by Yair Packer
directed by Charlotte Cohn
music by David Broza
Scoop is an original Israeli drama that explores how far people will go when their loved ones are at stake.
This is the first production by Israeli Artists Project (IAP, "yap"), which aims to present more works of Israeli, Hebrew-language theater in New York.
NYCPlaywrights is offering members of its mailing list a pair of tickets for each night of its first weekend - performances in English and in Hebrew.
There will also be a discount code for those who try for but don't win the tickets.
The ticket give-away is this Saturday - you must be a member of the NYCPlaywrights mailing list to get the details for the free and discounted tickets.
You can join here (you don't have to be a playwright to join the NYCPlaywrights mailing list.)
TICKETS $20-$50
MARCH 15–25, 2018
777 8TH AVE
Performance dates:
3/15 Thursday 7pm - HEBREW
3/16 Friday 7pm - ENGLISH
3/17 Saturday 7pm - HEBREW
3/18 Sunday 6pm - ENGLISH
3/22 Thursday 7pm - ENGLISH
3/23 Friday 7pm - HEBREW
3/24 Saturday 2pm - ENGLISH
3/24 Saturday 7pm - ENGLISH
3/25 Sunday 2pm - HEBREW
3/25 Sunday 6pm - HEBREW