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Tuesday, March 9, 2021

Playwrights Realm Script Share

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Deadline: March 14, 2020 11:59 pm EST


Script Share is an opportunity for aspiring writers to engage in a one hour discussion with a theatre professional about a particular script. These conversations are driven by what the writer is hoping to explore, and aim to provide an initial response, perspective, guidance around the craft of playwriting, and further questions, rather than critical feedback.

Script Share is a FREE opportunity for playwrights, selected via lottery.

*No script submission required to enter the lottery pool*


This program is intended to serve aspiring playwrights who do not have access to script conversations via other networks; for example, those who are new to playwriting and/or who may not have received opportunities through school or within the industry to develop their writing skills.

If you are selected for Script Share, you will need to have a script ready to share and discuss with a theater professional. Your script can be in any stage of drafting/development for these conversations, but it must be a full draft (a rough first draft is fine, but it cannot be only scenes or pages)!

Please Note: Script Share is not part of our Open Submissions programs. To have your full length play considered for our Fellowship or Scratchpad opportunities, please see our open submissions page.

The Process

Script Share participants are selected via lottery.

Selected playwrights are paired with a theater professional based on availability.

The assigned theater professional reads a script draft provided by the playwright and engages in a one-hour discussion with the playwright.

Script Share sessions will be held from April - June 2021. To enter the lottery for this phase, please fill out the Script Share application form.


This form will close on Sunday, March 14th at 11:59pm Eastern.

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