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Saturday, July 13, 2024

Red Umbrella Theatre Company offers workshops for new and undiscovered or beginning playwrights


Deadline: none listed


Red Umbrella Theatre Company's (RUTC) goal is create a space of cultivation for new and undiscovered or beginning playwrights. Through this program, participants agree to meet (whether in person or Zoom, depending on the group) to share new pages, give feedback, and help each other to create new work over the course of a few months. These will be rolling groups that can continue throughout the year, in segments of 3-6 months, depending on the goal length of the play or musical.

If each group is filled out, we hope to create a cultivating groups for musicals, full length plays, and short plays.

Connor Kopko, RUTC's Artistic director, has a passion for developing new work, and is committed to producing 2 new plays each year. He also hopes to help push multiple short plays into the festival circuit. The ultimate goal is for you to see your work come to life on stage. While joining this group is not a guarantee of that, you will be given the opportunity to submit your work for consideration for production in a black box theatre in New York City.

We can't wait to see what you write!

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