consideration elsewhere, and if it is accepted; it is the translator’s responsibility to secure all necessary permissions before submitting.

L'Esprit does not discriminate based on the background, education, or identity of those who send work to us. All work is evaluated solely on merit, without regard for any other consideration whatsoever. We encourage those of all backgrounds and experiences to send in their work, and look for writing exploring the range of the human condition.

There is no strict word limit and no fee for submitting.

Please include the following with each submission:
  • A third-person bio, to be used as the contributor’s note should your work be accepted.
  • Social media handles (Twitter and Instagram), if you’d like to be promoted online.
  • An optional cover letter to introduce the work, yourself, or provide some context to your submission; please note that this in no way impacts the likelihood of publication.
  • Finally, we would appreciate knowing how you found the journal (social, ad listing, database search, reference, etc), and your answer to the following: What is the most overlooked novel of all time?
All submissions will be considered for both Issue Five, which will be published in print, digital, and online formats, and upcoming Quarterly Features, which will appear online only. Accepted pieces will be placed in one of these releases, with all such decisions made at the sole discretion of the editors.

See our complete guidelines--including genre-specific notes and details on paid submission options--on our website.

Thank you for your support of fearless writing.

Saturday, July 27, 2024

Talking It Out: A Virtual Festival in Support of Mental Health Awareness

Facebook Page

Deadline: none listed - playwrights are welcome to submit one play every 30 days


The Talking It Out Virtual Arts Festival in support of mental health empowerment, is thrilled to be returning this Fall after a year-long hiatus! We are now accepting play submissions to be featured in our new ongoing series of live play readings in NYC and audio drama podcast to be featured worldwide. 

This year, we will be accepting submissions for short plays, (less than 20 minutes) one-act plays, (20-40 minutes) & full-length plays (60-120 minutes) of all genres, including comedy, drama, sci-fi, horror, experimental, etc. Plays will be accepted on an ongoing basis, with playwrights to be notified at least 3 months in advance of their proposed performance date.

The one requirement - in terms of subject matter - is that all plays should deal with the topic of mental illness. (i.e. anxiety, depression, PTSD, mental health in the context of neurodivergency, bipolar disorder, schizophrenia, dementia/Alzheimer’s, etc.) 

There is no submission fee, and playwrights are welcome to submit one play every 30 days. Plays that have received a previous reading or production outside of NYC are eligible, as long as they are unpublished.

Please contact talkingitoutfest@gmail.com with any questions.

Friday, July 26, 2024

The PEN/Heim Translation Fund Grants 2024


Deadline: August 1, 2024 11:59 PM EDT


The PEN/Heim Translation Fund Grants were established in the summer of 2003 by a gift from Priscilla and Michael Henry Heim in response to the low number of literary translations currently appearing in English. Their purpose is to promote the publication and reception of translated world literature in English.

Deadline: Submissions will be accepted from June 1 through August 1, 2024. Submissions will close at 11:59 p.m. (EST, end of day) on August 1.

Eligibility: Translations of fiction, creative nonfiction, poetry, or drama, originally written by a single individual.

Translations should not have previously appeared in English in print or should have appeared only in an outdated or otherwise flawed translation.

Works should be translations-in-progress, as the grant aims to provide support for completion.
There are no restrictions on the nationality or citizenship of the translator, but the works must be translated into English.

Projects may have a maximum of two translators but are limited to one original author.

NOT eligible: Translations of works with multiple original authors, such as anthologies, translations of literary criticism, and scholarly or otherwise technical texts.

Note: Translations from Italian will be considered for the PEN Grant for the English Translation of Italian Literature.

Note: Translators may only submit one project per year. Projects that have been previously submitted and have not received a grant are unlikely to be reconsidered in a subsequent year. Translators who have previously been awarded grants by the Fund are ineligible to reapply for three years after the year in which they receive a grant–for example, grant recipients from 2021 are now eligible to reapply. 

Thursday, July 25, 2024

NOVA 2024


Deadline: August 1, 2024


NOVA is a seed commission for writers of South Asian heritage or connections offered by Tara Theatre to submit and explore ideas inspired by the themes of Tara Theatre’s future seasons.

Climate Emergency “displacement & migration…”
“Political hypocrisy & agendas…”
“Climate justice & reconnecting with our natural world…

War and Protest “Post-colonial impact…”
“Catalyzing change…”

Automation “Automation vs autonomy…”
“Virtual vs reality…”
“A.I and the future…”

If you have a piece of work that sits outside these themes but you believe to be politically activated, please feel free to submit.


A window will open for submissions for writers to send us their work through an online submission form.

Writers can submit their ideas in the form of either: 
  • A synopsis 
  • A pitch 
  • A script extract (no more than 10 pages long)

Please note: if you are submitting a synopsis or a pitch, please provide an example of your writing no more than 10 pages long.

This should be accompanied with thoughts around the following questions:

Q1. Tell us about yourself. Please briefly include information about your background and your location. (150 words)

Q2. Why is this work important now? (150 words)

Q3. Tara Theatre makes politically charged theatre. Why do you want to work with Tara Theatre to develop your work? (150 words)

These can be sent to us as either a written, video or audio submission. (3 minutes maximum).


Your ideas can be original ideas, adaptations or revivals.


  • A paid seed commission of £1,500
  • Writing Masterclass and dramaturgical support from acclaimed playwright Gurpreet Kaur Bhatti and our in-house artistic team 
  • Opportunities to speak to our marketing and producing team 
  • In-kind space at Tara Theatre to write and develop your work 
  • A period of development of your work from page to stage culminating in a public performance led by a team of professional directors and actors at Tara Theatre
  • Facilitated audience feedback for future development of the work 
  • Networking and producing opportunities 


We are excited to open our script submission window at Tara Theatre until Thu 1 Aug.

Due to current limitations with funding, we aim to use our resources in the best way possible to support writers.

At present we only have capacity to receive scripts during this window. Our team will aim to read every script submitted to us within this window and you will hear back on whether you were successful or not within 8-12 weeks of submission.

If you would like to have an informal chat about NOVA, please email our Associate Director, Gavin Joseph at gavin@taratheatre.com


The window for submissions will open on Monday 1 July 2024at 10AM and close on Thursday 1 August 2024 at 11:59PM. 


