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Still Crazy... seeks short plays pertaining to the lives of today’s Senior Citizens!: lively, active, engaged! Please note:
Email submissions to info@straykatstheatrecompany.org
Include Name, address, email and contact phone number on each submission
Still Crazy... seeks short plays pertaining to the lives of today’s Senior Citizens!: lively, active, engaged! Please note:
- We seek plays that are relevant to active, over-55 community members who are looking for a delightful, uplifting evening in the theatre.
- All characters should be above the age of 50.
- Please avoid plays about the 3 Ds (death, dying and dementia) unless you can put a positive spin on it.
- Please do not submit plays you have submitted in the past.
- Please avoid plays that have been produced in CT
- Plays are read by 3 rounds of different judges: preliminary, semi-finals, finalists.
- A $3 donation per play to Stray Kats is appreciated but not mandatory to help defray the costs of readers. Over the last 3 years, we had over 1000 submissions. It takes time and energy. Your support is very appreciated. Donations may be made by clicking on the button below.
Email submissions to info@straykatstheatrecompany.org
Include Name, address, email and contact phone number on each submission