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Tuesday, January 28, 2025

Theatre Southwest 28th Annual Theatre Southwest Festival of Originals


Deadline: April 5th, 2025

Theatre Southwest of Houston, Texas is accepting entries from now until April 5th, 2025 for the 28th Annual Theatre Southwest Festival of Originals to be presented July 25th-August 9th, 2025.

The TSW-FOO is FREE to enter and will once again be calling for short one act (20 minute) plays in any and all genres from all over the country and the world.

Submission Guidelines:

Each playwright may submit up to 2 plays for consideration.

All entries should be unpublished and previously unproduced in the Houston area.

All Genres are accepted. We produce an eclectic variety of plays, but comedies are always appreciated.

Monologues or One Actor plays are not accepted.

Plays should be 20 minutes in length (give or take a minute or two).

Page count should be no less than 17, but no more than 22 pages. 12 point font (Courier, Arial or Times New Roman) and using Standard Playwriting Format.

There is no maximum limit of characters or sets, but common sense should be used as 5 plays will be produced in one evening.

Number all pages of the scripts, and scripts MUST be securely bound by three hole punch with brads or three hole punch folder. NO STAPLES!

Scripts must be submitted by postal mail ONLY. Emailed PDF or Word files will not be considered.

Scripts (hard copies) cannot be returned.

NOTE: We apologize for the inconvenience of mailed in hard copies for all domestic entities, but the fest does make exceptions for overseas entries. If you are entering from another country you may email a PDF to: mimiholloway@gmail.com This is also the email to address any questions.

Be sure to include your contact information; phone number, email, and mailing address on the title page of each script.

List all characters with a brief character description.

Please include a one paragraph synopsis of the play.

Make sure all mailed entries are POSTMARKED by April 5th, 2025.

Overseas entries must be emailed before 11:59pm April 5th, 2025.

One hundred dollars will be paid to all playwrights selected for production.

Scripts should be mailed to:

Theatre Southwest
8944 Clarkcrest St.
Houston, Texas 77063-4004

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