1 Jul Submissions Open
1 Aug Submissions Close
Oct 2024 NOVA Writers Announced
W/C 5th May 2025 Rehearsals and Showcase at Tara Theatre

Wednesday, July 24, 2024

The Braid - seeking short plays with Jewish stories


Deadline: August 1, 2024


2025 Submission themes
  • Traveler's Prayer - Comical, heart-warming & shocking true tales of traveling the world as a Jew.
  • Do The Right Thing - Stories about mitzvahs and mishaps, from the outrageous to the sublime, as we chase or run from doing right especially when doing wrong sometimes feels so good.
  • For the Love of Animals - Wild or domesticated. Friendly or Fierce. These hilarious, harrowing and heartfelt true stories about brief encounters or long relationships with animals, as seen through a Jewish lens, will entertain and educate how species of the non-humankind touch us.
  • This World Couldn't See Me - Jews with disabilities reveal in these true stories their fearless humor, deepest struggles, and unstoppable joy.

Tuesday, July 23, 2024

The Quannapowitt Players Suburban Holidays 2024


Deadline: July 31, 2024

Any questions, and all submissions, should be directed to producer Nick Gould at qpsuburbanholidays@gmail.com. We look forward to reading your work!

The Quannapowitt Players are seeking new plays for Suburban Holidays, our annual holiday-themed play festival and fundraiser. We are proud to be presenting our thirteenth year of this holiday tradition in 2024!

Play submissions should be between 10 and 20 minutes in length and focus on a holiday. All holidays are welcome! Past plays have focused on everything from Christmas to Arbor Day, and everything in between. Casts of varying sizes are welcome, as are shows that feature children. Please keep in mind that the festival is family friendly, so plays with excessive profanity or other inappropriate material are discouraged.

Five to six shows will be selected for production. All submissions will be kept on record and consulted for future years. Our selected playwrights will receive a 100 dollar stipend and will be produced as part of Suburban Holidays 13 in November 2024, with full production support (lights, sound, costumes, and minimalist set).

The deadline for submissions is July 31, 2024. Playwrights will be contacted by August 31, 2024, regardless of whether their play has been selected or not. If you have submitted a play in the past, please do not resubmit the same play unless there have been significant revisions.

Monday, July 22, 2024

US Embassy in Montenegro seeks American & Montenegrin Playwrights


Deadline: October 1, 2024
Or until 75 submissions are received


Are you a talented playwright looking for an exciting and unique opportunity to showcase your work in Europe? The University of Montenegro in Niksic with support from the U.S. Embassy in Montenegro will host a One Act Play Festival in April 2025, and we are seeking 2 or 3 new plays. 

We invite you to submit a 10–30-minute play written in American English. Enthusiastic university students who are nearing fluency in English and are eager to engage with American English-language drama will perform your play. Consider themes and scenarios showcasing the United States that resonate with young adults, university life, or those first few years “in the real world” after graduating from the university. 

 With that said, the play must also be appropriate for audiences as young as high school students. As the students will make the final selection of which of these plays to perform, we require the selected playwrights to be available for one video call to discuss the play with the students sometime in early 2025. 

 Playwrights will not be compensated financially nor receive royalties for this production, so please only send plays for which you own the rights. The benefit for you is that you will be able to count this production in your repertoire as being produced in Europe.

Guidelines for submission:
  • Only one submission per playwright (if more than one is received, we will only review the first one).
  • Include a brief synopsis of the play, a short bio of the playwright, and the production history of the play if applicable (it’s OK if it has never been produced or workshopped).
  • Playwrights must be citizens of the United States or Montenegro, and the play must be written in English.
  • By submitting a play, you confirm that if selected you will do one video call with the students to discuss your play sometime in early 2025.
  • Playwrights will be notified around mid-December whether they were selected or not.
  • No entry or submission fee.
  • Have fun!

Cone Man Running Productions ‘Five Minute Mile – Theatre on the Run'


Deadline: July 28, 2024

Please submit all the requested materials to conemanrunning5mm@gmail.com

Cone Man Running Productions is announcing open submissions for our series ‘Five Minute Mile – Theatre on the Run.’ The series will perform at Cone Man Running’s space at Spring Street Studios in Houston, Texas. The show will run from December 6th - December 22nd, 2024. Michael Weems will serve as Artistic Director.

We will be again staging this one-of-a-kind theatre festival. Each evening, twenty (20) plays will be performed off book by a core ensemble of actors. Eight (8) of those plays will be set for each evening, six (6) will be drawn at random by audience members and the last six (6) will be voted on by the audience (based on title, the blurb you provide, and word of mouth). Every night will be a different experience!

  • This year we are only accepting plays and monologues that focus on holidays. Please interpret this as you will and create your own holiday if you choose. 
  • Submissions will be accepted from: Friday March 22nd, 2024 – Sunday July 28th, 2024.
  • This festival is open to writers from any corner of the globe. English language plays only.
  • Five-minute plays or monologues - comedies or dramatic work. No scenes or parts of other plays. We’re looking for compact plays/monologues with a start, middle, and end.
  • For plays, no less than 3 pages and no more than 4 pages (12 pt font and 1” margins), for monologues, no more than 1.5 full pages (12 pt font and 1” margins). There are no exceptions to this rule.
  • Please include a short blurb (one to two sentences) describing your play, as well as which holiday you associate with your play. 
  • No works that have been published by a licensed publisher. Academic or anthology publications for which you hold the copyright are okay. If your play is optioned for publication prior to the production dates, please contact us as this will make your play ineligible for our festival.
  • Previous productions are okay if not staged within Houston, Texas. Previously submitted work is okay to submit, as long as it was not staged in one of our previous Five Minute Mile series.
  • Minimal set and properties. Presume having no more than a few chairs and a table, very limited properties, and include no lighting cues other than ‘lights up/down’.
  • No musicals, screenplays, adaptations, or theater for young audiences.
  • Maximum of five (5) submissions per playwright - however no more than two (2) pieces by a playwright will be potentially staged. If you have co-authored a work, this counts as one of your five submissions for each writer.
  •  Please submit all files in only: MS word or pdf. Please do not send Drop Box or other cloud based links. Email submissions only.
  • Please note, all plays will be photographed and recorded for archival and marketing purposes. In submitting your work, you acknowledge and allow for your show to be recorded and photographed.
  • We will not provide any feedback on scripts.
  • From the submissions, 50-75 plays will be shortlisted as semi-finalists and will be read by our committee. The selected final thirty-two (32) plays will be listed on our Facebook page and webpage (both listed below) on July 31st, 2024.
  • No submission fee.
  • Cone Man Running reserves the right to decline scripts for any reason we see fit and any submissions that do not meet all guidelines will be ineligible and immediately deleted without response.
  • If one of your plays is selected and you are able to attend, you will be provided with two complimentary tickets to the show. As a volunteer organization, we will be unable to provide any royalty or compensation/funding towards transportation or lodging, if you choose to attend. Your show will be guaranteed a minimum of two performances. If the playwright can attend, we will work with them to assure their play is one of the set plays performed that evening.

