Deadline: June 30, 2023 11:59 pm MDT
Google Form Application
Athena Project’s Read & Rant: A Plays In Progress Series
Submissions Accepted: June 15-30 for September Read & Rant
Athena Project’s new Read & Rant program seeks to combine the original form’s sharing of theatrical work with the wider public with the new play development aspects of Plays In Progress while also fostering collaboration between playwrights and dramaturgs. We are initiating these changes to Read & Rant with the goal to create digital opportunities for early and mid-career playwrights, uplifting women* writers and dramaturgs overall, and highlighting the underrepresentation of women* in these positions.
A total of five plays will be selected via lottery. Two of these plays will be featured in our next Read & Rant and will receive a moderated Zoom discussion led by a dramaturg and initial public feedback. The remaining three will still have an opportunity to receive short feedback from a dramaturg via a medium of their preference (written, audio recording, short video, or live phone call).
Submission Guidelines:
Playwright must be a woman* and may submit only one full-length script each month. Full-length is defined by at least 60 pages in standard playscript format.Only previously unproduced plays are eligible. Scripts with prior workshops, readings or academic productions are accepted, but the script should be revised prior to submission to Read & Rant so the playwright receives the most benefit from this opportunity. (Presently, we cannot accept musicals.)
Submission must include:
- Summary of the play only
- What you hope to personally experience by participating in Read & Rant and working with a dramaturg
- Resume in PDF format
- Completion of the short Google Form Application