Experience Theatre Project, a 501c3 non-profit organization in the Portland, Oregon area, is looking for one-act and full-length scripts.
We seek work that:
- Has [relatively] simple casting, tech, costuming, and prop requirements
- Would work well in a non-proscenium seating environment, allowing the possibility of being performed in non-traditional spaces like a rooftop, restaurant, pub or brewery
- Feature immersive elements or takes advantage of being performed amidst or among (not “at”) a live audience
- Is entertaining, bold, and collaborative
- Has not had a fully-produced production in the past three years (workshops and readings are fine).
All work will be considered regardless of gender identity, ethnic background, skin color or sexual preference. We wish to curate voices which celebrate the diverse cultures.
Playwright Compensation: Upon production, playwright will receive a $500 finders fee, plus 5% of all net house receipts of the play’s world premiere production in Portland, Oregon in late 2018.
Submission Requirements:
- A one-page treatment of your piece
- A 10-page writing sample from the piece
- A brief cover letter telling us a little about yourself, the production’s history (whether it has been workshopped) and why you think this would be a good choice for Experience Theatre Project to produce
- A resume of your theatrical experience (optional)
Please submit your documents in PDF format ONLY.
If we would like to investigate further, we will ask for a full script submission. Please no more than three submissions per playwright. This is a national search.
No submissions will be reviewed after this date.
TO SUBMIT: Please email your information to playsearch@experiencetp.org. Finalists will be contacted via email no later than April 1, 2018 and asked to provide our company with a full copy of your play for further consideration.
If you have any questions, please feel free to email alisa [at] experiencetheatreproject.org.
TO SUBMIT: Please email your information to playsearch@experiencetp.org. Finalists will be contacted via email no later than April 1, 2018 and asked to provide our company with a full copy of your play for further consideration.
If you have any questions, please feel free to email alisa [at] experiencetheatreproject.org.