We’re looking for short plays for our upcoming summer 2017 production. This year’s theme is ‘Silence is the loudest sound’. Plays should be between 10 -20 minutes with a cast size of 4 or less. Plays must include and mention a sycamore tree pendant.
In the subject line, please write: “Summer 2017 short plays production”
Submissions must also include:
- Playwright bio.
- A brief synopsis of the play and the set and tech requirements (Minimal set).
- Title page with the name, address and telephone number of the playwright,
- on all pages, please place the title of the play at the top of each numbered page.
- Play must be original, unpublished, unproduced and free of royalty and copyright restrictions.
Play must not have already been produced in NYC. (Staged readings are acceptable.)
Playwrights must submit only 1 play for this showcase.
There is no pay and no entry fee.
There is no pay and no entry fee.
Email submissions only in either MS Word or PDF format.
Submission deadline: May 5th 2017.
Please send your submissions to emerald744@yahoo.com
For information about us please visit www.thespianproduction.com
Please send your submissions to emerald744@yahoo.com
For information about us please visit www.thespianproduction.com