Sunday, July 21, 2024

Clay & Water 2025 Seventh Annual Playwrights’ Retreat


Deadline: July 26, 2024 at 5PM EDT


Retreat Dates: February 22 – February 28, 2025

Clay & Water 2025 will be an in-person retreat (public health situation permitting) at Penney Farms, Florida (near Jacksonville.)

 Four selected playwrights will get accommodations, meals, a no-pressure developmental reading of their works-in-progress, a respite from the demands of their everyday lives, an opportunity to meet fellow writers, and a chance to see some of the points of interest of the surrounding area.

Clay & Water is not a production opportunity.

A small stipend of $100 will be provided to each playwright.

EXPECT TO PAY YOUR OWN WAY HERE. Fly into Jacksonville International Airport (JAX) where we’ll pick you up, or drive yourself to the accommodations we will book for you at PRC. (There’s also an Amtrak station in Jacksonville, if needed.)

Each playwright will get a developmental reading of a single work-in-progress.

We will provide local actors for readings.

The reading will be open to the public at no charge. We will schedule at least one, possibly two, private Zoom rehearsal(s) in the weeks before the Retreat, but the public readings will be fully understood to be minimally-rehearsed, cold readings for development and NOT performance.

There will be a moderated audience feedback session after your public reading. (Don’t worry! Our audiences are supportive.)

Please read and follow these guidelines and application material carefully. Plays that do not adhere to the guidelines in terms of length, format, cast size, etc. will NOT be considered.


In order to apply, you must:

Have a completed draft

– Draft of a full-length, unproduced non-musical play (60-120 pages) in PDF format and in a standard play script format (either the Modern Format or Traditional Format on the Dramatists Guild website: https://www.dramatistsguild.com/script-formats would be acceptable) in a 12-point standard font (Arial, Helvetica, Times New Roman, Courier are all fine). The play should require 2 to 4 actors to perform. (Plays that have had previous developmental readings are acceptable.)

– No monologues, please.

– No adaptations.

– No collections of short plays.

– The submitted script should have a character breakdown page immediately following the title page.

–You may have more than 4 characters as long as all characters can be played by a maximum of 4 actors and you specifically explain any double-casting options. Please note that offstage voices do count if an additional actor would be needed.

Please note: Scripts which do not follow the guidelines of length, format, number of characters will NOT be considered

What to Submit

Applications must be made through our online application form which will ask you to complete the following:

Name, email, cell phone # in the fields provided.

Select whether you are US-Based or Non-US-Based so the form will show you the appropriate address fields.

Complete the address fields. Note that the Non-US-Based address field is more free-form due to variations among international address, but we do need your street address, city, province, country, and postal code if you are not a US-Based playwright.

Title of the play you are submitting

Select Tone of Play (Comedy, Drama, Serio-Comic)

Brief synopsis of the play

Brief description of what you think is/are the next step(s) in your revisions. We want to know your next writing steps, not your next business steps.

Enter the number of actors needed and a numeric breakdown of male, female, neutral/non-binary/any gender actors needed.

Enter the same breakdown for number of characters (these numbers may match the number of actors or may be different if double-casting can be done.)

Describe any possible double-casting. Please be as specific as you can.

Introduce yourself professionally (productions, workshops, readings, publications, education, any other theatre disciplines in which you participate).

Introduce yourself personally (hobbies, non-theatre interests, where you are from, survival job, etc.)

Upload your 60-120 page script in standard play format in a 12-point font. PDF ONLY!

Reminder: Scripts which do not follow the guidelines of length, format, number of characters will NOT be considered.

Questions may be sent at any time.

Saturday, July 20, 2024

Blackboard Plays' - Reading Series Submission


Deadline: none listed


Founded in 2008, Blackboard Plays has been devoted to Black Playwrights throughout the African Diaspora. 

 Black Playwrights Submit up to 10 pages in consideration for a Feature reading.

A Feature and a Community Night are the two main ways to have your work supported by Blackboard.

Those not selected for a feature, are encouraged to attend a community night, which is structured like an Open Mic Night for Playwrights, where up to 10 pages is cold-read by Actors in person or on Zoom (During COVID-19 Social Distancing Practices).

Friday, July 19, 2024

Black Sun Lit submission guidelines


Deadline: none listed


Black Sun (generally) reads submissions for digital vestiges year-round, accepts only previously unpublished work, and allows simultaneous submissions in the good faith that the writer promptly notifies us if their work has been accepted elsewhere. 

For consideration, please submit—in one file—either 1–5 works of prose (no more than 5,000 words), up to 5 poems (no more than ten pages), or 1 essay (3,500–5,000 words). 

We are also open to hybrid works, translations, interviews, and/or works of drama, and enjoy debate on any artistic endeavor as it relates to our mission statement.

Thursday, July 18, 2024


Please join us for the powerful, heartfelt, and intimate staged reading (with blocking) at Studios 353! 

Set in the small Upstate New York town of What Cheer, the play examines how dark life can get in the aftermath of a mass shooting. Four moms struggle to function in an unlivable world of grief while the town supports even their most self-destructive coping mechanisms in an effort to just help the women navigate an incomprehensible and senseless tragedy. A young woman moves to What Cheer in search of belonging and connection, unaware she will be the one who shines light on a community stuck in a self-destroying cycle... for the last three years.

Performances: July 19, 20, 21 & 26, 27, 28

Details on the flyer above. 

Good River Review publishes 10-minute plays


Deadline: none listed


Good River Review is the literary journal of the Sena Jeter Naslund-Karen Mann Graduate School of Writing at Spalding University. We publish two issues a year. Between issues, we regularly feature book reviews, interviews, essays on the practice of writing, and other important literary news.

Dramatic writers may submit scripts for 10-minute stage plays or short films, including TV. We will also consider publishing video of produced scripts.

