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Friday, July 30, 2021

Independent International Award for Improper Dramaturgy «Neem-2021. Turquoise edition» (all kinds of plays)

web site

Deadline: September 2, 2021

1. Goals and objectives

The «Neem» award was created to support and identify underground dramatic waters.

2. Organizers

Jenya Stashkov, Performance-troupe «Vibrating body»

3. Nominations

Awarded one prize in the nomination «A play that no one will ever agree to stage»

4. Prizes

The author of the play-winner will receive a cash prize: 2000 rubles.

The best plays will be staged in the format of reading, sketching or performance by Performance-troupe «Vibrating body».

5. Requirements for the submitted works

Formal requirements are absent.

There are no linguistic and geographical limits.

The author should provide personal information:

Name+Surname (or nickname), country and city

Plays should be sent to: pos.vostok@gmail.com

6. Terms of holding

Terms for the reception of plays: May 5, 2021 – September 5, 2021

Summing up: October – December 2021.

All information on the prize will be published on the website: https://vibratingbody.jimdofree.com

7. Copyright

All the rights to plays remain with the authors.

8. Back to the glorious past




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