Deadline: June 30, 2023
fiction fiction fiction fiction fixion fixion fixion fixion fickshun fickshun fickshun fickshun poems poems poems poems poh-ems poh-ems poh-ems poh-ems poetree poetree poetree plays plays plays plays plais plais plais plais playz playz playz playz all you’ve got to lose is your reputation take no prisoners c’mon submit we dare you wtf see guidelines for details see guidelines see ya. Runs June 1 to June 30.
Fiction: We take pretty much everything. Mainstream, traditional, literary, barbaric yawps, flash, metafiction, experimental, sci/fi, speculative, fantasy, mystery, micro, nano, grunge, bad (but it better be good!), modernist, post-modernist, spamlit, kitschlit, retro, metro, outsider, novel excerpts, graphic stories, even comics. Our only criterion is quality.
Poetry: Up to FIVE poems any style. Poems beyond that number will not be read.
Plays: Any style up to five acts.
Screenplays: any subject, any length.
Politically incorrect is welcome as long as it doesn’t devolve into invective!!