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Friday, November 11, 2022

Equity Library Theater of New York Winter 2023 Virtual Play Festival


Deadline:  March 30. 2023

Submissions are now being accepted for the Equity Library Theater of New York Winter 2023 Virtual Play Festival. Seeking short plays (no more than 15 pp/minutes), from playwrights from around the world. 

Also seeking monologues (no more than 4pp/minutes). 

Musicals welcome! 

We post your YouTube link of the performance to the festival site for voting. We will also present selected plays in person in the spring of 2023 in Midtown, at no cost to anyone. One submission per playwright. No submission fees. 

Please include name, address, telephone number and email address on your submission. 

We do not produce your work; we provide a venue for you to present actors performing your play. There are no costs involved for anyone. Seeking actors and directors, too! 

Email: equitylibrarytheater@gmail.com.

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