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Wednesday, November 28, 2018

The Kentucky Women Writers Conference Prize for Women Playwrights

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The submission period for the Prize for Women Playwrights is November 1 - 30, 2018, at this LINK. The Kentucky Women Writers Conference awards a biennial Prize for Women Playwrights to bring more scripts by women to the stage, through a collaboration among our program, partnering director Eric Seale, and a guest judge tba. The winner receives a world premier production for a paying audience in November 2019, with royalties, plus a cash prize of $500. The winning script may be workshopped prior to its production. If you would like to receive our bi-monthly listserv with updates about this contest and our other programming, please send your request to kentuckywomenwriters@gmail.com.

Producer and Director

Eric Seale, artistic managing director of Central Kentucky Community Theatre in Springfield, KY, and former director of Actors Guild of Lexington, will independently produce and direct the winning script.

Guest Judge


Eligible Playwrights

The competition is open to all women playwrights living anywhere on Planet Earth. There are no restrictions on age, experience, or residence. Co-authored scripts are eligible if at least 50 percent of co-authors are female.

Eligible Plays

One-act or full-length scripts in English, with a running time between 45 and 90 minutes, that have not been published or commercially produced as of the entry deadline or before the release of the KWWC production. We are seeking a new play that can be produced as a world premiere. Many kinds of preliminary productions, even those charging admission, do not disqualify your script, including:

  • an Equity or other showcase
  • a workshop production
  • a script-in-hand staged reading
  • a student lab performance

We place no limitations on subject matter. Scripts may be based on factual events, purely fictional, or adaptations. We are not seeking musicals or children's plays.To ensure an equitable judging process, please submit only a "blind" script, with all personal identifying information removed.  Limitations:

  • Reading time must be in the range of 45-90 minutes.
  • Casts must be limited to 8 actors (1 actor may play multiple roles).
  • The production will be in a small theater. Set, lighting, sound, costume, and prop requirements should be kept to a minimum.
  • Deadline and Timeline

Entries must be electronically submitted by 11:59 p.m. on November 30, 2018
Winner will be posted on our Web site in January 2019
Winning script may be workshopped.
Production will occur in November 2018 in Lexington, KY, venue tba.

Judging Process and Criteria

All entries will be screened by KWWC staff for completeness and adherence to contest guidelines. Judging will consist of two rounds. In round 1, a diverse panel of theater professionals and educators will choose 5-10 finalists. In round 2 a guest judge will choose 1 winner. Judging will be guided by literary merit and theatrical potential.

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