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Monday, December 21, 2020

NYCPlaywrights 10 Year Anniversary: Steven Carinci

It's the 10 Year Anniversary of the NYCPlaywrights web site and we've asked readers to share their stories of productions, readings etc. they may have found through of our blog and weekly email.

Thanks to Steven Carinci for sharing.

Steven writes:
My play, Coyotes finished in a three-way tie for Best Play in the Fifth Avenue Theatre of New York Virtual Fall Festival 2020 Play Festival. I naturally discovered the link via NYC Playwrights which has over the years been a valuable resource that has allowed my plays to be performed around the U.S.A. I appreciate the opportunities afforded me and look forward to utilizing your website in the future.



I urge NYC Playwright readers to please feel free to click on the Youtube link to view Coyotes or you may link to it via Piney Fork Press. Enjoy!


Thanks Steven, it's great to hear that NYCPlaywrights has helped another playwright find opportunities! 


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