Wednesday, July 17, 2024

Go Try Play Write July 2024


Deadline: July 31, 2024


We're proud to announce a new monthly playwriting contest in collaboration with Bamboo Ridge Press. Every month, Kumu Kahua's artistic director Harry Wong III will select a writing prompt on the first day of that month. We're looking for 5-page monologues or 10-page scenes based on that prompt; the due date for submissions are always the last day of the month. 

All entries must be written in traditional play format; instructions on this format can be found here (https://www.dramatistsguild.com/script-formats), courtesy of the Dramatists Guild.

There will be one winner each month. Scripts will be submitted to the judges anonymously. Winners will receive $100 and a subscription to Bamboo Ridge Press. Woo!

The prompt for July 2024 is:

A road rage prompt. Write a 10-page maximum scene or an 8-page maximum monologue of someone having road rage. It could be two or more people going at it, or someone raging in their car. Definitely think about a conclusion to the episode.

Best of luck!

Ridgefield Theater Barn Evening of One-Acts 2025


Deadline: August 15, 2024
Or when they receive 250 submissions

We are now accepting submissions for our Evening of One Acts 2025.

Plays should be unpublished and roughly 10 minutes in length. 

Longer plays (no more than 15 minutes) will be considered, and micro-plays (1-2 minutes) are also welcome.

Plays selected are usually comedic in tone, light, and quirky, but plays with deeper themes are also welcome, provided they are not too serious. Each playwright may submit no more than 2 plays. The submission window will close on August 15th or once we have reached our cap of 250 submissions, whichever comes first.

Playwrights of all backgrounds and gender identities are encouraged to submit. 

Please email your original, unpublished one-act play(s), or any questions, to oneacts@ridgefieldtheaterbarn.org with the subject line “OA 2025 Submission.” 

Playwrights will receive a $50 honorarium if their play is selected for our production.

Tuesday, July 16, 2024








Producing your play or musical is the best way to review and develop your work.
















When you stage your work, you discover ways to enhance and improve your presentation and story.

This is a unique opportunity to invite people from the industry to see your production! People are more likely to go see a show than to read an unsolicited script - some industry people receive on average thousands of submissions per month. They understand that the journey for a show to be successful often goes through several productions and this is your chance to show that you can start that process! 

Our dedicated team is here to help you get your work out. We are with you from the moment you begin tech rehearsals, all the way through to your closing performance.

You will never be left alone during the process. We will help you choose from the 85 set/furniture pieces we offer to dress your stage for your run, and we will give you a complete crash course on how to use the audio/light/video system in just 3 minutes, which are intentionally designed to be very user friendly. 


After we show you how to use the tools we provide and how to best utilize the space, The Festival’s team will provide prime responses to every inquiry, as well as a telephone # you can call anytime during relevant hours throughout the run of your show


In 12 years and 22 seasons we have successfully hosted 1,400 plays and 300 musicals, as well as rewarding over 300 participating artists cash prizes.


Yours could be the next production onstage!




To submit to the Festival, go to:


Send your submissions now – we only accept submissions from playwrights who lives within 30 miles of Manhattan.


Lucky Lighting 15 Minute Play Festival Looking For Playwrights, Directors, and Actors.


Deadline: none listed

Send to lucky@luckyslightinginc.com

Rehearsals will be Week of August 19th
Tech will be Week of August 26th
Show August 29th-31st

8 plays will be picked to perform and compete in the Festival.

Winner of Festival will earn a Week of Performances of a Developed full length version of the winning piece at later time of their choosing.

To apply, please email us the following:

-Your Name
-Choose (Playwrights, Director, Actor)
-15-20 minutes Script (For Playwrights [pdf. or wrd.] )
-Your Resume/Reel (For Directors and Actor's [pdf. or link] )
-Synopsis of Script (For Playwrights)
-Instragram, YouTube, and/or Facebook handles
-Do you need a Director and/or Actors (For Playwrights)

Chosen Plays will receive an Email the Last Week of July, Early August if you are to be picked to have your play sponsored for the festival.

Directors and Actors will be Contacted the beginning or August.

Before you apply please confirm you are available for the dates of the festival above.

Looking forward in working with you all, see you out in the field.

Sunday, July 14, 2024

Echoes Writers Group at Primary Stages 2024


Deadline: July 22, 2024


The Echoes Writers Group at Primary Stages is a year-long, educational program focused on finding, nurturing, and amplifying the voices of women, non-binary, and gender non-conforming artists. Echoes will be a place for writers to find and develop their voices in a supportive and creative community that grows together. The group is composed of 8 writers who are just starting to discover their voice and are ready to commit to the craft of playwriting.

The Group participates in playwriting classes with guest mentors as a cohort in the Fall In the Spring, the Group will continue as a cohort with weekly sharing sessions, and also enroll in a class of their choice at the Primary Stages Einhorn School of Performing Arts (ESPA), selecting a class in conjunction with the Primary Stages team that will best move their writing forward. In both semesters, writers will have the chance to create and develop their own work with professionals who represent a vast array of fields and writing styles. Past Mentors include Cusi Cram, Brittany K. Allen, Tina Satter, Chisa Hutchinson, Madhuri Shekar, Migdalia Cruz, and Mfoniso Udofia. ESPA classes include such offerings as The First Draft, Rewriting Your Draft, Comedy Writing, 10-Minute Plays and One Acts, The Dramaturgy of Playwriting, and more.

Program meetings will happen via Zoom, with the option of taking ESPA classes either on Zoom or in-person at ART/NY at 520 8th Avenue in NYC. Each Group member will receive a $500 honorarium.

We are looking for people who love to write but have not had the chance to fully explore their passion in a professional or academic setting. Women, non-binary, and gender non-conforming writers have faced many barriers to pursuing and developing their writing, and this is meant to be a supportive and creative space that will offer mentorship, support, and community to those who are seeking to develop their voice. Whether you’ve stepped away from your writing and wish to reinvest in your passion, want to expand the scope of your writing, are discovering a new creative interest, or anything in between, we’re looking for undeveloped and undiscovered voices who need room to grow.

Primary Stages strives to reflect the story of all races, ethnicities, genders, sexualities, classes, ages, and abilities, and hopes for this group to reflect the America around us as opposed to what has historically been taught and represented.

All applications are due Monday, July 22. All applicants will be contacted by the end of August regarding their selection status, and finalists will be asked for a virtual interview.

