The theme for the next NYCPlaywrights Podcast is "rants & raves."
These are the submission rules:
If you have any questions write to us at
- A "rant" is generally a negative view of something or someone.
- A "rave" is generally a positive view of something or someone.
Please send only one - either a rant or a rave. Not both. We will only accept one piece from each writer.
We may select as many as three scripts from the submissions to perform for the podcast.
Please review the web site and listen to at least one podcast to get an idea of what you are submitting to. The web site is - the next podcast episode will be out in a couple of days.
Please review the web site and listen to at least one podcast to get an idea of what you are submitting to. The web site is - the next podcast episode will be out in a couple of days.
- The deadline is Sunday, December 2, 2018 at 11:59 PM EST.
- There is no fee for submission
- The script must be a rant or a rave.
- The submission can be one monologue.
- The monologue can only be one page long, so choose your words carefully and edit edit edit.
- Only one submission per playwright.
- The submission should be sent by email, with the script itself as a file attached to the email as a PDF file.
- Send the script to
- All rights will remain with the playwright.
- The script must be submitted by the author of the script, no agents or others may submit.
- Make sure you have your name and your email address on the script.
- The monologue or play may be submitted by any writer in the world but must be in English
- It's OK if the monologue has been produced before. But not published.
- The NYCPlaywrights decisions are final.
- We will notify submitters of the decisions and announce the winning monologue and/or play on the NYCPlaywrights web site by Sunday December 9, 2018.
- A recording of one (or more) selected monologues will be included in the next NYCPlaywrights Podcast.
If you have any questions write to us at