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Editorial DALYA announces the IV International Playwriting Contest, which aims to encourage authors in the creation of bold and powerful plays for young people.
Contest Rules:
1. The competition is open to all writers worldwide and there is no age or nationality limit for the entrants.
6. The play must be a new and original piece of work. The play must not have been published in any form, or awarded, previously and its copyright must be owned and/or controlled by the entrant to the full extent necessary to enable Editorial DALYA to use the work as contemplated by these contest rules.
7. The competition opens on Sunday 15 September 2019, with the deadline for
entry being on Sunday 15 December 2019.
8. Awards. The author of the winning play will be awarded:
10. We do accept up to three plays for authors. Each entry must contain only one
11. The play may be submitted via links provided in ytpwc.edalya.com or in
Editorial DALYA web page: www.edalya.com. (→ Premios→Premio Teatro
2) The contest category iv.
3) Contact e-mail.
the website of Editorial DALYA.
accordance with the following criteria:
31 December 2019. vi
17. Editorial DALYA retains the right to produce any of the awarded plays in years
2020-2021 without payment of royalties.
18. The awarded participants commit making mention of the award in their future
publications or performances of the play.
19. Awarded entrants commit themselves to sign a Publisher-Author agreement vii
with the customary terms of Editorial DALYA.
20. By entering the Prize, the awarded entrants grant non-exclusive permission to
Editorial DALYA, its sponsors and any members of the media to use their name
and CV, and extracts from the submitted work in publicity and reporting.
21. Entrants are bound to inform the organisation about award or publication of
their plays before the announcement of the Jury’s verdict.
22. By entering into the competition, each entrant agrees to be bound by the
contest rules. No communication or correspondence will be entered into
regarding the non-awarded plays.
23. By entering into the competition, entrants warrant their plays will not infringe
any copyright or intellectual property rights, it does not violate any personal
privacy regulations, and it does not violate the rights of any person or entity.
24. The competition is subject to applicable laws and regulations about tax rates.
25. The competition and its rules will be governed by Spanish law.
Editorial DALYA announces the IV International Playwriting Contest, which aims to encourage authors in the creation of bold and powerful plays for young people.
Contest Rules:
1. The competition is open to all writers worldwide and there is no age or nationality limit for the entrants.
a) We do accept plays co-authored by more than one writer. Hereafter, ‘author’ means either a single author or a group of authors in a collective work.2. The competition is restricted to plays for the young audience i .
b) The participation of an underage author must be authorised by the legal guardian.
a) We do not accept plays for children or adult audiences, other literary genres or musicals.3 The participation of a play is restricted to one of the following options:
a) The play must cater for a performance time of no less than 60 min. and no more than two hours in category A.4. In both categories, the entry may consist of a collection of independent plays, either of the same author or different authors.
b) The play must cater for a performance time of no less than 30 min and no more than one hour in category B.
a) Hereafter, 'play' means either a single play or a collection of plays.5. Plays can be written in any European official languages.ii
b) The collection may be submitted as it is a full-length play for the category, taking into account each play must be 15 min. long or more.
6. The play must be a new and original piece of work. The play must not have been published in any form, or awarded, previously and its copyright must be owned and/or controlled by the entrant to the full extent necessary to enable Editorial DALYA to use the work as contemplated by these contest rules.
7. The competition opens on Sunday 15 September 2019, with the deadline for
entry being on Sunday 15 December 2019.
8. Awards. The author of the winning play will be awarded:
a) Category A (5000 € iii): A cash prize of 2400€, plus the translation to9. There is no fee to enter and no hidden costs for the entrants.
another language, publication and public reading or dramatization of the play
b) Category B (3500 €): A cash prize of 1000€, plus the translation to another
language, publication and public reading or dramatization of the play.
c) Awards cannot be shared or reduced, and the award must be given at least
in one category.
d) The shortlisted plays will be published. Editorial DALYA can publish these
plays in any of the official languages of Europe.
e) The Jury may award Honourable Mentions without cash prizes to any play
of the contest.
10. We do accept up to three plays for authors. Each entry must contain only one
11. The play may be submitted via links provided in ytpwc.edalya.com or in
Editorial DALYA web page: www.edalya.com. (→ Premios→Premio Teatro
a) The document must contain a front page stating:1) The title of the play.
2) The contest category iv.
3) Contact e-mail.
b) Second and subsequent pages: The play.12. An updated list of the plays submitted to the competition will be published on
c) Include the authorisation of legal guard, if applicable.
d) The author's name must be deleted to facilitate fair, anonymous judging.
the website of Editorial DALYA.
a) The organization will send an email to confirm the author that the entry has13. The judges will assess each play independently and anonymously in
been accepted.
b) Authors whose plays are not listed or have not received the acceptance of
the entry should notify the organization this by email.
c) The entries with no contact email or this is incorrect will be discarded on
Sunday, 22 December 2019.
accordance with the following criteria:
a) Quality of dramatic text and audience appeal (characters, dialogue, story14. Short-list. A short list of 3-6 plays per category will be selected before Tuesday,
development, style, rhythm…).
b) Promotion of tolerant coexistence among young people and crafting
discussions and problem-solving around their conflict issues.
c) Factors that ease the production: cast, set, technical requirements...
d) Innovative language and plot.
e) The play has not been staged v.
31 December 2019. vi
a) The authors of these plays will receive an email after selection.15. The Jury shall announce the verdict before Wednesday, 31 January 2020.
b) The author must be re-submit the shortlisted play, including in the front
page personal details (name, address, nationality...) and CV.
c) The shortlisted plays and the name of the authors will be announced then.
a) The Jury’s verdict will be announced through the website of Editorial16. The payment of prize money will be made in the year 2020.
DALYA (www.edalya.com), its social network and the media.
b) The Jury’s verdict is final.
17. Editorial DALYA retains the right to produce any of the awarded plays in years
2020-2021 without payment of royalties.
18. The awarded participants commit making mention of the award in their future
publications or performances of the play.
19. Awarded entrants commit themselves to sign a Publisher-Author agreement vii
with the customary terms of Editorial DALYA.
20. By entering the Prize, the awarded entrants grant non-exclusive permission to
Editorial DALYA, its sponsors and any members of the media to use their name
and CV, and extracts from the submitted work in publicity and reporting.
21. Entrants are bound to inform the organisation about award or publication of
their plays before the announcement of the Jury’s verdict.
22. By entering into the competition, each entrant agrees to be bound by the
contest rules. No communication or correspondence will be entered into
regarding the non-awarded plays.
23. By entering into the competition, entrants warrant their plays will not infringe
any copyright or intellectual property rights, it does not violate any personal
privacy regulations, and it does not violate the rights of any person or entity.
24. The competition is subject to applicable laws and regulations about tax rates.
25. The competition and its rules will be governed by Spanish law.
- i Suggested: ages 12 -21; at this stage of life a certain kind of freedom or legal right (civil, sexuality, to work…) is obtained, although parental dependence is held. In practice, this coincides with secondary and university studies. However, subjects such as marriage with girls, child prostitution, child soldiers or the like may be acceptable for the contest.
- ii The spirit of this competition is the participation of any author in terms of equality, regardless of nationality, age, gender or language
- iii Prize worth is estimated. Style revision of play translation is included. The prize does not count royalties for the author of the publication.
- iv The Jury may change the category in its sole discretion.
- v Performed plays can be submitted. In the event of being awarded, this release contest organization of the obligations in 8.a or 8.b
- vi The awarded participants authorise the Jury and the contest organisation can read their personal details.
- vii Plays will be published in the book series of theatre, named “Antonio Mesa Ruiz”