Submit a play to the 2014 FMTC playwright contest, and you could see it produced in August! Be a part of bringing your original work to life on stage! We are accepting One-Act plays anywhere from 9-100 pages, and are taking submissions until February 15th.
Last year, our winning playwright received 5- star write ups from the D.C. area press- so get those plays in, and see what lies ahead for you!
Guidelines & Frequently Asked Questions
- Must be between 9-100 pages in length, and in One Act (no intermission).
- Must be an original piece (not performed with any other institution, and your own work)
- Community appropriate
- Written by a current student (6th-undergrad)
- Minimal spelling and grammar errors
- Follows (or very close to following) the correct format (see below).
- Must have a cover sheet attached with the playwright's name and the title of the play. A character description sheet must be included, as well as a brief "story of the play."
- No more than two submissions per playwright
- Include contact info (name, cell phone number, email) so we can contact you if you win!
- You must submit by February 15 at 11:59 pm. No exceptions.
The rubric we'll be judging on is here- as is a link to our official rules.
And here's an example of a play in the preferred format- a scene from an original piece we produced in 2012.
Frequently Asked Questions
How do I submit my play?
You can click the above 'Submit your play!" button, or email selected, when would my play be performed? When would rehearsals/ auditions be? Would i get to be a part of that process?
Yes! You would. That's one of the great things about this contest- the playwright is involved throughout the production if they're selected. The plays would be performed on August 7,8, and 9, and the production process would start in Mid-March.Can i submit my play to other contests?
Certainly. Our only stipulation is that FMTC must be the first place the work you submit is performed.Is there a cash prize?
No, but we feel that seeing you work performed for a live audience is worth much more than a cash prize ever would be.How many plays are selected? How are they selected?
We'll select anywhere from 1-6 winners, depending on quality and quantity of submissions, and length of winning plays. Two full-lengths would be too many, but four ten minute one acts would be much too short. We have a panel reading through all plays, and they will provide each playwright with feedback in writing, regardless of selection for performance.Can my submission be a musical?
Yes! Remember, however, FMTC is on a tight budget. Nothing too extravagant without some serious concessions by the playwright will be able to be performed.Do my cover sheet, character description sheet, and 'Story of the play' count on my 9-100 page limit?
No. We're looking for 9-100 pages of dialogue.