Avatar Repertory Theater (A.R.T.) presents A VIRTUAL SHORT PLAY BUFFET, inviting writers to submit original short plays (3-10 minute plays or excerpts from larger pieces that stand on their own) to be produced on the virtual platform of Second Life® (www.secondlife.com). Of the 24 plays selected for readings at A.R.T. Plays Around on Friday nights at 5 pm April-May 2011, five will receive a full production in July 2011. Playwrights do not have to be residents of Second Life® but are encouraged to explore this unique venue for live theater.
If you are unfamiliar or new to Second Life®, email virtualshortplaybuffet@gmail.com and request a Tech Sheet. Join the Facebook group http://www.facebook.com/#!/home.php?sk=group_180615915298059.
In an email include your name title of your play, number of characters and technical requests. Remove your name from the script and attach to the email and send to virtualshortplaybuffet@gmail.com.. DEADLINE IS MARCH 10, 2011.
A.R.T. was founded in 2008 by Sodovan Torok and Ada Radius and now consists of 21 actors, directors, playwrights and designers, most of whom have extensive real life experience. Actors use Second Life Voice to accompany avatars of all shapes and sizes. Sets, costumes, scripted objects and props, animations and avatar designs are created by company members. The options for creativity allow for innovation beyond the possibilities in real life. Some presentations have streamed on the internet and machinimas (cinema + machine) are in the works. The trailer for A.R.T.’s production of Oedipus Rex can be seen at: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jnW26MiYu3w
We never post opportunities that require a submission fee. LEARN MORE.
Blog Archive
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