Hello Off-Off-Broadway Producers and Companies!
Shay Gines here on behalf of Theatre World. I hope you had a fantastic and very productive 2012-2013 season. I want to document and archive your theatrical activities from this last year.
For the last 69 years, Theatre World has been documenting Broadway and Off-Broadway productions and has become the leading archivist of information for American Theatre. In 2009 they began to include Off-Off-Broadway.
The editors of Theatre World recognized the legitimacy of our community and felt that it deserved a place in this archive.
It is so important that our community is represented in this important work. It helps to bring to light the importance of this sector and demonstrates, the number of productions, the variety, the innovation and the determination of the work being created in our community.
I need your help.
1. Please complete the online forms documenting your company's season (see below)
2. Please forward this to your fellow OOB producers and ask them to do the same.
What I need is your production information from the 2012-2013 season (shows that played between June 1, 2012 and May 31, 2013), for inclusion in Volume 69, including individual production information as well as festivals, readings, workshops, etc.
I know as an OOB producer your time is valuable, but the annual Theatre World publications are one of the premiere archives for American Theatre and it is so important for our community to be represented. I ask you to take this time to provide the information requested, so that your company's production(s) will be recorded and referenced everywhere by theatre scholars, students, casting directors, producers, and other industry professionals daily. In addition, it will be a part of the permanent record of Off-Off-Broadway and placed in important research and reference libraries from The Library of Congress to most colleges and universities across the country.
Here’s the link to the form: http://goo.gl/QfNdxB
It is very important when you submit photographs that you provide:
- photographer credit
- performer credits for all actors in the photograph. (If there are five or more performers pictured, you may choose to simply list "The Company" as the performers’ credit.)
- If no photographer credit is listed, then it will be assumed that no photographer credit is required.
- Please note that due to page limitations from our publisher we regretfully have a limited numbers of photos that we can use in the Off-Off-Broadway section, and can not include all photographs submitted from every company. As there are listings for over 1,000 shows, the primary focus of the section is to feature as many listings as possible. It should be more of a priority to complete the online forms rather than hold it while you wait on retrieval of photographs from other sources. EMAIL Photos (.JPG, and/or .TIFF FILES) with the title of the production in the subject line or questions to: TWOffOff@gmail.com
- Rental Space & Production Company: If you are a rental space only and not a production company, we would appreciate if you could forward this email to the companies that rented your facility, or look through your records of rentals between June 1, 2012 and May 31, 2013, and if you do have the time and the resources complete the form for shows that were performed in your space during that time.
- Off-Broadway: If any of your productions were actually under an Off-Broadway contract, please email that information separately to twoffoff@gmail.com and I'll forward that it on appropriately. For the purposes of this e-mail, I am currently just asking for the Off-Off-Broadway information. If the production extended under an Off-Broadway contract, please note in the text.
Our publisher is making every effort to release this volume early in 2014, so we need to get your submissions as soon as possible. Since we are under a tight schedule, it is virtually impossible for our staff to research and compile all of the Off-Off-Broadway listings for this volume and we are relying on your help to make sure we include as many productions as possible.
Theatre World is the oldest pictorial and statistical record of the American theatre, published annually as a hardcover book by Applause Theatre & Cinema Books (America's foremost publisher of theatre and cinema books) and has been continually published since 1945. It is the most comprehensive and definitive record of Broadway, Off-Broadway, regional theatre, and Off-Off-Broadway (which is where you come in), and is available for purchase at many fine online establishments, including applausepub.com, amazon.com , or barnesandnoble.com.
Thank you for your cooperation in helping us to maintain the most complete annual record of the American theatre!
Please let me know if you have any questions.
Thanks again.
Shay Gines
OOB Editor Theatre World v69