If you have any issues uploading your application materials, please reach out to echoes@primarystages.org.



Deadline: July 15, 2024

BREAK A LEG PRODUCTIONS seeks plays up to 25 pages (no musicals) to be performed in our annual One Act Slam on September 28th at 2:00 pm at the Unity Center (213 West 58th Street.)

The Slam is a one act play competition. The audience votes for their favorite play, and the winning playwright receives a $100 cash prize

Please email plays in PDF form to plays.balproductions@gmail.com with the title of the play and author in the subject line.

Limit one play submission per playwright.

Saturday, July 13, 2024

Call for Submissions - People’s Theatre Project Playwright Unit 2024


Submission Deadline: July 15, 2024



For any questions regarding People’s Theatre Project Playwright Unit 2024, please email sinny@peoplestheatreproject.org.

A brief artist statement (250 words max): Tell us who you are as a writer.
A 10-page excerpt of an in-progress play The excerpt can be any part of the play but be sure context is clear. Make sure it shows off who you are as a playwright.
The play is unpublished and unproduced but still in progress.
Cast Size: Maximum 6 actors.
The play is written primarily in English.
We are not accepting musicals or adaptations at this time. 
You will develop this play into a one act (65-80 pages) for PTP’s One Act Reading Festival.

Calling all vibrant voices from the Latiné, Black, Queer, and/or immigrant playwrights to share your powerful narratives!

People’s Theatre Project (PTP) Playwright Unit 2024 invites established playwrights to submit a work-in-progress. Three playwrights will be chosen to develop One Act plays each under the mentorship of award-winning playwright Marco Antonio Rodriguez. The culminating plays will be showcased at PTP’s One Act Reading Festival in December 2024.

About PTP

Over the last 15 years, People’s Theatre Project has been creating theatre with and for the immigrant community to create a more just and equitable world and doing this through Productions, Education, and Advocacy. Over the last 5 years, we have specifically been producing plays created by and about the immigrant experience in NYC. The Playwright Unit is an integral part of PTP’s mission to support Latiné, Black, Queer, and immigrant playwrights in promoting innovative theatrical works. During the next artistic season, PTP will present a Staged Reading Festival featuring three original one act plays in December 2024.


Ongoing Support to Develop Your Play: Develop your work-in-progress into a one act in bi-weekly workshops led by award-winning playwright Marco Antonio Rodriguez.

Actor Readings and Feedback: Have actors read your latest writing during workshops and receive supportive feedback.

Insight on the business of show business and resources to access: Gain show business insights and resources from well-recognized industry members to advance your career.
Director and Actors for Staging: Have your one act play directed and staged by professionals.
Showcase your work: Present your play at People’s Theatre Project One Act Reading Festival.
Shared Dinner: Enjoy meals provided during each in-person workshop.

$1,000 Stipend for your participation.

PTP will receive

The right of first refusal to produce the selected plays within a specific time period.

ELIGIBILITY:Latiné, Black, Queer, and/or immigrant playwrights.
Established playwrights who have had at least one professional production.
Local NYC and its surrounding areas. If not living in the NYC metropolitan area, you must be willing to travel to NYC for bi-weekly in-person sessions.
Must be available to attend in-person workshops and Reading Festival.

SCHEDULE: Developmental WorkshopsWed, Aug 28, 6-8pm
Wed, Sep 4, 6-8pm
Wed, Sep 18, 6-8pm
Wed, Oct 2, 6-8pm
Wed, Oct 16, 6-8pm
Wed, Oct 30, 6-8pm
Wed, Nov 13, 6-8pm
Wed, Nov 20, 6-8pm

Location: PTP Office, 700 W 192nd St Suite 2, New York, NY 10040

One Act Reading Festival Dec 2- Dec 8

Each play will have a one day rehearsal that culminates in a public staged reading.

Venue: TBA

Reflection meeting Wed, Dec 11, 6-8pm. Online

SUBMISSION SCHEDULE July 15, 2024: Submissions Close, or when 100 submissions are received
Aug 5, 2024: Finalists invited to online interviews
Aug 16, 2024: Participants Selected

Red Umbrella Theatre Company offers workshops for new and undiscovered or beginning playwrights


Deadline: none listed


Red Umbrella Theatre Company's (RUTC) goal is create a space of cultivation for new and undiscovered or beginning playwrights. Through this program, participants agree to meet (whether in person or Zoom, depending on the group) to share new pages, give feedback, and help each other to create new work over the course of a few months. These will be rolling groups that can continue throughout the year, in segments of 3-6 months, depending on the goal length of the play or musical.

If each group is filled out, we hope to create a cultivating groups for musicals, full length plays, and short plays.

Connor Kopko, RUTC's Artistic director, has a passion for developing new work, and is committed to producing 2 new plays each year. He also hopes to help push multiple short plays into the festival circuit. The ultimate goal is for you to see your work come to life on stage. While joining this group is not a guarantee of that, you will be given the opportunity to submit your work for consideration for production in a black box theatre in New York City.

We can't wait to see what you write!



Deadline: July 31, 2024

GATHER BY THE GHOST LIGHT will be doing a live recording of horror audio plays in October at Le Chat Noir Theatre in Augusta, GA! And we want you to submit your scripts!

GUIDELINES: (please read carefully)

- Open to audio play submissions worldwide from playwrights ages 18 and older

- Multiple submissions are okay

- 20 pages or less

- No monologues or one-person plays

- No musicals

- ONLY Horror genre scripts, adult language and situations are allowed.

- Produced scripts are okay but no published scripts

- Playwrights of selected scripts will be notified in early September.


- MOST IMPORTANT GUIDELINE! - We want scripts that allow for immersive sound fx - chainsaws, monsters snarling, jump scares, gore, haunting ghosts, etc. Creepy dialogue is fun and all but we have a foley guy. Make us use him.



- Selected plays will be performed on October 12 at Le Chat Noir Theatre in front of a live audience and later released on the Gather by the Ghost Light podcast.

- Selected playwrights will each receive $50

- Publication in the Year Five Gather by the Ghost Light companion book

Send scripts to submissions@gatherbytheghostlight.com

Deadline: Entries must be submitted by July 31, 2024.

Friday, July 12, 2024

Can Elaine face her Demons?

