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Friday, January 17, 2020


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Deadline: February 17th 2020



There is NO FEE to submit your play to be considered for inclusion in this Festival. Playwrights may submit up to two (2) plays, providing a separate application accompanies each submission.


  • Innovative concepts;
  •  Entertainment value;
  •  Depth of characterization;
  •  Quality of narrative and dialogue;
  •  Dynamic vs. Static staging.

Additional weighting will be considered for plays that reflect the following:

  • Playwrights who reside in Long Beach or the other barrier island communities (Atlantic Beach, Lido Beach, Point Lookout);
  •  Playwrights who reside in the other areas on Long Island;
  •  To help provide opportunities for diversity and inclusion in the arts, plays written by, directed by or that include characters/themes/casts with women, people of color, LGBTQ+ and/or the developmentally disabled;
  •  Plays that are topical and have community impact;
  •  Plays that are self-produced and have a clearly stated vision for presentation


1. A digital copy of your script in PDF format must be emailed to lbshortplayfestsubmissions@gmail.com (hard copy or CD submissions via mail or hand-delivery will not be accepted);

2.  Script pages must be numbered;

3.  On the cover of your script, please include
  a)   Play Title;
  b)   Playwright’s Name;
  c)   Playwright’s Contact information [Address, Telephone Number & Email].

4. On the second page of your script, please Include a character breakdown;

5.  Include the Setting where your play occurs and the Time it takes place (to be used in the program);

6. Provide a statement that the play submitted is original and unpublished.

7.  Provide a short biography of the playwright to be used for Festival promotion (if selected);

8.  If self-producing, provide
   a)    Name, contact information and resume/CV for the director attached to the play submitted;
   b)   Vision statement for how the play submitted will be staged (should be succinct with one-page maximum length).


Submitted plays will be reviewed by a selection panel chosen by AIP, the Festival Artistic Director and the Festival Executive Producer, whom will all also have input. Playwrights will be notified on or about March 16th, 2020 if their play has or has not been selected for inclusion in the Festival.

Playwrights must submit A PARTICIPATION FEE of $100.00 per accepted script to help defray some of the production expenses along with the Release Agreement by no later than March 23rd, 2020 (tickets sold by the playwright will earn reimbursement of the fee in whole or in part post-production). Playwrights will receive one (1) complimentary ticket to each performance.

The Long Beach Short Play Festival will be hosted by AIP at a facility operated by the city in a space that seats 125 patrons (Magnolia Senior/Community Center, 650 Magnolia Blvd., Long Beach, NY 11561). So, please consider the language, situations and themes used in any script submitted. AIP, the Festival Artistic Director and the Festival Executive Producer reserve final say on all decisions regarding selection, content, staging and running time presented.

All submissions must be original and unpublished (but we are not requiring premieres). All production and publication rights will remain the property of the playwright. No royalties or other monetary compensations will be paid to anyone for these performances. Other than reviewing these plays for selection, no critical analysis or feedback will be provided.

Ease of production is a prerequisite for all plays considered for this Festival. The stage is 24’ wide, 13’ deep and 9’ high with masking to provide wing space on stages left and stage right. A simple set footprint and minimalist production requirements (e.g., costuming, props, lighting, sound) are non-negotiable. There will be a basic lighting/sound plot that all plays in the Festival will use. Given the current amplification capabilities, musical plays cannot be considered for this year’s Festival.

Plays submitted for the Festival must run between 10 to 30 minutes at the absolute maximum (if unsure, a minute per page guideline should be used as a guide for estimating). Plays can be comedies or dramas (or in between), as well as monologues. The Festival will present 2-3 performances of each play selected, and the dates, times and order of presentation will be assigned at the sole discretion of AIP, the Festival Artistic Director and the Festival Executive Producer.

Playwrights can submit their play(s) for production by AIP or they can self-produce it(them). If the latter, please note that the performance space will only be available for one (1) cue-to-cue tech/dress rehearsal on a weeknight immediately preceding Festival Weekend and the Festival Artistic Director must have access to see a full run-through by no later than May 17th, 2020. All rehearsals will be scheduled in the order that the plays will be presented on Festival weekend to properly work through the set changes between them (each play’s cast is expected to assist after they perform). Each program may consist of as many as six (6) plays. A subset of plays may be selected by AIP, the Festival Artistic Director and the Festival Executive Producer based on audience feedback for a subsequent performance at the Long Beach Public Library within a week or two following the Festival. Both the AIP and the City of Long Beach will require standard waiver forms on file for the cast and crew of each play presented.

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