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The LTA Millennial Committee is sponsoring the third installment in our New Voices series and we need your scripts! The theme is “Conversations”, and we will be running immediately after two performances of the mainstage performance of The Audience by Peter Morgan.
New Voices provides a platform for unknown playwrights and young directors by staging original shows directed by Millennials. Following our two wildly successful 2017 events (9 original shows, almost 300 audience members) we will be putting on our spring event on the mainstage of LTA. To submit a show, please read the following closely.
Theme & Script Guidelines: The theme is “Conversations” - you can interpret this any way you wish, in any time period, with any characters. We do not feature shows with nudity, but strong language and/or themes are welcome. Shows must be 45 minutes or less.
Location: We will have mainstage access for our shows, however set needs to be minimal (ie, chairs and tables are fine, needing multiple levels or rooms sectioned off with flats are not). Please be aware if you submit a tech heavy show, we may not accept it or may alter the tech to suit the space.
Dates & Deadlines: Submissions must be received by December 22, 2017. All submissions will receive a notification regarding selection by December 31st.
Other Notes: It is free to submit, and no pay will be provided to winners; all involved with this project operate on a volunteer basis only. Comp tickets will be given to any winning playwright who chooses to attend. You may submit a maximum of two shows. More than one show from the same author may be selected. No age or geographical restrictions on playwrights, although Millennials will be given preference if shows are otherwise of equal quality. Shows may have been performed elsewhere. We will be posting scripts or portions of the script (playwright’s choice) online for a limited duration for prospective auditionees.
To Submit: Send the following to Ashley Amidon at aaamidon@gmail.com. Submissions not providing the following information will not be considered.
In the email: Please send an email to aaamidon@gmail.com with the subject "Spring Play Submission". In the body of your email, please include your full name, City/State of residence, approximate runtime of your play (45 minutes or less only), and whether you are 40 or under.
Attached to the email:
Please attach a full PDF copy of the script with no personal identifying information.
2. To be posted online if selected: either a 5 page selection of the script that can be shared with prospective directors and actors OR indicate in your email you are willing to share the entire script.
We never post opportunities that require a submission fee. LEARN MORE.
Monday, December 11, 2017
Blog Archive
- Happy New Year 2018
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