Send your full-length comedic script, and if it’s the funniest, you will receive $100 and confirmation that you are hilarious.
- Full-length comedic scripts (75-120 pages)
- Written in English within the last three years
- U.S.-based female playwrights
- Unpublished, no professional production but amateur, university productions and readings ok
- No restrictions on subject matter but please no screenplays, solo plays or children’s plays
- Limited to first 100 entries
- No entry fee
Deadline: February 4, 2018
How to Submit
- Email your script as a PDF to File name should be TitleOfPlay_Your Last Name
- Write Submission – Title of Play in subject line
- In body of email, list your name and email
- Be sure to include your name in the script
Feel free to contact Sandra Hosking, Women Are Funny Coordinator,, with any questions.