This prize is offered as a memorial to honor the memory of the mothers of the founders. Having been in the “theater business” for a number of years, we are well aware of how discouraging it can be to submit plays and to receive no positive feedback. At times it seems that all our efforts, expectations and dedication are wasted.
Our prize is intended to identify dramatic talent, to give it a degree of acknowledgment, and to provide encouragement to continue. The prize is awarded based upon written scripts. The prize will, we hope, provide talented (struggling?) playwrights with some needed encouragement when any success seems impossibly far away.
The judges will accept only the first 75 submissions for each season; the cutoff date for each season is posted at the top of this website. A prize will be given four times a year, once each season. This means that all plays submitted within a season, Spring, Summer, Fall and Winter will be judged as a distinct group. First place winners will receive $35 and a certificate, second place winners will receive $10 and a certificate, third place winners will receive $5 and a certificate. Honorable mentions will only receive a certificate. The award is admittedly nominal. However, it may help you get your play produced in the future. And it should make you feel better about your work.
There is no fee to submit a play. Submissions are by email only. You must submit a word document or PDF file of your work.
Submissions will be as either rejected or entered into a pool of potential winners. The final winner will be determined at the end of each submission period. Winning plays and playwrights, with permission, will be identified.
If desired, we will provide a brief evaluation as to defects and/or suggestions for improvement of rejected plays. Let us know, in your submission, if you desire this. Be warned; we will be tough. We are VERY candid.
Optional Fees:
$7 for a detailed review
$10 for a detailed analysis of your play plus suggestions for improvements
Fees are payable via PayPal, credit card or check. Indicate in your submission e-mail if you wish to receive a review and how you will pay for it, you will then be contacted with the payment information.
Reviews may be quoted or used in any way desired by the author.
The judges do not intend to produce any of the prize-winning plays, except in highly unusual conditions.
- Please submit one play per season, multiple submissions will be ignored.
- Plays previously produced, or entered in other contests, are acceptable.
- Plays must have a widespread audience appeal.
- Plays must not contain any profanity, blasphemy, or vulgarity.
- Theatre of the Absurd plays are not acceptable.
- Plays may be on any subject as long as they show talent and effort.
- Do not send any music. The lyrics alone are sufficient
- Plays should be in the English language only and be presented in play format.
- Play must be free from grammatical errors. Use spell and grammar check please.
- Plays with editing errors will be judged harshly.
- If scripts are more than 60 pages, send us the first half, if we desire the second half we will request it.
- Synopsis and autobiographical information are not necessary.
- Your play should be presented with regard to realistic requirements which can be met by Community Theatre with regard to cast, scenery, sets, lighting, sound effects, etc. Community theater groups often operate with limited budgets.
Submit your play to
Good luck, God bless and keep creating.