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Friday, May 1, 2020

InterAct submission guidelines

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Now Accepting General Submissions

To keep our finger on the pulse of what’s going on in our world and the world of theatre, we accept samples of plays pertaining to our mission.

Please prepare:

A 30-page sample of your play

A 200-word synopsis of your play

Any development or production history your play has had

Your bio
Some tips before you submit:

Take a look at our mission.
While the personal is political, InterAct focuses on plays that use the personal to explore the political. All My Sons is an InterAct play. Long Day’s Journey Into Night is not.

Consider your genre.
InterAct does not currently produce musicals or theatre for young audiences.

Include a specific character breakdown.
Be honest about how many actors the play requires, especially if it’s not clear from the character list. Keep in mind that InterAct rarely produces plays with more than six actors.

You don’t have to sell us in your synopsis.
To give context to your sample, we want to know about the shape of the full piece: major plot points, important characters and general themes. We don’t need the one- to two-sentence buzzword pitch; your sample will sell us.

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