Deadline: December 16, 2022, 5PM PST
Application form
ReImagine will work in a two-phase application process. You do NOT need to have a script ready to submit in order to apply. However, scripts/drafts/treatments will be requested in Phase Two.
Phase One - Deadline 5pm PST December 16, 2022
Playwrights will be asked to submit a short application that includes the following narrative questions:
Tell us about yourself -- this could be a statement, a poem, a monologue, the lyrics for a song...any text-based way you’d like to tell us about who you are and why you write. (Max: 1 page)
Why do you want to write for young people? (Max: 1 page)
Describe your project -- what is the story? Why do you feel compelled to tell this story at this moment? (Max: 2 pages)
What are you looking to achieve in a development process? What resources will you need? (Please be transparent about your needs - we would rather know now and your answer will not determine whether you are selected!) (Max: 1 page)
Each question and answer should be saved as a unique document for upload -- Word and PDF formats accepted. Please label each document with your last name and the question number (E.G. JonesQuestion1.pdf)
Questions? Contact us at
We will do our best to respond quickly, however allow up to 48 hours for a response - thank you!
Phase Two -- Deadline February, 2023
At this time, playwrights who move to the second phase will be asked to submit a sample of the proposed work. This could be a full draft, a partial draft, a treatment, an outline, or any text-based representation of the work. Playwrights might be asked to answer additional questions and/or participate in an interview.
Final selections will be made by the Advisory Council and announced in May, 2023.
ReImagine will work in a two-phase application process. You do NOT need to have a script ready to submit in order to apply. However, scripts/drafts/treatments will be requested in Phase Two.
Phase One - Deadline 5pm PST December 16, 2022
Playwrights will be asked to submit a short application that includes the following narrative questions:
Tell us about yourself -- this could be a statement, a poem, a monologue, the lyrics for a song...any text-based way you’d like to tell us about who you are and why you write. (Max: 1 page)
Why do you want to write for young people? (Max: 1 page)
Describe your project -- what is the story? Why do you feel compelled to tell this story at this moment? (Max: 2 pages)
What are you looking to achieve in a development process? What resources will you need? (Please be transparent about your needs - we would rather know now and your answer will not determine whether you are selected!) (Max: 1 page)
Each question and answer should be saved as a unique document for upload -- Word and PDF formats accepted. Please label each document with your last name and the question number (E.G. JonesQuestion1.pdf)
Questions? Contact us at
We will do our best to respond quickly, however allow up to 48 hours for a response - thank you!
Phase Two -- Deadline February, 2023
At this time, playwrights who move to the second phase will be asked to submit a sample of the proposed work. This could be a full draft, a partial draft, a treatment, an outline, or any text-based representation of the work. Playwrights might be asked to answer additional questions and/or participate in an interview.
Final selections will be made by the Advisory Council and announced in May, 2023.
ReImagine is open to ANY playwright of color who is specifically writing for young audiences. We encourage projects from early career playwrights as well as experienced playwrights. Playwrights need to be currently residing in the United States.
Definition: Playwright — the generative artist(s) who create the script/story. We are open to teams of playwrights/generative artists, including but not limited to devising teams and playwright/composer teams.
Definition: Playwright of Color — any playwright who self-identifies as Black/African American, Indigenous, Native American, Latinx, Asian-American, Pacific-Islander, Pilipino, and/or multi/mixed race.
Definition: Young Audiences — children aged 2-18. We are seeking stories that are specifically created for this audience — if you have a play that was written for adults/young adults that “could be okay for teens, too,” we applaud your work but this application isn’t a good match.