web siteThe 2016 Detroit Fringe Forward Festival, to be held September 15-18 in Detroit, is accepting submissions from Monday, May 30th until Wednesday, July 6th. Please see below for more details and links to submit your work!
Continuing the momentum that produced over 20 shows as part of last year’s Detroit Fringe, the 2016 Fringe Forward Festival will return from Thursday September 15 through Sunday September 18th. Fringe Forward is dedicated to supporting Detroit performers and audiences as they try new things, providing a forum for works that advance the medium beyond the traditional proscenium play and facilitating a weekend of events that celebrates neighbors and artists connecting through the performing arts.
Submission Info:
This year, Fringe Forward will use a juried and lottery system to ensure a cross-section of exemplary performances are presented at the festival. (PRO TIP – FRINGE FORWARD IS ACCEPTING SUBMISSIONS NOW THROUGH JULY 6TH!SUBMIT YOUR WORKS BY GOING HERE –
https://goo.gl/sTcwTM) There are three ways you can participate in Fringe Forward – by submitting work for consideration in the curated, lottery or registered performances categories.
First, all performances must be submitted for consideration. We are specifically looking for works that feature at least one of the below evaluation criteria:
*fostering artistic experimentation – works in new genres or works that employ progressive media (this can be in terms of content or form or both)
*taking risks – trying things untried and expanding expectations about what performance is and what it can be
*new performances in development
*celebrating facets of our community
*inspiration and organization – while we are not looking for shows that have been staged before, we are looking at your proposal to see why you want to be a part of Fringe Forward and how your work will benefit. Proposals should be clear, passionate and include all of the requested details.
Once all submissions have been received (DON’T FORGET,
SUBMIT BY JULY 6TH!) works chosen to be included as Fringe Forward programming will be divided into our three programming categories, curated, lottery and registered performances.
*Curated – 5-10 submissions will be selected for the curated category, chosen by the Fringe Forward Advisory board based on the evaluation criteria above.
*Lottery – All submissions not chosen for the curated category will fall in the lottery category, of which 5-10 submissions will be chosen in a public LOTTERY PARTY in mid July.
(These 10-20 works from both the curated and lottery categories will each receive a small production budget of $300 in addition to 40 percent of their door sales.)
*Registered performance – If you are not chosen for the curated or lottery category but would still like to participate in Fringe Forward, you can request to be a registered performance until July 31st. All registered performances will be asked to pay a $300 fee to cover insurance, utilities, tech time and festival staff, but will keep 100% of their ticket sales.
Professional Development and Awards:
All works chosen for the festival will be offered a chance to participate in a professional development session with professional mentor over the course of your work’s rehearsal and performances as a way to gain feedback about process and increase connections within Detroit’s artistic community.
All artists are responsible for creating, staging and marketing their shows, attending your required tech rehearsal and keeping up with all festival production deadlines. All performances will be guaranteed a venue, stage manager, house staff, basic tech needs and inclusion in Fringe Forward 2016 marketing materials. At the end of the festival the “Jury’s Choice” award and “Audience Choice” award will be given to two performances, who will each receive a fully staged spot in CMAP’s 2016-17 programming line-up.
Info Sessions and SNACKS!
Please feel free to contact us with any questions, and please consider yourself invited to Detroit Fringe Forward’s INFO SESSIONS (i.e., snacks and tea) to ask us about anything not included here, to get a hand on your proposal, to run an idea by another set of ears – or to just have some snacks and hang out! All Fringe Forward info sessions will be at CMAP, 2221 Carpenter, Detroit, at the following dates/times:
Saturday, June 11 from noon-2pm
Saturday, June 18, from noon-2pm
Saturday June 25 from noon-2pm
Wednesday June 29 from 4-6pm
We are really excited about the wealth of innovation and creativity on display in Detroit’s contemporary artists and we look forward to supporting an array of daring performances that will make up the 2016 Fringe Forward Festival.