New Stage will begin accepting manuscripts for the Eudora New Plays Series on November 1, 2013 for the 2014-2015 season. Deadline is July 31, 2014 for 2015 readings
- Plays for the Eudora Welty New Plays Series for the 2013-2014 have already been selected.
- Plays which have been produced professionally are ineligible. (Eligibility not affected by workshops, readings, community or academic production)
- Plays must be full length
- No musicals or children's plays are accepted at this time. Please include with the script, a synopsis of the play, a character breakdown, production requirements, time and place, a production history, and playwright's biography
- Mail hard copies of plays or letters of inquiry to the address below: manuscripts will be returned only if accompanied by self addressed and stamped envelope; acknowledgement of receipt only with enclosed SASE or postcard
- Response time: 6-8 months for play submission
- Playwrights are encouraged to continue to visit the website,, for more information
New Stage Theatre
Literary Department
1100 Carlisle Street
Jackson, MS 39202