Can Elaine face her Demons?
Coming in August... The play, "Elaine' by Julia Genoveva will be performed at The Producers from August 8/22-8/24



Fate puts Elaine and her daughter Vivian back together. Elaine, is a drifter moving around from place to place—in Florida, and then ends up in New York City. She has struggled with substance abuse for most of her adult life. Her childhood friend Ricardo, gives her a place to crash. But to no surprise to him, Elaine doesn’t have two pennies to rub together, and can’t even hold down a job-As bad days and bad nights keep piling up on Elaine, she ends up in the rehab clinic of Vivian’s husband, Charles—so their unexpected reunion becomes inevitable. 
Charles, with a heart of gold wants the best for everyone, and for everyone to settle their differences, so they can all be a big happy family. But things take a turn for the worse. Sometimes Fate only gives you one opportunity to make things right. And when it slips through your fingers, everything gets out of whack…until years later, perhaps things fall into place..

358 W 44th St, New York, NY 10036


New Eyes Festival 2024 - Call for Submissions


Deadline: July 21, 2024

OR when they receive 75 submissions


This series of staged readings of new works from Asian American playwrights is an artistic incubator for thoughts and ideas looking to be born onto the stage. For the 2024 festival, Theater Mu invites playwrights to submit their work for consideration.

Submission Guidelines

Playwrights must be 18+ to submit.

Limit one submission per playwright. Writers may submit as co-writers, but a co-writer may not submit an additional script as a solo playwright or as part of another team.

Scripts need not be in their final form, but they should be complete enough to share with an audience. Please do not submit a script with missing scenes or pages.

While we prefer scripts that require fewer actors, we are accepting scripts that have any number of actors. It would be helpful to include in your submission any information about doubling, if possible. Please include a stage direction reader in your numbering.

New Eyes Festival features work from both Minnesota and out-of-state playwrights. We encourage playwrights from Minnesota, and/or the Midwest to apply. Writers from all geographic regions are considered, including international writers.

Theater Mu cannot pay for travel at this time. If your script is selected and you would like to travel to the Twin Cities yourself, you would be more than welcome! Mu staff would be happy to assist you by making recommendations for local accommodations. We would also be happy to set up a Zoom for a playwright to attend rehearsal and performance remotely, if desired.

Scripts for New Eyes Festival should follow the following criteria:

New scripts - Priority is given to scripts that have not been widely professionally produced, and/or are early in their life cycle. Maybe the script has never been read out loud; maybe the script has had one or two non-professional productions; maybe there has been a production but not in the Midwest. The script also need not be recently written– perhaps you wrote the script a long time ago but never shared it and are curious about giving it a new life. If you are unsure whether your script follows these guidelines, feel free to reach out.

Visionary, mission-focused scripts - Theater Mu's was founded on three core tenets: 
1) Asian American stories, 
2) exemplary theater, and 
3) social justice. 

If you have a point of view that intersects with this mission, we want to hear from you.
Questions? Review our FAQ. 

Further questions can be directed to Literary Manager Jane Peña at jane@theatermu.org.

Thursday, July 11, 2024



Deadline: July 18, 2024
Or when 300 scripts are received


Back for the fifth year and taking place at Urbanite Theatre, The 2024 Modern Works Festival is a five-day playwriting contest, reading festival, and celebration of women in theatre.

Three finalists will be selected by a panel of play readers to present their work as a staged reading during the Festival. The Festival will culminate in an audience roundtable discussion, and Festival Passholders will have the opportunity to cast a vote for their favorite of the three works, awarding the winner a prize of $3,200!

Seeking new work from emerging and established female playwrights. Playwrights must be available to attend all festival rehearsals and talkbacks, in Sarasota, FL. Rehearsals will take place September 2 - 4, 2024. Staged Reading performances will take place Sept 5 -8.

Interested playwrights are encouraged to read Urbanite’s mission statement and production history to get an idea of the type of work we produce.

No Entry Fee
Festival Awards:
Winner: $3,200 (1)
Finalists: $650 (2)

Submission Rules & Requirements

Submissions must be from female playwrights
Playwrights must reside in the United States
Plays must be unproduced and unpublished with limited development
Plays that have been previously submitted to Urbanite Theatre or the Modern Works Festival are not eligible to be submitted again
No musicals or translations
Full length plays only (defined as 60 minutes or more)
Must require three performers or fewer
Must include quality, female roles that are well-represented
Must include a contact page and character breakdown
One submission per playwright

Playwright must be available to attend the festival in person (September 4-8, 2024), including rehearsals (Rehearsals: September 2-4, 2024)

Festival Rules & Requirements

Festival Rules and Guidelines:-Three finalists will be chosen to participate in the Modern Works Festival

Each finalist will receive the following: a female professional director and stage manager, stage directions reader, professional actors, a table read, 15 rehearsal hours, a staged reading with a total of three staged reading performances and facilitated post-show talkbacks

Staged readings will have some lighting support, an intro and outro song if wished, music stands, chairs provided, costumes or additional internal music is not allowed as the readings are text focused

Actors, stage managers, directors will be comprised of local and non-local artists, AEA and non AEA

Winner of festival will receive a $3200 prize

The two remaining finalists will each receive an award of $650

All Finalists will receive an additional stipend of $250 to assist with daily food expenses

Housing, Travel to/from Sarasota will be provided

Finalists will be selected by panel of readers and notified by Urbanite Theatre on July 29, 2024

Submissions will be capped after the first 300 scripts are received

The volume of submissions will prevent us from providing individual feedback

Tuesday, July 9, 2024

Submissions are now open for SPF Boo


Deadline: July 25, 2024


Plays run one weekend out of three, Thurs – Sat 7pm, Sunday 3pm.
Oct 3 – 23, 2024

Plays must have a running time of 15 minutes or less (which roughly translates to 15 pages) to qualify for the weekly contest. Each week a winner – selected by audience vote – receives the honor of “Best of the Week” and $100 prize.

The shows are produced entirely by the playwright and their team, are non union, and are presented at the Steve & Marie Sgouros Black Box Theatre – located on the 3rd floor of the historic Players Theatre in the heart of Greenwich Village – NYC. There is one-time $50 tech fee for any play that is chosen and decides to participate. There is NO submission fee.

We are looking for spooky, spoofy, creepy, macabre, or thrilling!

