Deadline: August 5, 2024 3:00 AM
Publication Date: Mid-October, 2024
L’Esprit Literary Review publishes writing that is fearless, risk-adept, and revolutionary. We accept short fiction, creative non-fiction, novel extracts, drama, literary criticism, autotheory, and book reviews. Pieces incorporating research, footnotes, and/or a works cited page are especially welcome.
We invite simultaneous submissions and work in translation. Please do let us know if a piece is under consideration elsewhere, and if it is accepted; it is the translator’s responsibility to secure all necessary permissions before submitting.
L'Esprit does not discriminate based on the background, education, or identity of those who send work to us. All work is evaluated solely on merit, without regard for any other consideration whatsoever. We encourage those of all backgrounds and experiences to send in their work, and look for writing exploring the range of the human condition.
There is no strict word limit and no fee for submitting.
Please include the following with each submission:
- A third-person bio, to be used as the contributor’s note should your work be accepted.
- Social media handles (Twitter and Instagram), if you’d like to be promoted online.
- An optional cover letter to introduce the work, yourself, or provide some context to your submission; please note that this in no way impacts the likelihood of publication.
- Finally, we would appreciate knowing how you found the journal (social, ad listing, database search, reference, etc), and your answer to the following: What is the most overlooked novel of all time?
See our complete guidelines--including genre-specific notes and details on paid submission options--on our website.
Thank you for your support of fearless writing.