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Deadline: February 16, 2020
We are currently taking writer and director submissions for Episode 22 of the Whiskey Radio Hour, which will be on Tuesday, March 31 at Chief O'Neill’s Pub and Restaurant, Chicago.
All submissions are due by Sunday, February 16 to whiskeyradiohour@gmail.com.
Submission Guidelines for Writers
NOTE: At present, we are only accepting new radio play submissions from persons of color, female-identifying and/or nonbinary playwrights.
Kindly email whiskeyradiohour@gmail.com with your complete script (in either .doc or .pdf format).
If you’re interested in the correct format of a radio play, the BBC has a handy guide here.
Deadline: February 16, 2020
We are currently taking writer and director submissions for Episode 22 of the Whiskey Radio Hour, which will be on Tuesday, March 31 at Chief O'Neill’s Pub and Restaurant, Chicago.
All submissions are due by Sunday, February 16 to whiskeyradiohour@gmail.com.
Submission Guidelines for Writers
NOTE: At present, we are only accepting new radio play submissions from persons of color, female-identifying and/or nonbinary playwrights.
Kindly email whiskeyradiohour@gmail.com with your complete script (in either .doc or .pdf format).
- Only complete scripts will be considered.
- Your play should be around ten minutes long (so read your play out loud before you submit!)
- Your play can be in any genre you like, but try to engage the radio play format in some way.
- Due to space constraints, up to four actors can perform in each radio play. Therefore, actors will play multiple roles if there are more than four characters in your piece.
- Each writer can submit up to two radio plays per Radio Hour.
- Each episode of the Whiskey Radio Hour is recorded, and then put on the internet for anyone to download free of charge. To check out past episodes, visit our bandcamp page.
If you’re interested in the correct format of a radio play, the BBC has a handy guide here.