Please also check out this page for details that will improve your play’s chance on getting selected. You can also find our handbook Click here: SPF TIPS

Sunday, July 7, 2024

PlayZoomers Seeks Short, Online, Holiday Scripts


Deadline: July 31, 2024

PlayZoomers, a live, online theater company, seeks short (10-15 min.) holiday scripts for our December 2024 production. We seek light, humorous, clever plays with themes related to Christmas, Hanukah, Kwanzaa, New Year’s Eve, or other December holidays. Scripts should be suitable for online production. There will be no script submission fees required. If we produce your play, you will receive a small stipend.

Please email scripts to playzoomers@gmail.com 

In the email’s subject line, put “Holiday script submission: [title ofplay] by [playwright]”. If you are submitting multiple scripts, send each one in a separate email. Please do not re-submit scripts you have previously sent us.

On the first page of your script include the title, playwright name, estimated run time, and contact information. On the next page, include a logline/brief plot summary, a detailed character breakdown, any production history, and ashort playwright bio. At the end of the script, describe production details, such as backgrounds, costumes, props, music, and sound effects. 

For additional script formatting guidance, go to https://www.dramatistsguild.com/script-formats

The deadline for this round of submissions is July 31, 2024. As we read through scripts, we will acknowledge your submission and reach out to you only if your script is selected for production.

With 110+ professionally produced plays since 2020 - involving more than 285 playwrights, directors, designers, actors, and scores of audience members from 35 states and countries around the world - PlayZoomers has become a national online theatre company and an international theatre community. We feature plays of different genres and lengths, with cast sizes typically ranging from 2 - 6. We work closely with playwrights toadapt their work to a digital platform. We welcome theatre artists and audience members of all ages, genders, and backgrounds. Learn more about our nonprofit company at https://www.playzoomers.org

Saturday, July 6, 2024

Apricity Magazine seeks submissions


Deadline: January 6, 2025 at 1:00 AM


Apricity Magazine sprouted from an idea: we want to encompass all art in our fold. Founded in 2016 by Margaret Siu, we are the official literary and arts magazine of the University of Texas at Austin. We are an award winning publication that accepts literary, visual, and performing works from across the world: from Austin to Taipei to Islamabad to Dublin. 

Poetry, drama, fiction and non-fiction are welcome. There is no word limit for online submissions, 

HOWEVER if you would like to be considered for print publication, the word limit is 7500 words for prose and 3000 words for poetry. As a champion for expression and voice, we are willing to take almost all subject matters. However, erotica will not be considered. Please do not submit research papers. Editorials are permissible! Note that any works created using AI should not be submitted, nor will it be considered.

Before you submit, please note the following:

NOTIFICATION: You may expect notification of your acceptance or rejection within three months of submitting your piece. As our staff is composed entirely of university students, however, we do not operate from the end of May through the end of August. Any pieces submitted in April and May may not receive a response until August. 

LIMIT: To ensure our reviews are conducted efficiently, we take a maximum of five poetry submissions at a time. Please only submit one short story, nonfiction piece, drama, or other at a time.

NON-PROFIT: We are a non-profit student organization. We intend to direct all net proceeds towards publication improvement and charitable donations focused on education.

FEES: There is no submissions fee, nor is there any payment for publishing your work (currently). However, should you be published in the print publication, you will receive a free contributor’s copy. If you are published online and would like to receive a print edition, you will receive a 60% discount.

Hepburn Hooks - Brown Skinned Girls, An evening of shorts


Deadline: September 25, 2024
Or when they reach 250 submissions

Submit here via Google docs form

For our very first evening of shorts, we are seeking out four female, BlPOC playwrights whose works we will fully produce and present at a London venue to be determined.

HHTC is looking to hear stories from Black and Brown women (in the broad sense of the term). The plays may be set in any era, they may tackle whatever subject you desire, the stories may even not centre Black/Brown women at all!

We are quite simply looking to pick the brains of young, BIPOC female playwrights from all over the world and get a sense of how they feel about the world at large, or about very specific things in it. Let your imagination run wild, do not be afraid to be goofy, cringey, subversive and unapologetically militant, we want to see and hear it all!

The Merriam-Webster defines BIPOC as ‘Black, Indigenous, (and) People of Colour’. This must be understood as a term that includes people of the following descent : Black, Native American, Aboriginal Australians, Asian, Latinx, Middle Eastern, South-Asian, Pacific Islander, and many more…

There is no entry fee for this opportunity. One play, picked by the audience over the two evenings will be presented with the Public's Award and receive a modest stipend. The remaining three playwrights will be offered a free year-long subscription to www.playsubmissionshelper.com, the most comprehensive and up-to-date online directory of play submission opportunities available anywhere.
  • Playwrights must be aged (at least) 18 at the time of submission.
  • Your play should have a running time of 10 to 15 minutes.
  • Your play should require no more than 4 actors and minimal props.
  • Your play should be in English (mainly).
  • The play should be original, unpublished and it should not have been performed in the UK as of the day of submission.
Submissions containing copyrighted material that does not belong to you cannot be accepted.
Unfortunately, we cannot yet accept musicals.
Your play should NOT BE BLIND.
The document you submit should be a PDF.
Unfortunately, written feedback will only be provided to short-listed writers.
All submissions are final. No revisions to the text of a play will be accepted after it is submitted.

You can submit here : https://forms.gle/j7cZ2JmAcA6s8Lwp9

For updates about the competition and our current projects, follow us on Facebook : Hepburn Hooks Theatre Co., Twitter : @hepburnhooksco and Instagram : @hepburnhookstheatreco."

Friday, July 5, 2024



Deadline: August 12, 2024

FRESH WORDS-AN INTERNATIONAL LITERARY MAGAZINE is open for submissions for its Special One Minute Plays/Monologues Anthology titled'Rewriting Shakespeare' (Volume 1) . Please send all submissions to dramaanthologyfreshwords@gmail.com as per the following guidelines:

1. The work should be a 1 minute play/monologue that rewrites a scene or incident or monologue or soliloquy from Shakespeare's play.

2. We shall not accept works promoting or glorifying- violence, sexual abuse, racism , hatred or any political ideology.

3. Maximum 5 submissions per playwright.

4. The length of the plays/monologue/soliloquy should be decided by the playwright, keeping in mind that the performance time should not exceed 1 minute. (NOTE: if selected the performance rights and intellectual property rights of work will exclusively remain with the playwright, we shall request for one time publication rights in the anthology. The copyright of the work will revert back to the playwright immediately after publication of the anthology.)

