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Monday, December 14, 2020

Theatre In My Pajamas is looking for multi-act plays for serial readings

Facebook page

Deadline: December 18, 2020

Theatre In My Pajamas is looking for multi-act plays for serial readings on Zoom that will be read over multiple weeks from January through March and maybe beyond.

A group that started out as a dozen theatre geeks has grown to a thriving community of nearly 600 members. Since March, we have had readings and open mics of new plays, unrehearsed, and the results have been powerful. Our readings have been ten-minute plays, and they have featured playwrights from Vermont to New Zealand. But we are now ready to grow. Get your pajamas on and send us your work.

Submission requirements:

Length: No more than 120 minutes.

Cast: No more than six characters (double casting is fine but it should be clear in the dramatis personae, and they don’t need to be in search of an author).

Submissions will be accepted up to December 18.

Please send your submissions to: theatreinmypajamas@gmail.com

TIMP will not accept plays that are culturally insensitive or promote cultural appropriation.


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