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Monday, January 27, 2025

RESISTING FASCISM ~ Less is More by Frank Shima

Member of Playwrights’ Center Frank Shima, a native of Minnesota, either entertains or annoys neighbors by playing Czech songs on his accordion. He has written four novels, VENCIL, DEAD LETTER, PLUM CREEK, and LYING IN THE WEEDS, available on Amazon. His plays have been performed throughout the United States in Alabama, California, Florida, Georgia, Long Island, Louisiana, Massachusetts, Minnesota, New York City, North Carolina, and Ohio, and in England and Wales where he learned not to use unleaded gas in a diesel engine.
The premise for “Less is More” came from the poem “First They Came” by Pastor Martin Niemoller. When a regime tries to eliminate everything that it doesn’t agree with, it affects everyone. You never know when you yourself will be targeted. They might come for you and there will be no one to speak out for you. Less Government – More Freedom is actually More Government – Less Freedom.
America was built on diversity. It is this diversity that made America great. And it is this diversity that will allow America to survive a fascist regime.
     ~ Excerpt published by permission, all rights held by the playwright.

If you enjoy a piece published in the RESISTING FASCISM project, we encourage you to reach out to the playwright to tell them so. If the playwright has not included an email address or website, let us know at info@nycplaywrights.org and we'll pass along your message.



Be realistic. There are some things the government provides that are necessary.


And who decides?


It should be obvious.

Like the things you want and need.  

Precisely. If I don’t need it, other people shouldn’t either.

But all people aren’t the same. 

That’s the problem. The differences in people are what cause the problems.


So, you are against anything different than you.


Of course. That should be obvious. Doesn’t everyone feel that way?


Not really. It seems to me that you now have LESS freedom.


I have the freedom to live the life I want in the house I want.
Without government controls. 

Yes. There were just too many government rules and regulations.

Maybe they were there for a reason. 
Just to cost me more money for permits. 
Or maybe so your house is built correctly and safe to live in.

Never mind. I can watch out for myself. 

And if someone can’t.


That’s their problem.

Until it becomes your problem. 

I was just wondering, Monty. Where are you going when you have to leave the country? 

What do you mean? I’m not going anywhere.


That’s what you think.


I wonder if you agree with the latest presidential executive order?


I agree with all of them. They’re for the good of the


I don’t think you’ll agree with this one.


Why not?


We weren’t going to say anything. But your neighbor told us you weren’t born in the United States. 

So what? I’m a naturalized citizen. I fulfilled all the
requirements and took the oath of allegiance.


It doesn’t matter. The President has rescinded all of them by proclamation.


He can’t do that.


He can and he did. Your naturalization has been revoked, repealed, and annulled.


You’re out of here.


That can’t be. My whole life is here. My whole family.

They’re out of here, too.


That can’t do that to me.


What do you think of your less government now?


And your more freedom?

It’s not right. It isn’t fair.

Of course, it’s not fair. But it’s what you voted for.'

THE LATEST TRUMP FASCISM ATROCITY: Pete Hegseth was confirmed as Trump’s defense secretary despite allegations of sexual assault and spousal abuse

The Guardian:  ...experts raised alarms about Hegseth’s apparent affinity for far-right symbols – noting that his tattoo sleeve featured at least two images associated with far-right and neo-Nazi groups. Hegseth himself has complained publicly that the US Army declined his service during Joe Biden’s 2021 inauguration after a fellow servicemember flagged him as a potential insider threat.

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