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Friday, December 2, 2022

The 48th Annual Samuel French Off Off Broadway Short Play Festival


Deadline: December 15, 2022 at 11:59 EST
Or when 850 submissions are received.


The 2023 OOB Festival will be accepting submissions starting on December 1. This year, we will be capping submissions at 850, as we are committed to providing thorough and thoughtful consideration to each script in a timely manner. 

Submissions will close when we either reach our limit of 850 submissions or our deadline of December 15, 2022 at 11:59pm EST.

We are still very much taking COVID-19 into consideration. Should your play be selected, all playwrights, producers, casts, or anyone affiliated attending in person will be required to be fully vaccinated in accordance with New York City and our performing venue guidelines. As it was successful last year both in presenting the plays and providing a safer environment for production, the 2023 OOB Festival will present the Top 30 plays as staged readings.

We’ve made a few changes to our submission guidelines. Check them out below.


Short plays and musicals can be no longer than 15 pages and have a max run time of 15 minutes (ideal run times are between 8-13 minutes). If submitting a musical the page limit should reflect the libretto.

Writers may submit only 1 play, including plays they have co-authored. Producers (writer’s groups, theatre companies, universities, etc.) may submit up to 15 plays accredited to their organization, but can only submit one play by an individual playwright.

Script submissions will be accepted in digital format only, via Submittable.

Each nomination must submit a separate application form. Conglomerate entries on one application are not acceptable.

Plays must be written in English (non-English words or phrases within the context of the play are allowed).

Plays must be typed, and in no less that 10-point type, in conjunction with formatting suggestions listed in the Dramatist Guild’s Formatting Guidelines. Note that cover pages or additional cast size pages are not required and will not be counted against the 15 page limit.

Playwrights previously published by any Concord Theatricals company, including Concord Theatricals, Samuel French, Inc., Tams-Witmark, Rodgers & Hammerstein, or The Musical Company, are not eligible for submission into the Off Off Broadway Short Play Festival. This includes winners of previous Samuel French Festivals.

If a play was submitted to the Festival in a previous year but was not chosen for production, it may be resubmitted for the 2023 Festival.

Poetry and short story readings will not be accepted.

Concord Theatricals in its sole and absolute discretion, shall select plays for participation in the 2023 OOB Festival from among all entries, and its decisions are final. Concord Theatricals reserves the right to remove any selected play from participation if the play, its producers, and/or its authors are not in compliance with the Application and/or the Competition Guidelines, and/or if the additional documents are not timely signed and returned. Production of selected plays shall be at the sole cost and expense of the Producer, and no royalties or other payments are or will be owed by Concord Theatricals.

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