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Friday, January 24, 2025

RESISTING FASCISM ~ Weitiko Principle by Christopher Soucy

Christopher Soucy is a playwright living in Savannah, Georgia. He has been a theater professional in the south east for over thirty years and is a co-founder of Odd Lot Improv and Savannah Shakes Theater Company.

IG: @soucywriter
FACEBOOK: @soucyman

     ~ Excerpt published by permission, all rights held by the playwright.

If you enjoy a piece published in the RESISTING FASCISM project, we encourage you to reach out to the playwright to tell them so. If the playwright has not included an email address or website, let us know at info@nycplaywrights.org and we'll pass along your message.

I don’t know how to handle this deep hatred I have for those mother fuckers. 
Yeah... that’s a toughy. 
I’ve tried to purge them from my life... But they make up half the goddamn country. I don’t know who’s safe.
Mmm... maybe no one is. 
You want to combat the evil?  
Good. To make it easier, you must think of the evil as a disease. 
A disease. Spreading rampantly throughout the land. 
What kind of disease? 
Selfishness. Greed. Excess. All of these things inspire people to cannibalize their fellow human beings. 
Those are choices, not a disease. 
Perhaps. But when we think of it like a disease, it makes sense to still engage with those infected. We hope that they will come to health. We hope that we can provide a means for them to come to health. 
That’s crazy. That won’t work. They don’t think they are sick! 
And that is why it spreads so virulently. Fight the evil. Not the person. Forgive the person. 
I can’t. 
And that’s okay. I’m not saying it’s easy. I’m not sayingbyou’ll succeed. But you must not let the same evil consume you. 
What? I’m not!
No? You are not feeding your rage. Pitting yourself against everything and everyone. 
They’re wrong. 
And they will never learn to be right if they are cut off from examples. If you vilify them, they will respond with villainy. 
But they won’t change. 
No. They won’t. But what’s important, truly important, is for you not to change. For you not to give in to fear and hate and prejudice. 
This is ridiculous. You don’t know what you’re talking about. 
I’m a figment of your imagination. A slightly racist figment. But, I’ll let it slide. The nation is facing a terrible crisis. My people call it Wetiko. An evil that preys upon the spirit. It contaminates and twists otherwise good people into selfish acts. 
It sounds like you’re asking me to just roll over. 
What? No. Fight. Fight with everything you have. Show nobility. Show understading. For as selfishness can be spread from person to person, so can compassion. 
What if I fail? 
We do not do these things to succeed. We do them because they are right. And sometimes, what is right does not win. But that is no reason to stop trying. 
 So... what? I just let these fucking pieces of shit back into my life? 
No. God no. But maybe stop filling yourself up so full of venom that it comes spilling out so readily. Try to evaluate the people in your life on an individual basis. Perhaps, some of those you have cut out of your life may have a place in it after all. 
You think I should take Ben back? 
Fuck no! That guy’s an asshole and a half. 
Okay... Thanks.
Don’t thank me... I’m probably just a manifestation of a Wikipedia article you read once and forgot about. 
Good luck. 
It’ll be hard, but it will be worth it.

The latest fascist atrocity: Trump pardons thousands of violent criminals and traitors

History will remember this as one of the worst moments of the United States of America, and the people who supported this monster will be rightly condemned as fools and cultists.

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