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Sunday, April 9, 2017

Women in the Age of Trump: WAIT FOR IT by Lisa Carstens

WAIT FOR IT by Lisa Carstens is a finalist for NYCPlaywrights project "Women in the Age of Trump."

Lisa Carstens on her monologue:

I saw the call for Women in the Age of Trump and wrote this monologue that night. When a playwright friend saw my name on the list of semifinalists, she asked me what my entry was about, and I said it was “a weird and only tangentially relevant monologue that askance expresses the surreal woe of moving backwards in gender equity time.” She replied that she “couldn’t imagine what to write to respond to Trump. I’m stymied, flummoxed, incapacitated by the whole thing.” That’s when I realized that my monologue was about being stymied, flummoxed, and incapacitated by the whole thing.

Thanks to Lisa Carstens for allowing NYCPlaywrights to publish this video of her monologue WAIT FOR IT. And thanks to Diane Quinn and Bill Fuller for their good work.
LISA CARSTENS is Dean of Arts and Sciences and Professor of English at Pacific University, Oregon. Lisa recently had a short play produced as one of seven winners in The Fusion Theatre’s annual 10-minute playwriting competition, “The Seven” (Albuquerque NM, June 2016). Prior to that, the same play, “Future Perfect,” was a finalist in the Actor’s Theatre of Louisville’s 2015 National Ten Minute Play Contest.

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