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Wednesday, August 12, 2020

Spooky Action Theater New Works in Action

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Deadline: August 15, 2020 11:59 PM

New Works in Action (NWIA) aims to host a play development experience that is playwright-centered. All plays are read and evaluated by at least one Spooky Action staff member and an experienced reader. At various stages in your writing process, we can give you access to professional directors and actors to help you experience your play. We are here to serve you and your vision. You can read more about our past programming here.

New Submission Criteria for Round 13- Short Play Virtual Reading Series

Send us your most impossible short play. Do you have a brilliant idea for a play but you think can never be put onstage? We are looking to present digitally streamed readings of plays that still fit in the magic realism genre but include a certain epic or unbelievable element. Therefore, we are calling Round 13 “THE IMPOSSIBLE PLAY CYCLE.” We want short plays, ranging from 8 to 40 minutes (ideally between 5 and 35 pages). Selected plays will be rehearsed and presented on YouTube via Zoom in October. Additionally, due to the overwhelming popularity of our last round of submissions, we are only asking local DC/Baltimore area playwrights.

Submissions open July 1st and close August 15th at 11:59pm.

About Spooky Action Theater

Spooky Action’s programming fits within that ambiguous label of “magical realism”, and our definition expands to include stories from every race, culture, background, gender, orientation, and ability. We want plays that are mind-blowers. Reality twisters. We want plays that explore the primality of humanity, experience life in fresh ways, and reach beyond the conscious world. Styles and forms that break ordinary order and bend to a new paradigm of rules.
Please note: we do not typically look for sci-fi or horror scripts; instead, we are committed to scripts that live in the intersection of the cerebral and the soulful.

If you need additional accommodation, please contact
Casting Manager Bridget Grace Sheaff at bgsheaff@spookyaction.org

Please click the button below to submit your script. Thank you and good luck!

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