Attic Productions announces its First Annual Christmas Playwriting Festival. Attic will accept original, unpublished one-act plays to be considered for productions as part of the Christmas Playwriting Festival tentatively scheduled for November 17, 2018. Following are the guidelines for submission.
1. There is no charge for playwrights to submit their scripts.
2. Submissions must be received between November 18, 2017 and February 28th, 2018.
3. Playwrights are limited to one play per festival per year.
4. Only One-Act plays with a Christmas or Holiday theme, no longer than 30 minutes run-time will be considered for this festival.
5. Plays will be submitted by email as a pdf file to with the subject line “Christmas Festival Submission.” In addition, submissions will include:
a. A separate pdf including Title Page with Name of the Playwright and contact information. This will be a blind submission contest, do not include playwright’s name and contact information in the script pdf.6. All production and publication rights remain the property of the playwright.
b. Original, Unpublished One-Act script of no longer than 30 minutes run-time in length.
c. Cast List of Characters
d. A Brief Synopsis
e. Numbered Pages
f. Attic Productions is a family friendly community theatre. Scripts should NOT include foul language, sexually explicit or gratuitously violent scenes or language.
7. Attic Productions shall have the right to produce selected scripts without payment of royalties.
8. Production will be at the discretion of Attic Productions.
9. All submissions must be original and unpublished.
10. Scripts will be judged by committee on concept, dramatic action, characterization, cast size, and dialogue. Technical requirements will be noted. As the plays selected will be part of an evening of several one-act plays, submissions should not be overly reliant on elaborate sets or technical elements.
11. Playwrights will be notified of the results by April 30, 2018.