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Wednesday, March 20, 2024

Cork Arts Theatre: View from a Lamppost seeks 10-minute plays


Deadline: March 31, 2024
Cork, Ireland

We are now looking for submissions for our ‘Views from…’ short play event. The theme this year is ‘Views from a Lamp Post’, and the deadline for entries is Sunday 31st March 2024.

The setting is a simple one – a bench in a park overlooked by a tall lamp post. What stories has this lamp post been a witness to? What funny, tragic, heart-warming or hair-raising conversations has it overheard? Who are the characters who have sat under its light for a short while?

We are looking for 10 minute plays that are character driven and are complete stories in their own right. All entrants should bear the following in mind… the setting should be integral to the plot. Preference will be given to plays that achieve this.

It’s a challenge, we know, but one designed to inspire rather than discourage.

As always, in our short play events, please follow these few guidelines:Plays should be no more than 10 minutes in duration. Other than that, we are open to plays of all genres – comedy, tragedy, farce, fantasy, horror, period pieces, etc.

As per previous years, all submissions will be read by our panel of readers, a shortlist compiled, and 10 of those plays selected by our directors. Those 10 plays will then be staged during our performance week which will take place from May 28th to June 1st, 2024.

The 10 minute maximum duration is important, so, if you’re unsure of how long your play runs, the easiest way to gauge it is to do a live reading. This is always a useful exercise as it can also bring to light any issues with dialogue or plot. A rough guide is 7 or 8 pages of double-spaced dialogue.

Plays must be submitted by Sunday 31st March 2024 and should be sent as a Word document or PDF to: theatre@corkartstheatre.com with the subject line Views from a Lamp Post Submission 2024. Please do not submit plays to any other Cork Arts Theatre email address.

Note: We can only accept one play from each author.

Please note too that the ‘Views from…’ series is a fund-raising event for the Cork Arts Theatre and, as such, we are not in a position to pay royalties should your play be chosen for performance.

If you have any other questions please email: theatre@corkartstheatre.com

We look forward to receiving your entries in due course. Happy writing!

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