Building on the success of our last three festivals, Red Bull Theater’s Short New Play Festival returns on Monday, July 14th, 2014. Six short plays will be selected from an open-submission process and presented in staged readings along side two short plays by commissioned writers, ANNE WASHBURN and DAVID IVES. Plays will be selected based on:
- Relevance to Red Bull Theater’s mission,
- Incorporation of stated theme (see below)
- Excellence of the work.
Write a short play of no more than 10 minutes in length that contains heightened language, verse, classical themes, or is an adaptation of a classical story. This year, each play must respond to the following theme: “RIDICULOUS/SUBLIME”. Selected plays will receive a staged reading performance in the festival and a small commissioning fee.
The Rules
• Each playwright may submit ONE SCRIPT only to
• Each play may be no more than TEN PAGES in font no smaller than 11pt (=10 minutes).
• We ONLY accept electronic submissions in PDF format. Do not mail printed scripts.
• INCLUDE writer contact information on the title page.
• Plays should be self-contained with a beginning, middle and end.
• Excerpts from full-length works are INELIGIBLE.
Click HERE to download the complete 2014 guidelines. Please read the guidelines caefully. Contact with questions.
We are unable to accept unsolicited manuscripts at this time EXCEPT for our annual Short New Play Festival.
For literary questions and inquiries, please write Please do not send inquiries without reading all our guidelines.
Literary Agent Submissions
Red Bull Theater is interested in new full-length plays and adaptations that relate to our mission. We are accepting submissions of new, full-length plays that align with our mission from literary agents only. We are unable to accept unsolicited manuscripts. Due to the number of submissions we receive, it can take more than six months for your work to be read. We will contact you only if we are interested in pursuing your submission further.
Due to the specific nature of our mission, please review our history before submitting through your agent. We accept submissions year-round from literary agents only. (The only exception to this is our annual open-submission short new play festival.) Along with your letter of inquiry, please send your bio or resume, a synopsis of your play with character breakdown, and the play's production or development history.
Please DO NOT MAIL submissions. We are unable to return manuscripts.