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Wednesday, February 7, 2024

The Alpine Fellowship Theatre Prize 2024


Deadline: March 1, 2024 at 23:59 (UK time)


Awarded for the best playwriting response on the theme of ‘Language’.


The winner of the Theatre Prize will receive a cash prize to support the writing of their proposed play, and the runners up will receive travel expense support that must be used to attend our 2024 symposium - dates and venue to be announced.

First place: £3,000

Second place: £1,000

Third place: £1,000


Open to all nationalities.

Applicants must be aged 18 or above at the time of entry.

All entries must be written in English.

Applicants can only enter one of our prizes.

Limited to one entry per person.

Travel expenses can be used for economy travel costs only and are not exchangeable for cash, any leftover travel budget will not be redeemed as cash.

Travel expenses can be used for transport only and cannot be used towards accommodation outside of the dates of our symposium.


To apply you will be asked to submit the following:

A 500-word synopsis of your proposed play, including story and characters.

A 500-word explaniation of how your idea responds to our theme.

A 250-word summary of your previous theatre experience.

A sample of previous work of at least 10 pages, so that we can get a sense of your voice, style and tone.

About your proposed play:

Final plays must be no more than 45 minutes in length.

Final plays must require no more than three actors.

The winning proposal should be written between March-August, so you should have sufficient writing time within that period to complete and re-draft your play.

The winning play will be performed as a rehearsed reading so simplicity in staging is preferred.

Plays can already be written, but must not have previously been performed, including as a reading or workshop production.

Submissions will be judged anonymously so please ensure your name does not appear anywhere on your submission materials.

Please follow us on Instagram to stay up to date with latest news.

*Please note: we reserve the right to change any aspect of our prizes at any point during the submission or judging process, or to not award a prize if we wish.

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