5. Also please send details of Shakespeare's play which inspired your work (Title of the play, Act, scene etc.).

6. All submissions to be sent to dramaanthologyfreshwords@gmail.com

7. Submission deadline: August 12th, 2024. (The selected playwrights will be informed on or before August 28th, 2024 through email.).

8. Mention YOUR NAME followed by 'SUBMISSION FOR Rewriting Shakespeare ANTHOLOGY (Volume 1)' in the subject line of your email.

General Guidelines:

1. All submissions must contain a cover letter and a short literary profile (about 70 words) of the playwright in third person narrative.

2. All submissions must be sent typed in MS Word or PDF doc as attachment with the email.

3. The author should mention:

Legal Name:

Pen name (if any):

Snail mail address:

4. Playwright must send a high resolution photo (JPEG format) of self as a separate attachment with the submission.

5. Simultaneous submissions are welcome but please immediately inform us in case they are accepted elsewhere.

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Fresh-Words-An-International-Literary-Magazine-106332345070389/

Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCQmmN1p8jcbIa6rUxzCzL2Q

Support us: https://www.buymeacoffee.com/freshwordsmag


Masque & Spectacle open for submissions


Deadline: July 31, 2024

Masque & Spectacle reads submissions for its bi-annual issues November 1 – January 31 and May 1 – July 31. Submissions received outside of this time period will be automatically deleted. Responses can be expected within a month. Acceptance rate is around 10%. Submissions not titled/tagged or formatted or properly under the Submissions Guidelines will not be considered for publication.

We do not accept previously published work, and we ask for First Electronic Rights and Non-Exclusive Archival Rights upon acceptance. Unfortunately, we are unable to pay contributors at this time.

Simultaneous submissions are accepted, but please let us know if your work has been accepted elsewhere.

For any queries, please contact us at masqueandspectacle@gmail.com.

We welcome 10-minute plays (up to approximately 10 pages in length). No full-length plays will be considered at this time.

While traditional plays are welcome, we are particularly interested in innovative and/or interdisciplinary texts that break new ground, either in relation to their subject matter, or in how the text itself is performed/written/represented on stage.

Playwrights may submit one previously unpublished 10-minute play for consideration. The script should be accompanied by a cover letter, which includes your name, address, phone number, and email address. Proper playwriting format should be used.  If you are uncertain about this format, several examples can be found online.

Send drama submissions to masqueandspectacle@gmail.com. Attach written submissions in a single Word doc or docx file, and include the word “DRAMA” in the email subject line.

Thursday, July 4, 2024

PLAGUE OF FILTH : A Call for Ten-Minute Plays and Performances

Instagram Account

Deadline: August 1, 2024

The Meat Machine is seeking submissions for our upcoming festival of ten-minute performances that transgress, disrupt, and subvert. We're looking for works that challenge societal norms, question authority, and blur the lines between reality and fiction. Selected works will be directed and performed by the Meat Machine ensemble (with some of our fabulous friends) and published in a zine created especially for the occasion.

Submission Guidelines:

All submissions must be ten-minutes or less. Scripts or Performance Scores are acceptable.

Scripts should be no longer than 10 pages, including stage directions

Performance Scores can provide estimated performance length

What We're Looking For:

Unconventional storytelling methods and narrative structures
Challenging or provocative themes.
Experimentation with form and genre


Open to writers, performers, and artists of all backgrounds and experience levels
Submissions can be from individuals or groups (please include all collaborators in the submission)

There are no location restrictions, writers can be located anywhere

Selection Process:
  • The Meat Machine ensemble will review and select the pieces to be performed
  • Selected plays and performances will be notified by September 1st
  • A public festival featuring selected works will take place October 17th-20th
  • The selected artists will recieve complimentary tickets to the festival (if local) and a copy of the zine (for everyone)

How to Submit:

Please submit your work via email to feedthemeatmachine@gmail.com with the following:

A script or performance score

A brief bio and contact information

Don't be afraid to take risks and push the boundaries of what's acceptable. We want to see your most transgressive work!

We look forward to receiving your submissions!

Tuesday, July 2, 2024

Autry Museum's 2025 Playwrights Retreat and 31st Festival of New Plays


Deadline: July 15, 2024


Please note, we only accept submissions written for the stage by Native American, Alaska Native, Native Hawaiian, and First Nations artists.

The Playwrights Retreat brings artists to Los Angeles to work on a select number of plays through a rigorous directorial and dramaturgical commitment for 10 days in August. The Retreat culminates with the Festival of New Plays - public staged readings at the Autry Museum of the American West in Los Angeles and La Jolla Playhouse near San Diego. Selected playwrights receive artistic support as well as an honorarium; out-of-town artists receive roundtrip airfare plus lodging in Southern California.

Selection Process: Full-length plays (60+ pages) received by July 15, 2024 will be read and evaluated. A select number of playwrights will be invited to submit formal proposals detailing their developmental goals should their play be chosen for the short list. Scripts will then be sent to a committee of nationally recognized theatre artists for further evaluation. With their help, Native Voices selects up to three plays for the Playwrights Retreat and Festival of New Plays.

Playwrights will be notified in February 2025.

*Due to budget constraints post-COVID, we are unable to select plays that require more than eight actors to produce. Doubling is encouraged, should it be necessary to complete your vision.

Monday, July 1, 2024

Genoveva Productions to Present NYC Premiere of WHAT CHEER By Karen Campion

Please join us for "What Cheer" in Hell's Kitchen NYC opening July 19th. We're a staged reading with blocking in preparation for a 2025 full production...and we'd love your feedback!!

Overflowing gratitude to Broadway World for the article 🙏 This link provides info about our play, where, when, and how to buy tickets.

Genoveva Productions to Present NYC Premiere of WHAT CHEER By Karen Campion

It's been nearly three years since the school shooting known to the world as "What Cheer Six Age Six," and the deeply knit community of What Cheer in Upstate New York is struggling to move forward. Four of the six moms remain in this small, heartbroken town, relying on self-destructive coping to function at all, while their friends and family attempt to act as the glue holding everything and everyone together. A young woman searching for connection brings a vibrant and curious energy to town, a cheerful energy not welcome in What Cheer. Until her energy starts to crack the fragile shell these moms have been living in. The shell the town has been protecting for them. And when the shell cracks it shatters. From there, the question becomes clear: Is it scarier to face your pain, or to live in it?

--Use special promo code: CHEER

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