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Deadline: June 4, 2020
10 minutes episodes for mobile phones via Quibi
Length: 3 – 15 ten minute episodes of 8-10 minutes each (suitable for new platform Quibi – designed for mobile phones)
10 minutes episodes for mobile phones via Quibi
Length: 3 – 15 ten minute episodes of 8-10 minutes each (suitable for new platform Quibi – designed for mobile phones)
Eligibility: Open to all, as long as it has not been published elsewhere. All submissions must be in English and conform to the green stories criteria of showing a positive vision of what a sustainable society might look like or in some way smuggling in green solutions/policies/characters in the context of an otherwise mainstream story.
Prizes: £750: 1st prize £500, 2nd prize £100, third prize £50. An additional prize of £50 for the best student submission (18-25 years) and £50 for best < 18-year submission (if sufficient high-quality entries).
Prizes: £750: 1st prize £500, 2nd prize £100, third prize £50. An additional prize of £50 for the best student submission (18-25 years) and £50 for best < 18-year submission (if sufficient high-quality entries).
If a student or under 18 entry is the best overall then it will win first prize regardless of whether the entry is from a student or under 18, and the student (or under 18) prize will then go to the next best student (or under 18) prize entry. (tbc – awaiting prize sponsorship confirmation).
Also your script will get a better reception if written in a standard TV episode format e.g. see https://downloads.bbc.co.uk/writersroom/scripts/screenplaytv.pdf