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Saturday, October 1, 2022



Deadline: December 1, 2022 at 6PM EST

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The Evolution of Human Rights

October 1 - December 1, 2022. All submissions must be received by 6pm on December 1, 2022. No exceptions.

Submissions that do not meet the guidelines below will not be accepted.

One submission per writer, please

Winners will be announced April 1, 2023


To celebrate the vitality of classical themes in new work, PAC invites playwrights to submit for consideration for our third annual New Ventures Play Festival.

The theme for the plays is The Evolution of Human Rights

5 plays of no more than 10 minutes each will be selected for a staged reading during our festival taking place in June at the Proscenium Theatre at the Drake.


For inspiration, take a stroll through our website. Read through our mission, look at our past production and reading history, and even take a look at the adaptations and scripts we have worked on over the years.

Past PAC productions: https://www.philartistscollective.org/past-productions.html
PAC adaptations/script library: https://www.philartistscollective.org/script-library.html

Or gain inspiration from revisiting some of your own favorite classics! Whether you experienced Antigone for the first time in your High School English class, had a passion for Jane Austen’s literature growing up, or recently discovered an obsession with the ancient Mahābhārata, there are a wide variety of classical works to choose from – so don’t feel limited!

Create a 10-minute play that responds, resonates, or retorts the themes, characters, and/or essence of the work you discover. Use The Evolution of Human Rights as your guide. It may lead to a new verse form or a new language altogether, or it may be a direct rebuttal of the themes you encounter. We are looking for creativity and honesty.

The classical canon has expanded and continues to grow to include playwrights not previously recognized for their creativity and artistic endeavors. As a theatre company that specializes in rare classics, we leave it to you to decide what you consider a classic to be and what those classical themes are, as long as you are able to back up that reasoning and establish those connections in your play submission.

  • Based on the theme of The Evolution of Human Rights, please submit a play that:Is in response to, in conversation with, or inspired by classical work and ties into “The Illusion of Time”
  • Is a finished piece with a beginning, middle, and end
  • Is no more than 10 minutes in length
  • An original, never published or previously produced new work - this includes virtual productions. By submitting your play to this year’s festival, you affirm that your play is a world premiere that has never been produced virtually or in person and has never been previously submitted in prior years of PAC’s NVPF.

  • Each of the 5 chosen plays will be selected based on:Clearly demonstrated excellence
  • Relevance to the mission of PAC
  • Incorporation of theme
  • Creative use of language/classical themes/conversation with the classics as outlined in the TO GET STARTED section above.
  • As a new/never before produced play or world premiere

Submissions will be accepted until 6pm EST on Thursday, December 1, 2022.
No exceptions or phone calls, please.

  • Selected playwrights will receive the following:Two staged readings of their script during the New Ventures Festival on two dates in June 2023 by a core group of professional Philadelphia-based actors;
  • A dedicated dramaturg and director;
  • A commission fee of $100
  • Final script approval and will be consulted on choices for shared ensemble cast
  • The love and admiration of actors, peers, and audiences

Each script must be no longer than 10 pages (excluding title page and character list)
Font no smaller than 11 point please
When read aloud, play should not exceed 10 minutes
Please submit in PDF format. Name the file as the exact title of your play.
Please do not ask for comments on your submission
Please submit only through the submission Google form

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