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Tuesday, October 1, 2013

0-60: Ten Minute Play Competition

web site

Open to any theme, style and approach, playwrights are invited to submit a maximum of one (1) script. Scripts should run no longer than ten minutes. Stapled copies are fine. Set and technical requirements should be minimal. Each script must include author-contact information on its cover page.

There is no fee to enter.

(NOTE: Anyone affiliated with Longwood University–students, former students, employees and their families–are ineligible for this competition.)

All six winners  will receive a full production.

Winners will be notified by e-mail and then posted on brierycreek.wordpress.com on or before December 15, 2013. Plays will be produced in late April.

Please send plays (hard copies only) to the following address (Postmarked) between
September 15 and October 15:

0 to 60: Longwood Ten-Minute Play Festival
English Department
Longwood University
201 High Street
Farmville, VA 23909

If you have any questions please e-mail Semein Washington at semein.washington@live.longwood.edu

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