The Hunter College MFA Playwriting Program is accepting applications through January 15th!
The program is a rigorous, very affordable two-year playwriting program and located in the heart of NYC. We are looking for writers eager to develop their voices, solidify their craft, and challenge assumptions of what theater is and will become.
Students study with award-winning playwrights, working theater professionals, and esteemed guest artists. The program offers workshop opportunities and free or affordable tickets to a wide range of NYC productions. Teaching Assistantships and tuition waivers are available.
Current and recent faculty include: Adam Bock, Oliver Butler, Lisa D'Amour, Karen Hartman, Tina Satter, Maria Striar, and Anne Washburn. Visiting artists for Fall 2019 include: Clare Barron, Peter Brook, and Lauren Yee.
For more information, visit: