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Monday, January 20, 2025

RESISTING FASCISM ~ Take Him! Take Me! by Paul Bowman

Paul Bowman has been a farm boy, soldier, bartender, nursing home maintenance man. He writes plays and fictions. His one-acts have been staged in twelve states, Australia, and Canada. Four short plays and twenty-one stories have been published in literary journals. Another play, It's Going to be a Great Day, was also selected as a semifinalist in a previous call for plays by the NYC Playwrights and was later published by FRESH WORDS literary journal.

What inspired Take Him Take Me was reading accounts of family members deciding to break off relations with siblings or parents after learning that they voted for Trump. I also wondered how it would feel to see someone you know and like but is foreign-born to be taken away in front of you and you are powerless to stop it. Would that scary moment call you to action? To end a relationship with someone you thought you knew but did not?  
     ~ Excerpt published by permission, all rights held by the playwright.

If you enjoy a piece published in the RESISTING FASCISM project, we encourage you to reach out to the playwright to tell them so. If the playwright has not included an email address or website, let us know at info@nycplaywrights.org and we'll pass along your message.

            ICE OFFICER
Ma’am, do not interfere!!
        (pointing at MIKE)
Take him.
Take him! He is the one you want! He does not belong in this country!!
Carla! Are you crazy?
He sells drugs! He’s a dealer! Arrest him!
It’s true! Check the trunk of his car if you want proof.
Carla, shut the hell up!
His real name is Mikhail. He’s from Russia. And he has no documentation.
Carla! What the hell is the matter with you?
Just telling the truth, Mikhail Boreski. Just telling the truth.
I’m an American! I was born here.
Liar. You worship the President. What good is that going to do you when they haul your ass away? He’s not going to save your ass. Fool.
Why are you saying these things? What has gotten into you?
I’m tired of it. Tired of hiding you. Lying about you to my friends and family.
        (pointing to ICE OFFICER)
If he doesn’t take you in I’ll call his boss. Then it is over for you. You’ll be just like Nadia. Maybe you can share the same cell. How about that, Mikhail Boreski?
        [ICE OFFICER stares at MIKE.]
Stop this! Stop it! Shut up!
        [PAUSE. CARLA suddenly laughs.]
Yeah, I made it up, officer. Mike’s father is actually a Shawnee. His mother a Cherokee. Pure blood. True patriot.
You trying to be funny?
I’m tired of your....bullshit patriotism. Which is not the real thing.
[CARLA goes to ICE OFFICER. She extends her arms, wrists together, toward him.]
Take me.
            ICE OFFICER
I don’t know what you’re trying to prove.
            ICE OFFICER
Back off.
[CARLA grabs NADIA’S arms. She pulls her away from the ICE OFFICER. ICE OFFICER reaches for NADIA. CARLA stands between them.]
(an angry whisper)
Take me.
            ICE OFFICER
I said back off.
Take me.
Stop it!
I’m trying to. Are you?
            (to ICE OFFICER)
What are you waiting for? Arrest me.
            ICE OFFICER
You’re under arrest.
            ICE OFFICER
I said you’re under arrest.
[CARLA interlocks her arms with NADIA’S.]
            (a plea)
Shut-up and goodbye.
You’re being an idiot.
Look who’s talking.
Get a divorce attorney.

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