Deadline: June 30, 2023
the cell’s artist-in-residency is a selective program that develops new works by artists from across all disciplines throughout an annual cycle. Chosen applicants receive space, funding, guidance and other developmental resources. Depending on the project, artists will have access to production staff and technical support. For publicly ticketed presentations, marketing and box office services will be provided. Projects can range in scope from developmental workshops to full productions or exhibitions. The length of the residency may be anywhere from 1-8 weeks and the residency stipend ranges from $500 - $5000 depending on project requirements.
Located at 338 West 23rd street in the heart of Chelsea, the cell is a 501 (c) not for profit that occupies a four story townhouse with intimate workshop spaces, an elegant full-length gallery floor and a dynamic performance space. Our theatre is flexible, has full audio/visual capabilities and includes access to a backyard reception area as well as a green room for performers.
To get a better idea of the different performance/gallery spaces offered at the cell click here.
the cell exclusively develops new work and will only consider projects that have not been professionally produced and have supporting submission materials (e.g. a finished draft of a script, footage, designs, budget, collaborators, and/or a creative portfolio.)