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Sunday, January 31, 2016

MITF: Spring Seeks Children's Plays

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Dear Friend in the Theatre,  

Every small theatre company in the country is aware of the possibilities of children's theatre (meaning, for me, theatre performed by adults for children and their parents). Why? Because children's-theatre audiences are populated by people whose only requirement is that they have children (or be children). If you perform children's theatre and market it properly, you can expect regular audiences of people who otherwise wouldn't think of going to a play.

MITF: Spring is searching for companies who want to try out new material in this genre, either to see it on its feet, test it with a young audience, or develop an audience for themselves. To create a special focus for the genre, we're reserving special slots early on weekend mornings and in the daytime on Thursdays and Fridays (Mondays through Wednesdays are reserved for tech rehearsals). Details are straightforward: 
  • Dates for the Festival are March 7 - March 27, 2016.
  • The Venue for MITF: Spring is The WorkShop's Jewel Box Theatre, 312 W.36th Street, NYC.
  • Submission deadline is February 10, 2016. 
  • Plays must run 30-60 minutes. Better short than long.  The plays will be timed at tech and cannot go over.
  • Scripts should be submitted in standard playscript format.* 
  • Any subject matter okay, including musicals.
  • All plays must be off-book. There will be no staged readings. We have no interest in shows that require projections or other special effects. Smoke and fire are prohibited. 
  • Production requirements must be minimal: rehearsal cubes, a table or two, some chairs (all provided by the Festival), and your own props and costumes. There is no overnight storage at the Theatre.
  • No participation fee! 
  • Participants will receive a share of the door, if there is any.
  • Tickets are $20.00
  • Union and Non-Union Shows are accepted. The Festival will make adjustments to Equity shows' share of the profits, if any, to make up for the extra cost of complimentary tickets. 
  • The Festival provides a publicist, TD, box-office manager, and a board op.
  • While the Festival provides the venue and staff, you must provide the production. 
  • There will be a tech rehearsal running 2.5 times the running time of your show, and will be scheduled prior to your first show.
  • Performance will take place from 11 am to 2pm weekends. 
  • Each show will receive 3 performances, probably all in the same week.  
*12 pt Times Roman; character names in the middle on their own line; line spaces between speeches and stage directions; indented stage directions; 1" margins all around.  
Please send scripts to john.chatterton@gmail.com

John Chatterton 
Executive Producer, MITF: Spring, MITF: Summer, MITF: Fall, Short Play Lab.

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