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Tuesday, November 27, 2018

The Yard (UK) seeks scripts

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Thank you for your interest in sending your writing to The Yard! Providing a platform for writers is central to what The Yard does, so we are always thrilled to hear from you.
We’ve changed the way we read your work. Twice a year we’ll open up submissions for scripts, so that we have two focussed periods during which we read your writing.

Submissions for scripts are open now.

The next deadline for sending us your writing is: 3 December 2018


We don’t want your full script in the first instance. Instead, we ask that you send us:

- A one-pager about you script. Things you may want to tell us are:
- What is the story?
- Why is it a story that needs to be told now?
- Is there something interesting that happens with the form?

We’d also like you to include a little about yourself and why you’d like
to start a relationship with The Yard.

- A sample from your script (up to 10 pages)
Send your application to: ​submissions@theyardtheatre.co.uk
With the subject line: SCRIPT SUBMISSION

- Applications will be read by the core team and a small group of trusted readers
- From there we will request full scripts from, whose ideas excite us and whose work we think could be a good fit for The Yard’s programme. ​We will need these sent promptly so please check your emails regularly! You can expect to hear from us in 2-3 weeks after the submissions deadline.
- Full scripts will read by at least two people in the reading team and then will be discussed with everybody.
- Within 6 weeks after the submissions deadline everyone will hear back from us. This may be to set up a meeting to discuss your work, offer dramaturgical notes, request further writing, or to let you know that your writing isn’t quite right for us.

We look forward to hearing from you!

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